| Fall 2001 | Fall 2002
State or |_______________________________________|_______________________________________
jurisdiction | | Under- |First- | | | Under- |First- |
| Total | graduate |profes-|Graduate | Total | graduate |profes-|Graduate
| | |sional | | | |sional |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
United States ......|15,927,987|13,715,610|308,647|1,903,730|16,611,711|14,257,077|318,982|2,035,652
Alabama ...............| 236,146| 205,094| 4,130| 26,922| 246,414| 212,800| 4,192| 29,422
Alaska ................| 27,756| 26,000| 0| 1,756| 29,546| 27,531| 0| 2,015
Arizona ...............| 366,485| 319,259| 2,713| 44,513| 401,605| 344,491| 2,974| 54,140
Arkansas ..............| 122,282| 111,839| 1,635| 8,808| 127,372| 116,279| 1,692| 9,401
California ............| 2,380,090| 2,134,041| 31,404| 214,645| 2,474,024| 2,208,661| 32,483| 232,880
| | | | | | | |
Colorado ..............| 269,292| 225,302| 3,627| 40,363| 282,343| 232,756| 3,796| 45,791
Connecticut ...........| 165,027| 131,834| 3,353| 29,840| 170,606| 136,167| 3,511| 30,928
Delaware ..............| 47,104| 40,416| 1,012| 5,676| 49,228| 42,034| 1,084| 6,110
District of Columbia ..| 87,252| 52,262| 9,493| 25,497| 91,014| 54,528| 9,722| 26,764
Florida ...............| 753,554| 665,641| 12,109| 75,804| 792,079| 698,694| 12,931| 80,454
| | | | | | | |
Georgia ...............| 376,098| 325,875| 9,088| 41,135| 397,604| 343,592| 8,875| 45,137
Hawaii ................| 62,079| 53,839| 538| 7,702| 65,368| 56,647| 575| 8,146
Idaho .................| 69,674| 62,292| 552| 6,830| 72,072| 64,672| 567| 6,833
Illinois ..............| 748,444| 626,324| 16,412| 105,708| 776,622| 647,489| 17,006| 112,127
Indiana ...............| 338,715| 295,623| 6,055| 37,037| 342,064| 296,728| 6,298| 39,038
| | | | | | | |
Iowa ..................| 194,822| 170,594| 7,326| 16,902| 202,546| 178,223| 7,556| 16,767
Kansas ................| 184,943| 161,003| 2,109| 21,831| 188,049| 164,454| 2,170| 21,425
Kentucky ..............| 214,839| 188,688| 4,335| 21,816| 225,489| 197,521| 4,440| 23,528
Louisiana .............| 228,871| 197,569| 5,627| 25,675| 232,140| 199,145| 6,505| 26,490
Maine .................| 61,127| 53,152| 750| 7,225| 63,308| 54,638| 769| 7,901
| | | | | | | |
Maryland ..............| 288,224| 234,165| 4,402| 49,657| 300,269| 243,236| 4,341| 52,692
Massachusetts .........| 425,071| 324,931| 14,030| 86,110| 431,224| 326,153| 14,500| 90,571
Michigan ..............| 585,998| 496,712| 10,843| 78,443| 605,835| 512,137| 11,440| 82,258
Minnesota .............| 308,233| 263,744| 6,208| 38,281| 323,791| 272,710| 6,355| 44,726
Mississippi ...........| 137,882| 123,473| 2,225| 12,184| 147,077| 131,959| 2,311| 12,807
| | | | | | | |
Missouri ..............| 331,580| 274,205| 9,893| 47,482| 348,146| 284,852| 10,549| 52,745
Montana ...............| 44,932| 41,068| 243| 3,621| 45,111| 41,247| 255| 3,609
