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Digest of Education Statistics: 2004
Digest of Education Statistics: 2004

NCES 2006-005
October 2005

Table 231. Full-time and part-time instructional faculty and staff in degree-granting institutions, by type and control of institution and selected characteristics: Fall 1992 and fall 1998

                            |Number|                                                                        Fall 1998
Selected                    |    in|__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
characteristic              | thou-|  Number|            |         Research        |         Doctoral        |       Comprehensive     |     Private|      Public|       Other
                            |sands,|in thou-|      Total |_________________________|_________________________|_________________________|     liberal|      2-year|
                            |  1992|   sands|            |      Public|     Private|      Public|     Private|      Public|     Private|        arts|            |
1                           |     2|      3 |          4 |           5|           6|           7|           8|           9|          10|          11|          12|          13
Full-time instructional     |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
   faculty                  |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Total (in thousands) .......|   528|     560|   560 (4.8)|   138 (2.3)|    39 (1.7)|    58 (1.6)|    21 (0.6)|    83 (1.9)|    38 (1.1)|    48 (1.3)|   102 (1.7)|    35 (1.5)
Percent ....................|    † |      † |   100  (†) |    25 (0.4)|     7 (0.3)|    10 (0.3)|     4 (0.1)|    15 (0.3)|     7 (0.2)|     8 (0.2)|    18 (0.3)|     6 (0.3)
                            |      |        |                                                           Percentage distribution
                            |      |        |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Total ......................|    † |      † | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†)
Sex                         |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Male .....................|   353|     357|  63.7(0.60)|  70.5(1.00)|  73.9(2.01)|  66.7(1.69)|  63.6(2.88)|  61.7(1.41)|  63.3(2.09)|  62.2(1.86)|  50.1(1.33)|  67.9(3.62)
  Female ...................|   176|     203|  36.3(0.60)|  29.5(1.00)|  26.2(2.01)|  33.3(1.69)|  36.4(2.88)|  38.3(1.41)|  36.7(2.09)|  37.9(1.86)|  49.9(1.33)|  32.1(3.62)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Race                        |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  White, non-Hispanic ......|   457|     477|  85.1(0.53)|  84.5(0.94)|  85.6(2.36)|  85.8(1.40)|  81.8(2.00)|  82.6(1.70)|  87.8(1.77)|  88.1(2.06)|  85.3(1.18)|  86.4(2.61)
  Black, non-Hispanic ......|    27|      28|   5.1(0.36)|   3.2(0.38)|   3.7(1.97)|   3.9(0.73)|   4.4(1.24)|   7.4(1.27)|   4.5(1.32)|   6.4(1.61)|   6.0(0.67)|   7.1(2.18)
