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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 176. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by level of enrollment, sex, attendance status, and type and control of institution: 2002

Attendance status,           |              Total           |          Undergraduate       |    First-professional |          Graduate
and type and control         |______________________________|______________________________|_______________________|___________________________
of institution               |    Total |   Males | Females |    Total |   Males | Females | Total | Males |Females|   Total | Males | Females
1                            |        2 |       3 |       4 |        5 |       6 |       7 |     8 |     9 |    10 |      11 |    12 |      13
     Total ..................|16,611,711|7,202,116|9,409,595|14,257,077|6,192,390|8,064,687|318,982|162,881|156,101|2,035,652|846,845|1,188,807
Full-time ...................| 9,946,359|4,501,098|5,445,261| 8,734,252|3,934,168|4,800,084|285,916|145,482|140,434|  926,191|421,448|  504,743
Part-time ...................| 6,665,352|2,701,018|3,964,334| 5,522,825|2,258,222|3,264,603| 33,066| 17,399| 15,667|1,109,461|425,397|  684,064
     4-year, total ..........|10,082,332|4,448,650|5,633,682| 7,727,879|3,438,985|4,288,894|318,982|162,881|156,101|2,035,471|846,784|1,188,687
Full-time ...................| 7,390,323|3,365,427|4,024,896| 6,178,220|2,798,499|3,379,721|285,916|145,482|140,434|  926,187|421,446|  504,741
Part-time ...................| 2,692,009|1,083,223|1,608,786| 1,549,659|  640,486|  909,173| 33,066| 17,399| 15,667|1,109,284|425,338|  683,946
     2-year, total ..........| 6,529,379|2,753,466|3,775,913| 6,529,198|2,753,405|3,775,793|     † |     † |     † |      181|     61|      120
Full-time ...................| 2,556,036|1,135,671|1,420,365| 2,556,032|1,135,669|1,420,363|     † |     † |     † |        4|      2|        2
Part-time ...................| 3,973,343|1,617,795|2,355,548| 3,973,166|1,617,736|2,355,430|     † |     † |     † |      177|     59|      118
     Public .................|12,751,993|5,512,020|7,239,973|11,432,855|4,960,291|6,472,564|132,294| 64,665| 67,629|1,186,844|487,064|  699,780
Full-time ...................| 7,057,368|3,201,306|3,856,062| 6,419,442|2,903,053|3,516,389|126,183| 61,655| 64,528|  511,743|236,598|  275,145
Part-time ...................| 5,694,625|2,310,714|3,383,911| 5,013,413|2,057,238|2,956,175|  6,111|  3,010|  3,101|  675,101|250,466|  424,635
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
Public 4-year ...............| 6,481,613|2,872,800|3,608,813| 5,162,656|2,321,132|2,841,524|132,294| 64,665| 67,629|1,186,663|487,003|  699,660
  Full-time .................| 4,724,056|2,166,759|2,557,297| 4,086,134|1,868,508|2,217,626|126,183| 61,655| 64,528|  511,739|236,596|  275,143
  Part-time .................| 1,757,557|  706,041|1,051,516| 1,076,522|  452,624|  623,898|  6,111|  3,010|  3,101|  674,924|250,407|  424,517
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
Public 2-year ...............| 6,270,380|2,639,220|3,631,160| 6,270,199|2,639,159|3,631,040|     † |     † |     † |      181|     61|      120
  Full-time .................| 2,333,312|1,034,547|1,298,765| 2,333,308|1,034,545|1,298,763|     † |     † |     † |        4|      2|        2
  Part-time .................| 3,937,068|1,604,673|2,332,395| 3,936,891|1,604,614|2,332,277|     † |     † |     † |      177|     59|      118
     Private ................| 3,859,718|1,690,096|2,169,622| 2,824,222|1,232,099|1,592,123|186,688| 98,216| 88,472|  848,808|359,781|  489,027
Full-time ...................| 2,888,991|1,299,792|1,589,199| 2,314,810|1,031,115|1,283,695|159,733| 83,827| 75,906|  414,448|184,850|  229,598
Part-time ...................|   970,727|  390,304|  580,423|   509,412|  200,984|  308,428| 26,955| 14,389| 12,566|  434,360|174,931|  259,429
