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Table 196. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by control and type of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2001 and 2002

                        |                       Fall 2001                        |                       Fall 2002
State or                |         |         |   Private 4-year  |  Private 2-year|         |         |   Private 4-year  |  Private 2-year
jurisdiction            |  Public |  Public |___________________|________________|  Public |  Public |___________________|_________________
                        |  4-year |  2-year |         |Not-for- |       |Not-for-|  4-year |  2-year |         |Not-for- |       |Not-for-
                        |         |         |   Total |  profit | Total | profit |         |         |   Total |  profit | Total |  profit
1                       |       2 |       3 |       4 |       5 |     6 |      7 |       8 |       9 |      10 |      11 |    12 |      13
   United States .......|6,236,455|5,996,701|3,440,953|3,119,781|253,878|  47,549|6,481,613|6,270,380|3,600,719|3,218,389|258,999|   47,087
Alabama ................|  131,570|   76,815|   26,957|   23,031|    804|     176|  138,373|   79,510|   28,241|   23,504|    290|      198
Alaska .................|   25,489|    1,061|    1,206|      811|      0|       0|   26,974|    1,340|    1,232|      842|      0|        0
Arizona ................|  109,375|  184,799|   62,240|   12,774| 10,071|   1,126|  113,869|  193,627|   82,450|   12,437| 11,659|      811
Arkansas ...............|   71,450|   37,500|   12,362|   12,362|    970|     154|   72,753|   40,756|   12,917|   12,917|    946|      175
California .............|  580,466|1,462,716|  301,688|  241,379| 35,220|   9,821|  609,371|1,511,735|  317,158|  253,631| 35,760|    9,653
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
Colorado ...............|  143,595|   79,220|   39,241|   26,540|  7,236|     248|  149,190|   84,550|   41,254|   28,300|  7,349|      214
Connecticut ............|   61,424|   42,642|   59,104|   58,820|  1,857|     317|   63,653|   44,869|   59,760|   59,468|  2,324|      340
Delaware ...............|   24,292|   12,218|   10,521|   10,521|     73|      73|   24,656|   12,688|   11,609|   11,609|    275|      275
District of Columbia ...|    5,589|        0|   81,663|   67,056|      0|       0|    5,603|        0|   85,411|   68,602|      0|        0
Florida ................|  248,863|  340,058|  149,195|  117,037| 15,438|   2,962|  281,724|  336,030|  161,802|  123,399| 12,523|    3,096
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
Georgia ................|  174,819|  123,396|   73,658|   61,653|  4,225|   2,965|  186,539|  130,641|   75,821|   61,770|  4,603|    2,560
Hawaii .................|   21,185|   24,809|   14,692|   12,972|  1,393|   1,160|   22,570|   25,593|   15,544|   13,584|  1,661|    1,247
Idaho ..................|   45,783|   10,890|   12,568|   11,457|    433|       0|   46,519|   11,477|   13,775|   13,159|    301|        0
Illinois ...............|  195,272|  339,008|  208,467|  188,070|  5,697|   1,102|  200,388|  353,705|  215,690|  194,026|  6,839|    1,101
Indiana ................|  193,379|   65,879|   72,223|   69,790|  7,234|   1,075|  197,439|   61,188|   74,993|   72,597|  8,444|    1,086
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
Iowa ...................|   71,001|   69,226|   52,695|   50,695|  1,900|     993|   71,762|   74,036|   55,549|   50,373|  1,199|    1,014
Kansas .................|   90,697|   73,476|   19,369|   19,369|  1,401|     815|   92,870|   74,871|   18,922|   18,922|  1,386|      874
Kentucky ...............|  108,566|   69,783|   30,520|   26,118|  5,970|     686|  113,168|   75,350|   31,277|   26,631|  5,694|      752
Louisiana ..............|  146,934|   47,856|   30,598|   28,472|  3,483|     203|  149,767|   47,780|   31,679|   29,308|  2,914|      242
Maine ..................|   33,682|    8,743|   17,375|   17,375|  1,327|      98|   34,817|   10,033|   17,011|   17,011|  1,447|      114
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
Maryland ...............|  127,384|  109,411|   49,105|   47,905|  2,324|      84|  131,859|  114,933|   51,128|   49,507|  2,349|       81
Massachusetts ..........|  102,838|   84,053|  232,999|  232,941|  5,181|   1,458|  102,845|   85,029|  240,673|  239,326|  2,677|    2,003
Michigan ...............|  282,896|  199,258|  102,302|   98,584|  1,542|     358|  287,864|  207,812|  108,407|  104,303|  1,752|      310
Minnesota ..............|  120,496|  105,445|   76,374|   63,867|  5,918|   1,606|  125,425|  110,088|   82,901|   64,181|  5,377|    1,676
Mississippi ............|   65,799|   59,857|   11,205|   11,205|  1,021|     519|   67,051|   67,079|   11,316|   11,316|  1,631|      386
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
Missouri ...............|  123,818|   82,903|  116,020|  110,453|  8,839|   2,118|  127,991|   86,031|  126,724|  119,653|  7,400|      684
Montana ................|   32,545|    6,823|    4,781|    4,781|    783|     783|   33,223|    7,392|    4,078|    4,078|    418|      418
Nebraska ...............|   53,801|   35,838|   21,900|   21,900|  2,278|     279|   54,272|   37,839|   22,261|   22,261|  2,365|      264