  Hispanic .................|    14|      19|   3.3(0.24)|   3.4(0.50)|   3.5(0.87)|   3.0(0.82)|   3.9(0.90)|   3.6(0.56)|   2.7(0.88)|   1.6(0.45)|   4.6(0.75)|   1.3(0.42)
  Asian/Pacific Islander ...|    28|      33|   5.8(0.30)|   8.5(0.84)|   7.0(0.85)|   6.0(0.64)|   9.2(1.31)|   5.9(0.63)|   3.7(0.70)|   2.9(0.51)|   3.4(0.63)|   4.6(1.30)
  American Indian/Alaska    |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
     Native ................|     3|       4|   0.7(0.09)|   0.5(0.13)|   0.2(0.16)|   1.3(0.56)|   0.7(0.36)|   0.5(0.15)|   1.2(0.37)|   1.1(0.36)|   0.8(0.20)|   0.6(0.29)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Age                         |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  29 or younger ............|     8|       9|   1.6(0.21)|   1.4(0.32)|   0.8(0.28)|   1.5(0.62)|   1.3(0.72)|   1.4(0.37)|   1.8(0.87)|   1.7(0.44)|   1.4(0.28)|   4.3(2.35)
  30 to 34 .................|    35|      32|   5.8(0.30)|   6.3(0.64)|   7.3(1.60)|   5.6(0.76)|   7.5(1.13)|   4.8(0.65)|   6.3(1.00)|   7.0(1.23)|   5.2(0.60)|   2.9(0.78)
  35 to 39 .................|    67|      60|  10.7(0.43)|  10.8(0.80)|  15.3(2.97)|  13.1(1.36)|  10.8(1.53)|   9.2(0.81)|   9.8(1.29)|  11.6(1.46)|   9.1(0.81)|   9.6(1.96)
  40 to 44 .................|    90|      82|  14.6(0.47)|  16.6(1.04)|  13.0(2.07)|  15.4(1.68)|  18.8(3.07)|  12.6(0.91)|  12.2(1.18)|  18.0(1.77)|  12.8(0.91)|  13.3(1.80)
  45 to 49 .................|    98|      97|  17.3(0.46)|  17.3(0.83)|  14.0(1.76)|  16.7(1.35)|  20.1(2.96)|  15.9(1.18)|  17.2(1.46)|  17.2(1.32)|  18.4(1.14)|  20.2(2.64)
  50 to 54 .................|    95|     105|  18.7(0.49)|  17.3(0.99)|  18.3(1.46)|  17.2(1.29)|  16.3(2.35)|  18.2(1.07)|  20.2(2.31)|  15.8(1.76)|  22.8(1.14)|  20.0(2.74)
  55 to 59 .................|    67|      90|  16.1(0.51)|  15.5(0.97)|  16.1(2.65)|  14.8(1.42)|  12.1(1.72)|  18.2(1.64)|  17.7(2.17)|  13.8(1.55)|  18.4(1.01)|  12.8(1.30)
  60 to 64 .................|    45|      55|   9.8(0.39)|   8.7(0.72)|   7.9(1.39)|   9.5(1.16)|   8.8(1.45)|  13.1(1.32)|  10.9(1.34)|  10.3(1.36)|   8.7(0.76)|  10.9(1.81)
  65 or older ..............|    24|      31|   5.5(0.33)|   6.1(0.67)|   7.5(1.29)|   6.4(1.30)|   4.2(0.88)|   6.7(0.94)|   4.1(0.92)|   4.6(0.92)|   3.2(0.49)|   6.0(2.06)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Highest degree              |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Less than bachelor's .....|     6|       7|   1.2(0.14)|   0.1(0.05)|    #   (†) |   0.2(0.13)|   0.5(0.31)|   0.2(0.13)|   0.1(0.14)|   0.3(0.19)|   5.6(0.70)|   0.7(0.33)
  Bachelor's ...............|    21|      23|   4.0(0.28)|   1.8(0.38)|   1.6(0.83)|   1.4(0.34)|   1.2(0.45)|   2.1(0.53)|   2.3(0.75)|   2.0(0.62)|  12.7(1.08)|   5.3(1.31)