Nebraska ..............| 113,817| 97,504| 3,448| 12,865| 116,737| 99,997| 3,573| 13,167
Nevada ................| 93,368| 84,303| 646| 8,419| 95,671| 86,089| 738| 8,844
New Hampshire .........| 65,031| 55,070| 656| 9,305| 68,523| 58,532| 657| 9,334
| | | | | | | |
New Jersey ............| 346,507| 292,649| 5,642| 48,216| 361,733| 305,222| 5,950| 50,561
New Mexico ............| 112,861| 98,075| 1,026| 13,760| 120,997| 105,987| 988| 14,022
New York ..............| 1,057,794| 848,255| 28,608| 180,931| 1,107,270| 883,768| 29,679| 193,823
North Carolina ........| 427,784| 379,333| 8,091| 40,360| 447,335| 396,544| 7,382| 43,409
North Dakota ..........| 42,843| 39,177| 422| 3,244| 45,800| 41,736| 432| 3,632
| | | | | | | |
Ohio ..................| 569,223| 488,568| 12,783| 67,872| 587,996| 505,037| 12,882| 70,077
Oklahoma ..............| 189,785| 164,793| 4,504| 20,488| 198,423| 172,786| 4,509| 21,128
Oregon ................| 191,378| 168,182| 4,311| 18,885| 204,565| 179,795| 4,544| 20,226
Pennsylvania ..........| 630,299| 525,627| 17,795| 86,877| 654,826| 544,358| 18,441| 92,027
Rhode Island ..........| 77,235| 66,675| 1,252| 9,308| 77,417| 67,144| 1,344| 8,929
| | | | | | | |
South Carolina ........| 191,590| 168,663| 2,957| 19,970| 202,007| 176,745| 3,068| 22,194
South Dakota ..........| 45,534| 38,707| 566| 6,261| 47,751| 41,455| 609| 5,687
Tennessee .............| 258,534| 224,591| 5,705| 28,238| 261,899| 226,402| 5,837| 29,660
Texas .................| 1,076,678| 947,125| 18,802| 110,751| 1,152,369| 1,010,526| 19,502| 122,341
Utah ..................| 177,045| 162,707| 1,339| 12,999| 178,932| 164,421| 1,414| 13,097
| | | | | | | |
Vermont ...............| 36,351| 31,547| 896| 3,908| 36,537| 31,856| 906| 3,775
Virginia ..............| 389,853| 332,321| 8,018| 49,514| 404,966| 344,090| 8,423| 52,453
Washington ............| 325,132| 294,436| 4,550| 26,146| 338,820| 308,484| 4,570| 25,766
West Virginia .........| 91,319| 79,597| 1,734| 9,988| 93,723| 81,311| 1,798| 10,614
Wisconsin .............| 315,850| 280,563| 4,349| 30,938| 329,443| 291,918| 4,409| 33,116
Wyoming ...............| 31,095| 27,636| 435| 3,024| 32,605| 29,110| 430| 3,065
| | | | | | | |
U.S. Service Schools ..| 14,561| 14,561| 0| 0| 14,420| 14,420| 0| 0
Other jurisdictions | 201,642| 179,725| 3,492| 18,425| 211,204| 187,661| 3,611| 19,932
American Samoa ........| 1,178| 1,178| 0| 0| 1,367| 1,367| 0| 0
Federated States of | | | | | | | |
Micronesia .........| 2,243| 2,243| 0| 0| 2,173| 2,173| 0| 0
Guam ..................| 4,869| 4,528| 0| 341| 5,157| 4,722| 0| 435
Marshall Islands ......| 220| 220| 0| 0| 224| 224| 0| 0
Northern Marianas .....| 982| 982| 0| 0| 1,299| 1,299| 0| 0
Palau .................| 579| 579| 0| 0| 668| 668| 0| 0
Puerto Rico ...........| 188,430| 167,041| 3,492| 17,897| 197,781| 174,953| 3,611| 19,217
Virgin Islands ........| 3,141| 2,954| 0| 187| 2,535| 2,255| 0| 280
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