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Table 242. Average benefit expenditure for full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting institutions, by type of benefit and control of institution: Selected years, 1977-78 to 2002-03

              | Average |                      Average benefit expenditure per full-time faculty member receiving benefit
Year and      |    total|_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
control       | benefit |    Retirement plans  |Medical/|Guaranteed|Tuition|Housing| Social |Unemploy-|Group | Work- |  Other
              |     per |______________________| dental |disability|  plan |  plan |Security|    ment | life | men's |benefits
              |full-time|Total |Vested |Vested |  plans |   income |    for|       |  taxes | compen- |insur-|compen-|
              | faculty |      |within | after |        |protection|depen- |       |        |  sation | ance |sation |
              |  member |      |5 years|5 years|        |          | dents |       |        |         |      |       |
1             |       2 |    3 |     4 |     5 |      6 |        7 |     8 |     9 |     10 |      11 |    12|     13|      14
              |                                                 Current dollars
Total         |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
1977-78 ......|   $3,203|$1,725| $1,739| $1,691|    $521|       $96| $1,410|   $886|    $899|     $109|  $105|    $80|    $288
1982-83 ......|    5,799| 2,731|  2,741|  2,703|   1,111|       151|  1,993|  1,639|   1,712|      146|   138|    114|     915
1987-88 ......|    7,227| 3,677|  3,494|  4,028|   1,682|       132|  1,585|  2,004|   2,379|      134|   178|    190|     716
1992-93 ......|   10,473| 4,397|  4,391|  4,410|   3,266|       179|  2,196|  2,574|   3,168|      143|   237|    344|     874
1997-98 ......|   12,263| 5,289|  5,195|  5,498|   3,535|       218|  2,765|  4,100|   3,562|      158|   195|    340|   1,274
1998-99 ......|   12,580| 5,256|  5,268|  5,228|   3,726|       213|  3,012|  3,698|   3,668|      152|   190|    347|   1,093
1999-2000 ....|   13,227| 5,292|  5,365|  5,125|   3,989|       237|  3,362|  4,187|   3,793|      146|   190|    343|   1,415
2002-03 ......|   15,552| 5,781|  6,039|  5,208|   5,396|       264|  3,308|  4,329|   4,158|      170|   211|    411|   1,032
              |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
Public        |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
1977-78 ......|    3,252| 1,791|  1,833|  1,724|     560|        99|    430|    846|     911|       99|   105|     88|      94
1982-83 ......|    5,920| 2,846|  2,880|  2,776|   1,189|       153|    576|  1,027|   1,741|      139|   140|    115|     980
1987-88 ......|    7,146| 3,815|  3,602|  4,086|   1,757|       140|    404|  1,172|   2,399|      109|   180|    192|     611
1992-93 ......|   10,280| 4,467|  4,469|  4,464|   3,352|       188|    693|  1,135|   3,122|      117|   250|    318|     827
1997-98 ......|   12,114| 5,432|  5,302|  5,617|   3,646|       219|    830|  2,614|   3,482|      133|   187|    340|   1,442
1998-99 ......|   12,192| 5,249|  5,230|  5,276|   3,830|       202|    828|  1,826|   3,553|      127|   183|    348|   1,065
1999-2000 ....|   12,756| 5,258|  5,297|  5,200|   4,131|       237|    962|  2,283|   3,660|      121|   176|    347|   1,463
2002-03 ......|   15,097| 5,703|  5,968|  5,323|   5,565|       274|    978|  2,415|   4,005|      142|   198|    402|   1,058
              |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
Private       |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
1977-78 ......|    3,071| 1,509|  1,542|    905|     404|        89|  2,025|    890|     873|      131|   103|     60|     838
1982-83 ......|    5,462| 2,340|  2,404|  1,295|     886|       146|  3,403|  1,798|   1,648|      170|   134|    113|     212
1987-88 ......|    7,438| 3,280|  3,306|  2,906|   1,488|       120|  3,666|  2,303|   2,337|      197|   175|    184|     977
1992-93 ......|   10,958| 4,206|  4,259|  2,877|   3,039|       163|  4,523|  2,956|   3,267|      212|   207|    402|     957
1997-98 ......|   12,629| 4,915|  5,023|  2,531|   3,255|       216|  5,513|  4,228|   3,735|      222|   209|    339|   1,024
1998-99 ......|   13,519| 5,274|  5,327|  3,879|   3,468|       231|  6,722|  3,936|   3,915|      219|   205|    345|   1,151
1999-2000 ....|   14,366| 5,380|  5,471|  3,354|   3,638|       237|  6,951|  4,349|   4,074|      213|   215|    335|   1,337