  Master's .................|   156|     156|  27.8(0.74)|  13.3(1.09)|   6.6(1.05)|  15.3(1.47)|  11.0(1.50)|  25.1(1.31)|  30.4(2.74)|  34.4(2.87)|  61.7(1.56)|  34.6(3.99)
  First-professional .......|    58|      52|   9.2(0.61)|  12.1(1.23)|  22.7(3.44)|  18.9(2.72)|  25.2(4.50)|   2.3(0.56)|   5.1(1.03)|   2.6(0.68)|   1.9(0.37)|   9.0(2.84)
  Doctoral .................|   284|     324|  57.7(0.83)|  72.7(1.55)|  69.1(3.44)|  64.2(2.55)|  62.1(4.18)|  70.3(1.42)|  62.1(2.69)|  60.7(2.81)|  18.2(1.20)|  50.3(4.26)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Academic rank               |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Full professor ...........|   161|     172|  30.7(0.72)|  36.1(1.46)|  41.9(2.68)|  29.9(2.06)|  27.6(2.38)|  33.0(1.84)|  31.4(2.47)|  24.9(1.99)|  21.7(1.51)|  28.4(3.40)
  Associate professor ......|   124|     132|  23.6(0.60)|  27.2(1.26)|  24.0(3.17)|  27.6(1.75)|  28.2(2.55)|  26.3(1.60)|  26.6(1.92)|  26.3(2.27)|  12.1(1.08)|  19.3(2.30)
  Assistant professor ......|   124|     125|  22.3(0.55)|  21.9(0.94)|  22.5(2.45)|  28.3(1.88)|  26.3(2.06)|  25.6(1.40)|  25.6(1.91)|  30.4(2.20)|  10.8(1.10)|  23.0(3.16)
  Instructor ...............|    74|      75|  13.4(0.59)|   5.4(0.76)|   4.1(1.17)|   7.2(1.08)|  11.7(2.40)|   7.9(0.98)|   9.3(1.54)|  10.5(1.59)|  38.9(2.05)|  12.7(2.17)
  Lecturer .................|    12|      14|   2.5(0.27)|   3.5(0.66)|   3.9(0.91)|   2.6(0.91)|   1.1(0.57)|   4.1(0.69)|   1.7(0.49)|   0.9(0.43)|   0.5(0.16)|   3.1(2.41)
  Other ....................|    17|      26|   4.7(0.29)|   5.6(0.78)|   3.6(0.93)|   3.7(0.64)|   4.0(0.82)|   2.8(0.44)|   4.4(1.30)|   4.9(1.21)|   6.5(0.63)|   3.8(0.91)
  No rank ..................|    17|      16|   2.8(0.35)|   0.3(0.16)|   0.1(0.06)|   0.6(0.22)|   1.1(0.53)|   0.3(0.17)|   1.2(0.44)|   2.2(1.94)|   9.5(0.86)|   9.7(3.75)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Base salary                 |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Under $10,000 ............|    14|      10|   1.7(0.19)|   0.9(0.30)|   0.9(0.26)|   2.2(1.10)|   1.8(0.77)|   1.8(0.37)|   2.9(0.95)|   2.3(0.54)|   1.9(0.34)|   2.7(0.73)
  $10,000 to 24,999 ........|    29|      19|   3.4(0.25)|   3.7(0.58)|   3.6(0.88)|   3.1(0.70)|   1.8(0.56)|   3.3(0.55)|   4.4(1.13)|   5.0(0.99)|   2.9(0.50)|   2.8(0.89)
  $25,000 to 39,999 ........|   182|     124|  22.1(0.75)|  11.3(0.98)|   5.5(1.15)|  16.6(1.69)|  11.3(1.67)|  23.5(1.79)|  23.0(2.23)|  37.9(3.13)|  35.0(1.79)|  34.9(4.24)
  $40,000 to 54,999 ........|   164|     171|  30.5(0.68)|  24.2(1.23)|  20.2(2.83)|  24.8(1.71)|  26.3(2.33)|  36.5(1.76)|  34.6(2.29)|  35.5(2.52)|  36.4(1.38)|  36.6(3.50)
  $55,000 to 69,999 ........|    77|     106|  19.0(0.55)|  21.6(1.08)|  17.4(2.40)|  20.1(1.70)|  20.7(2.75)|  21.9(1.36)|  21.3(2.04)|  11.6(1.57)|  17.1(1.24)|  12.8(2.54)
  $70,000 to 84,999 ........|    32|      58|  10.3(0.45)|  15.9(0.99)|  14.6(2.19)|  13.2(1.35)|  13.4(2.36)|   9.2(0.93)|   7.3(1.51)|   5.2(1.03)|   5.5(0.78)|   3.8(1.06)