Nevada .................|   40,099|   46,691|    3,240|      560|  3,338|       0|   42,286|   47,261|    4,104|      579|  2,020|        0
New Hampshire ..........|   25,912|   11,312|   26,583|   23,890|  1,224|       0|   26,812|   14,146|   26,353|   23,493|  1,212|        0
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
New Jersey .............|  145,736|  129,919|   69,451|   63,395|  1,401|      32|  150,351|  138,924|   70,923|   65,456|  1,535|       23
New Mexico .............|   50,006|   53,752|    8,065|    3,496|  1,038|     299|   51,408|   60,259|    8,638|    3,618|    692|      283
New York ...............|  342,810|  241,797|  448,400|  428,406| 24,787|   4,528|  355,042|  255,714|  467,060|  447,016| 29,454|    5,046
North Carolina .........|  169,792|  180,892|   75,407|   75,407|  1,693|     464|  176,967|  190,894|   77,054|   76,991|  2,420|      387
North Dakota ...........|   29,674|    8,886|    3,943|    3,943|    340|     302|   32,185|    8,949|    4,112|    4,112|    554|      463
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
Ohio ...................|  258,757|  166,508|  131,133|  126,865| 12,825|     626|  269,769|  171,969|  132,599|  128,083| 13,659|      944
Oklahoma ...............|  102,389|   60,947|   25,411|   22,477|  1,038|       0|  107,141|   64,228|   25,855|   22,431|  1,199|        0
Oregon .................|   76,155|   86,490|   27,426|   24,739|  1,307|     434|   80,391|   93,307|   28,446|   25,286|  2,421|      419
Pennsylvania ...........|  245,089|  108,861|  245,803|  237,982| 30,546|   5,505|  252,442|  117,944|  252,974|  244,410| 31,466|    5,228
Rhode Island ...........|   22,926|   16,223|   38,086|   37,960|      0|       0|   22,938|   15,929|   38,550|   38,550|      0|        0
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
South Carolina .........|   87,252|   71,409|   31,327|   31,327|  1,602|     669|   91,279|   76,284|   32,763|   32,140|  1,681|      705
South Dakota ...........|   32,020|    5,290|    7,932|    5,728|    292|     292|   32,309|    5,451|    9,634|    6,685|    357|      357
Tennessee ..............|  118,569|   76,127|   58,071|   56,309|  5,767|     593|  119,801|   74,401|   61,629|   58,584|  6,068|      659
Texas ..................|  452,298|  483,528|  126,432|  119,939| 14,420|     939|  476,102|  530,447|  131,164|  122,546| 14,656|      971
Utah ...................|  103,247|   30,543|   39,376|   35,458|  3,879|   1,025|  106,017|   29,761|   39,922|   35,437|  3,232|    1,124
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
Vermont ................|   15,863|    4,617|   15,336|   14,977|    535|     255|   16,256|    4,982|   14,690|   14,395|    609|      374
Virginia ...............|  180,793|  145,965|   56,967|   52,679|  6,128|       0|  185,981|  151,305|   60,789|   55,924|  6,891|        0
Washington .............|   96,556|  180,467|   44,450|   40,757|  3,659|       0|  102,868|  190,139|   42,436|   37,963|  3,377|        0
West Virginia ..........|   71,384|    6,920|   10,133|   10,133|  2,882|       0|   73,035|    6,706|   11,069|   11,069|  2,913|        0
Wisconsin ..............|  149,193|  108,695|   56,953|   55,416|  1,009|     407|  150,533|  117,477|   60,372|   56,906|  1,061|      530
Wyoming ................|   12,366|   17,179|        0|        0|  1,550|       0|   12,745|   17,921|        0|        0|  1,939|        0
                        |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
U.S. Service Schools ...|   14,561|        0|       † |       † |     † |      † |   14,420|        0|       † |       † |     † |       †
   Other jurisdictions .|   76,025|    9,510|  108,696|  101,351|  7,411|   1,181|   78,128|    8,356|  115,609|  106,836|  9,111|    3,738
American Samoa .........|        0|    1,178|        0|        0|      0|       0|        0|    1,367|        0|        0|      0|        0
Federated States of     |         |         |         |         |       |        |         |         |         |         |       |
   Micronesia ..........|        0|    2,243|        0|        0|      0|       0|        0|    2,173|        0|        0|      0|        0
Guam ...................|    3,264|    1,605|        0|        0|      0|       0|    3,152|    1,886|      119|      119|      0|        0
Marshall Islands .......|        0|      220|        0|        0|      0|       0|        0|      224|        0|        0|      0|        0
Northern Marianas ......|      982|        0|        0|        0|      0|       0|    1,299|        0|        0|        0|      0|        0
Palau ..................|        0|      579|        0|        0|      0|       0|        0|      668|        0|        0|      0|        0
Puerto Rico ............|   69,488|    3,685|  108,696|  101,351|  6,561|   1,181|   71,142|    2,038|  115,490|  106,717|  9,111|    3,738
Virgin Islands .........|    2,291|        0|        0|        0|    850|       0|    2,535|        0|        0|        0|      0|        0

†Not applicable.

NOTE: Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that participated in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2001 and 2002 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2002 and Spring 2003. (This table was prepared October 2004.)