2002-03 ......|   16,660| 5,981|  6,153|  2,983|   4,964|       249|  6,943|  4,348|   4,490|      247|   236|    429|     988
              |                                            Constant 2002-03 dollars
Total         |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
1977-78 ......|    9,313| 5,014|  5,057|  4,918|   1,514|       279|  4,099|  2,577|   2,615|      316|   304|    232|     836
1982-83 ......|   10,759| 5,067|  5,085|  5,015|   2,062|       279|  3,698|  3,041|   3,176|      272|   257|    212|   1,697
1987-88 ......|   11,361| 5,780|  5,492|  6,332|   2,644|       208|  2,491|  3,150|   3,740|      211|   280|    298|   1,125
1992-93 ......|   13,381| 5,618|  5,611|  5,635|   4,173|       228|  2,806|  3,289|   4,048|      183|   303|    439|   1,117
1997-98 ......|   13,807| 5,955|  5,849|  6,190|   3,981|       246|  3,114|  4,616|   4,011|      177|   219|    383|   1,435
1998-99 ......|   13,923| 5,817|  5,830|  5,786|   4,123|       236|  3,334|  4,092|   4,059|      168|   211|    384|   1,210
1999-2000 ....|   14,228| 5,693|  5,771|  5,513|   4,291|       255|  3,617|  4,504|   4,081|      157|   204|    369|   1,522
2002-03 ......|   15,552| 5,781|  6,039|  5,208|   5,396|       264|  3,308|  4,329|   4,158|      170|   211|    411|   1,032
              |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
Public        |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
1977-78 ......|    9,455| 5,207|  5,329|  5,012|   1,629|       289|  1,250|  2,461|   2,649|      288|   305|    256|     272
1982-83 ......|   10,984| 5,281|  5,344|  5,151|   2,205|       284|  1,069|  1,906|   3,231|      257|   260|    213|   1,819
1987-88 ......|   11,234| 5,997|  5,663|  6,423|   2,763|       221|    636|  1,842|   3,771|      172|   283|    302|     961
1992-93 ......|   13,136| 5,708|  5,711|  5,704|   4,283|       240|    885|  1,450|   3,989|      149|   320|    407|   1,057
1997-98 ......|   13,639| 6,116|  5,970|  6,325|   4,105|       247|    934|  2,943|   3,921|      150|   211|    383|   1,623
1998-99 ......|   13,494| 5,809|  5,789|  5,839|   4,239|       223|    917|  2,020|   3,932|      140|   202|    385|   1,179
1999-2000 ....|   13,722| 5,656|  5,698|  5,594|   4,444|       255|  1,035|  2,456|   3,937|      130|   190|    374|   1,574
2002-03 ......|   15,097| 5,703|  5,968|  5,323|   5,565|       274|    978|  2,415|   4,005|      142|   198|    402|   1,058
              |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
Private       |         |      |       |       |        |          |       |       |        |         |      |       |
1977-78 ......|    8,930| 4,386|  4,483|  2,632|   1,176|       259|  5,889|  2,587|   2,537|      380|   301|    175|   2,436
1982-83 ......|   10,134| 4,342|  4,460|  2,404|   1,645|       271|  6,313|  3,336|   3,058|      315|   249|    210|     394
1987-88 ......|   11,693| 5,157|  5,198|  4,569|   2,339|       188|  5,763|  3,621|   3,674|      310|   275|    289|   1,536
1992-93 ......|   14,001| 5,374|  5,442|  3,677|   3,883|       209|  5,779|  3,777|   4,175|      271|   265|    513|   1,222
1997-98 ......|   14,219| 5,534|  5,656|  2,849|   3,664|       243|  6,207|  4,761|   4,206|      250|   236|    382|   1,153
1998-99 ......|   14,962| 5,838|  5,896|  4,293|   3,838|       255|  7,439|  4,356|   4,332|      243|   227|    382|   1,274
1999-2000 ....|   15,454| 5,787|  5,885|  3,608|   3,913|       255|  7,477|  4,678|   4,383|      229|   232|    360|   1,438
2002-03 ......|   16,660| 5,981|  6,153|  2,983|   4,964|       249|  6,943|  4,348|   4,490|      247|   236|    429|     988

NOTE: The Consumer Price Index was used to convert the per faculty member figures to constant dollars. Data for 1977-78 to 1992-93 are for institutions of higher education. Institutions of higher education were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education. The new degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, except that it includes some additional institutions, primarily 2-year colleges, and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not award associate's or higher degrees.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Faculty Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits" surveys, 1977-78 and 1982-83; and 1987-88 through 2002-03 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits of Full-Time Instructional Faculty Survey" (IPEDS-SA:87-99), and Winter 2002-03. (This table was prepared December 2004.)