  $85,000 to 99,999 ........|    11|      28|   5.0(0.33)|   9.0(0.73)|  10.1(1.48)|   6.8(1.01)|   6.3(1.30)|   2.6(0.58)|   3.9(1.71)|   1.6(0.69)|   0.8(0.29)|   4.0(2.33)
  $100,000 or more .........|    20|      44|   7.9(0.58)|  13.5(1.22)|  27.7(3.40)|  13.3(2.31)|  18.4(3.49)|   1.2(0.35)|   2.5(0.67)|   0.9(0.34)|   0.3(0.10)|   2.5(1.08)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Part-time instructional     |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
   faculty                  |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Total (in thousands) .......|   377|     416|   416 (5.9)|    36 (1.5)|    15 (1.5)|    26 (1.6)|    18 (0.5)|    48 (2.1)|    37 (1.4)|    33 (2.1)|   170 (3.9)|    34 (1.5)
Percent ....................|    † |      † |   100  (†) |     9 (0.4)|     4 (0.4)|     6 (0.4)|     4 (0.1)|    12 (0.5)|     9 (0.3)|     8 (0.5)|    41 (0.9)|     8 (0.4)
                            |      |        |                                                           Percentage distribution
                            |      |        |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Total ......................|    † |      † | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†) | 100.0  (†)
Sex                         |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Male .....................|   209|     217|  52.2(1.08)|  55.2(3.50)|  60.3(4.62)|  49.6(5.56)|  58.6(3.48)|  46.5(2.95)|  59.1(3.19)|  44.0(4.33)|  51.8(1.62)|  54.3(3.82)
  Female ...................|   168|     199|  47.9(1.08)|  44.8(3.50)|  39.8(4.62)|  50.4(5.56)|  41.4(3.48)|  53.5(2.95)|  40.9(3.19)|  56.1(4.33)|  48.2(1.62)|  45.8(3.82)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Race                        |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  White, non-Hispanic ......|   333|     364|  87.6(0.70)|  87.1(2.06)|  89.9(3.63)|  87.9(2.33)|  86.8(2.50)|  85.5(2.76)|  93.1(1.07)|  86.7(2.41)|  86.6(1.18)|  90.3(1.92)
  Black, non-Hispanic ......|    18|      19|   4.5(0.40)|   2.9(1.08)|   3.3(1.74)|   3.6(1.34)|   3.4(0.79)|   4.1(0.79)|   2.7(0.82)|   6.9(1.86)|   5.3(0.74)|   4.6(1.24)
  Hispanic .................|    11|      16|   3.7(0.38)|   3.5(0.85)|   4.3(2.14)|   3.1(1.18)|   2.3(0.69)|   3.8(0.97)|   2.0(0.60)|   3.1(1.08)|   4.8(0.76)|   2.0(0.67)
  Asian/Pacific Islander ...|    12|      13|   3.2(0.40)|   4.6(1.18)|   2.5(1.04)|   3.1(0.93)|   7.1(2.28)|   5.5(2.52)|   1.7(0.45)|   3.2(1.40)|   2.3(0.36)|   2.9(1.10)
  American Indian/Alaska    |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
     Native ................|     2|       4|   1.0(0.21)|   1.9(1.21)|    #   (†) |   2.3(1.48)|   0.4(0.39)|   1.2(0.60)|   0.5(0.30)|   0.2(0.21)|   1.0(0.33)|   0.2(0.21)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Age                         |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  29 or younger ............|    20|      15|   3.6(0.37)|   6.2(1.46)|   1.3(0.56)|   2.2(0.97)|   1.1(0.62)|   4.3(0.98)|   4.5(1.74)|   3.9(1.67)|   3.7(0.56)|   2.1(0.81)
