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Digest of Education Statistics: 2004
Digest of Education Statistics: 2004

NCES 2006-005
October 2005

Table 228. Full-time instructional faculty in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity, academic rank, and sex: Fall 2003

                          |        | White, |   Minority   | Black, |Hispanic| Asian/ |American|   Non- |   Race/
Academic rank and sex     |  Total |   non- |______________|   non- |        |Pacific |Indian/ |resident|ethnicity
                          |        |Hispanic|Number|  Per- |Hispanic|        |Islander| Alaska |  alien | unknown
                          |        |        |      |cent\1\|        |        |        | Native |        |
1                         |      2 |      3 |    4 |     5 |      6 |      7 |      8 |      9 |     10 |      11
   Males and females,     |        |        |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
      all ranks ..........| 631,596| 506,466|97,327|   15.6|  33,137|  20,079|  41,133|   2,978|  21,200|    6,603
Professors ...............| 166,415| 144,924|19,481|   11.8|   5,343|   3,429|  10,202|     507|   1,189|      821
Associate professors .....| 132,961| 109,313|20,777|   15.7|   7,204|   3,861|   9,183|     529|   1,967|      904
Assistant professors .....| 153,064| 112,920|28,662|   19.0|   9,464|   5,321|  13,216|     661|   9,465|    2,017
Instructors ..............|  93,023|  73,254|16,660|   18.2|   6,751|   4,780|   4,299|     830|   1,758|    1,351
Lecturers ................|  23,448|  18,473| 3,589|   15.5|   1,199|   1,084|   1,206|     100|   1,072|      314
Other faculty ............|  62,685|  47,582| 8,158|   13.3|   3,176|   1,604|   3,027|     351|   5,749|    1,196
Males, all ranks .........| 382,808| 307,104|56,951|   15.0|  16,270|  11,245|  27,815|   1,621|  14,928|    3,825
  Professors .............| 127,049| 110,561|14,843|   11.7|   3,427|   2,472|   8,591|     353|   1,023|      622
  Associate professors ...|  82,758|  67,497|13,131|   16.0|   3,863|   2,338|   6,643|     287|   1,545|      585
  Assistant professors ...|  83,564|  60,166|15,576|   18.9|   4,276|   2,812|   8,167|     321|   6,672|    1,150
  Instructors ............|  44,984|  35,474| 7,785|   17.6|   2,809|   2,372|   2,165|     439|   1,019|      706
  Lecturers ..............|  11,175|   8,778| 1,605|   14.6|     570|     466|     525|      44|     623|      169
  Other faculty ..........|  33,278|  24,628| 4,011|   12.3|   1,325|     785|   1,724|     177|   4,046|      593
                          |        |        |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
Females, all ranks .......| 248,788| 199,362|40,376|   16.4|  16,867|   8,834|  13,318|   1,357|   6,272|    2,778
  Professors .............|  39,366|  34,363| 4,638|   11.8|   1,916|     957|   1,611|     154|     166|      199
  Associate professors ...|  50,203|  41,816| 7,646|   15.3|   3,341|   1,523|   2,540|     242|     422|      319
  Assistant professors ...|  69,500|  52,754|13,086|   19.1|   5,188|   2,509|   5,049|     340|   2,793|      867
  Instructors ............|  48,039|  37,780| 8,875|   18.7|   3,942|   2,408|   2,134|     391|     739|      645
  Lecturers ..............|  12,273|   9,695| 1,984|   16.4|     629|     618|     681|      56|     449|      145
  Other faculty ..........|  29,407|  22,954| 4,147|   14.4|   1,851|     819|   1,303|     174|   1,703|      603

\1\Minority faculty as a percent of total faculty, excluding race/ethnicity unknown faculty (column 11).

NOTE: Totals may differ from figures reported in other tables because of varying survey methodologies.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2003 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Winter 2003-04. (This table was prepared March 2005.)