  30 to 34 .................|    36|      37|   8.9(0.66)|   9.6(2.24)|   6.5(2.39)|   8.3(1.98)|   6.2(1.31)|   8.1(1.45)|  12.1(2.88)|  11.8(4.16)|   8.4(0.92)|   8.5(1.77)
  35 to 39 .................|    59|      47|  11.4(0.67)|  12.7(2.64)|  11.7(3.32)|  14.0(4.53)|  15.2(2.20)|   7.9(1.32)|   9.2(1.40)|  11.2(1.93)|  12.1(1.09)|   9.5(2.09)
  40 to 44 .................|    70|      60|  14.5(0.76)|  14.3(1.86)|  11.8(4.05)|  17.3(3.61)|  14.9(2.43)|  15.1(2.87)|  14.4(2.10)|  15.4(3.01)|  13.8(1.12)|  15.8(2.56)
  45 to 49 .................|    68|      72|  17.3(0.80)|  10.8(1.47)|  14.3(3.71)|  19.5(3.51)|  19.5(2.59)|  17.2(2.52)|  13.7(1.98)|  13.8(2.20)|  19.8(1.44)|  17.9(2.23)
  50 to 54 .................|    45|      70|  16.8(0.75)|  13.1(2.06)|  10.7(3.47)|  16.2(2.29)|  13.4(2.66)|  17.7(2.27)|  16.8(1.98)|  16.9(3.49)|  17.5(1.18)|  20.6(2.73)
  55 to 59 .................|    29|      47|  11.3(0.63)|  16.4(2.69)|  12.9(4.48)|   6.1(1.65)|  10.1(1.56)|  12.0(1.96)|  10.6(1.77)|   9.0(1.73)|  11.8(1.05)|   9.6(1.27)
  60 to 64 .................|    23|      29|   6.9(0.48)|   5.4(1.43)|  10.8(3.28)|   6.5(1.67)|   6.6(1.57)|   8.0(1.33)|   8.0(1.67)|   8.0(2.52)|   6.4(0.65)|   6.2(2.10)
  65 or older ..............|    27|      38|   9.2(0.57)|  11.5(1.81)|  20.1(5.94)|   9.8(1.79)|  13.1(2.61)|   9.7(1.76)|  10.6(2.52)|  10.1(1.87)|   6.5(0.70)|   9.9(1.78)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Highest degree              |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Less than bachelor's .....|    17|      20|   4.9(0.53)|   0.5(0.24)|    #   (†) |   0.6(0.64)|   0.6(0.40)|   0.9(0.35)|   0.5(0.29)|   1.3(0.61)|  10.8(1.23)|   1.3(0.61)
  Bachelor's ...............|    63|      59|  14.1(0.74)|   8.4(1.88)|  10.7(3.90)|   5.4(1.52)|   9.3(4.47)|  10.8(1.45)|   8.1(1.52)|  13.6(3.54)|  19.8(1.26)|  14.5(2.62)
  Master's .................|   190|     225|  54.1(1.22)|  43.4(3.48)|  29.8(6.49)|  40.0(6.82)|  41.1(2.99)|  60.0(2.68)|  62.7(2.92)|  57.3(4.27)|  58.6(1.79)|  50.2(4.41)
  First-professional .......|    40|      36|   8.7(0.84)|  15.2(2.39)|  17.2(4.23)|  30.3(7.88)|  19.3(4.00)|   6.8(1.48)|   6.5(1.18)|   4.6(0.82)|   2.7(0.38)|  15.2(4.40)
  Doctor's .................|    59|      76|  18.2(0.80)|  32.5(2.84)|  42.3(5.24)|  23.7(3.32)|  29.6(3.49)|  21.5(2.40)|  22.2(2.69)|  23.1(3.08)|   8.2(0.88)|  18.8(3.16)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Academic rank               |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Full professor ...........|    32|      30|   7.3(0.71)|  11.8(1.85)|  21.2(6.12)|   7.8(1.74)|  12.5(2.78)|   6.2(1.68)|   7.3(1.94)|   4.4(1.00)|   4.9(1.16)|   9.5(2.68)
  Associate professor ......|    23|      19|   4.7(0.45)|  10.4(2.55)|   8.1(3.43)|  10.4(1.97)|   9.4(2.87)|   4.4(1.26)|   6.5(1.71)|   3.7(1.21)|   1.7(0.37)|   4.3(1.49)
  Assistant professor ......|    24|      23|   5.6(0.61)|   8.7(1.65)|  15.3(5.16)|  17.4(5.74)|   8.6(2.34)|   3.8(0.86)|  10.3(1.95)|   5.3(1.30)|   1.4(0.29)|   6.1(1.78)
  Instructor ...............|   215|     205|  49.4(1.19)|  29.5(3.07)|  12.2(3.10)|  36.4(5.03)|  31.2(5.72)|  36.5(2.80)|  37.7(3.57)|  46.2(4.30)|  68.4(1.65)|  44.7(3.86)
  Lecturer .................|    45|      46|  11.1(0.82)|  23.1(3.34)|  26.3(8.94)|  11.9(3.55)|  11.2(3.08)|  21.6(3.20)|   9.5(1.87)|  18.4(3.83)|   4.2(0.72)|   6.0(2.07)
  Other ....................|    28|      75|  18.1(0.78)|  15.8(2.64)|  16.4(4.44)|  15.3(2.68)|  24.6(3.90)|  24.2(2.50)|  25.1(2.59)|  18.0(2.68)|  14.4(1.23)|  21.9(2.64)
  No rank ..................|     9|      16|   4.0(0.37)|   0.9(0.39)|   0.5(0.40)|   0.9(0.46)|   2.6(1.49)|   3.2(1.28)|   3.6(1.38)|   4.0(1.45)|   5.1(0.56)|   7.6(1.96)
                            |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Base salary                 |      |        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Under $10,000 ............|   281|     256|  61.6(1.11)|  50.0(3.50)|  44.5(5.60)|  56.9(4.69)|  54.2(3.59)|  70.5(2.58)|  62.0(3.16)|  63.1(4.40)|  64.0(1.79)|  61.9(4.00)
  $10,000 to 24,999 ........|    68|     112|  27.0(0.95)|  31.2(3.66)|  33.0(6.31)|  20.5(3.72)|  30.0(3.29)|  20.1(1.90)|  29.0(3.11)|  22.5(2.94)|  28.0(1.52)|  30.3(3.65)
  $25,000 to 39,999 ........|    16|      26|   6.3(0.59)|  10.7(1.78)|  10.0(3.79)|   8.8(2.62)|  11.9(3.39)|   6.2(1.40)|   4.0(0.97)|   5.7(1.87)|   5.3(1.07)|   4.0(1.12)
  $40,000 to 54,999 ........|     5|      12|   2.8(0.43)|   1.8(0.54)|   5.5(2.95)|   6.6(2.12)|   1.1(0.70)|   1.8(0.47)|   3.0(0.85)|   7.8(3.95)|   1.8(0.36)|   2.7(1.16)
  $55,000 to 69,999 ........|     2|       4|   1.0(0.19)|   2.8(1.18)|   3.8(2.57)|   1.3(0.84)|   0.8(0.53)|   0.8(0.30)|   1.2(0.55)|   0.7(0.41)|   0.6(0.18)|   0.5(0.32)
  $70,000 to 84,999 ........|     1|       2|   0.6(0.11)|   1.5(0.57)|   0.5(0.40)|   2.5(1.23)|   1.0(0.53)|   0.5(0.23)|   0.4(0.31)|    #   (†) |   0.2(0.10)|   0.5(0.29)
  $85,000 to 99,999 ........|     1|      # |   0.2(0.07)|   0.4(0.28)|   0.9(0.70)|   1.6(0.81)|   0.3(0.33)|    #   (†) |   0.4(0.29)|   0.1(0.10)|    #   (†) |    #   (†)
  $100,000 or more .........|     3|      # |   0.4(0.10)|   1.7(0.60)|   1.7(0.91)|   1.8(0.86)|   0.7(0.70)|   0.2(0.13)|    #   (†) |    #   (†) |   0.1(0.06)|   0.2(0.21)

†Not applicable.
#Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Totals may differ from figures reported in other tables because of varying survey methodologies. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:93) and 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99). (This table was prepared June 2001.)