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
Private 4-year ..............| 3,600,719|1,575,850|2,024,869| 2,565,223|1,117,853|1,447,370|186,688| 98,216| 88,472|  848,808|359,781|  489,027
  Full-time .................| 2,666,267|1,198,668|1,467,599| 2,092,086|  929,991|1,162,095|159,733| 83,827| 75,906|  414,448|184,850|  229,598
  Part-time .................|   934,452|  377,182|  557,270|   473,137|  187,862|  285,275| 26,955| 14,389| 12,566|  434,360|174,931|  259,429
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
Private 2-year ..............|   258,999|  114,246|  144,753|   258,999|  114,246|  144,753|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
  Full-time .................|   222,724|  101,124|  121,600|   222,724|  101,124|  121,600|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
  Part-time .................|    36,275|   13,122|   23,153|    36,275|   13,122|   23,153|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
Not-for-profit ..............| 3,265,476|1,403,428|1,862,048| 2,306,091|  977,815|1,328,276|185,680| 97,691| 87,989|  773,705|327,922|  445,783
  Full-time .................| 2,400,362|1,062,116|1,338,246| 1,887,326|  819,123|1,068,203|158,992| 83,439| 75,553|  354,044|159,554|  194,490
  Part-time .................|   865,114|  341,312|  523,802|   418,765|  158,692|  260,073| 26,688| 14,252| 12,436|  419,661|168,368|  251,293
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
  Not-for-profit 4-year .....| 3,218,389|1,383,204|1,835,185| 2,259,004|  957,591|1,301,413|185,680| 97,691| 87,989|  773,705|327,922|  445,783
    Full-time ...............| 2,364,851|1,045,439|1,319,412| 1,851,815|  802,446|1,049,369|158,992| 83,439| 75,553|  354,044|159,554|  194,490
    Part-time ...............|   853,538|  337,765|  515,773|   407,189|  155,145|  252,044| 26,688| 14,252| 12,436|  419,661|168,368|  251,293
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
  Not-for-profit 2-year .....|    47,087|   20,224|   26,863|    47,087|   20,224|   26,863|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
    Full-time ...............|    35,511|   16,677|   18,834|    35,511|   16,677|   18,834|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
    Part-time ...............|    11,576|    3,547|    8,029|    11,576|    3,547|    8,029|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
For-profit ..................|   594,242|  286,668|  307,574|   518,131|  254,284|  263,847|  1,008|    525|    483|   75,103| 31,859|   43,244
  Full-time .................|   488,629|  237,676|  250,953|   427,484|  211,992|  215,492|    741|    388|    353|   60,404| 25,296|   35,108
  Part-time .................|   105,613|   48,992|   56,621|    90,647|   42,292|   48,355|    267|    137|    130|   14,699|  6,563|    8,136
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
  For-profit 4-year .........|   382,330|  192,646|  189,684|   306,219|  160,262|  145,957|  1,008|    525|    483|   75,103| 31,859|   43,244
    Full-time ...............|   301,416|  153,229|  148,187|   240,271|  127,545|  112,726|    741|    388|    353|   60,404| 25,296|   35,108
    Part-time ...............|    80,914|   39,417|   41,497|    65,948|   32,717|   33,231|    267|    137|    130|   14,699|  6,563|    8,136
                             |          |         |         |          |         |         |       |       |       |         |       |
  For-profit 2-year .........|   211,912|   94,022|  117,890|   211,912|   94,022|  117,890|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
    Full-time ...............|   187,213|   84,447|  102,766|   187,213|   84,447|  102,766|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †
    Part-time ...............|    24,699|    9,575|   15,124|    24,699|    9,575|   15,124|     † |     † |     † |       † |     † |       †

†Not applicable.

NOTE: Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2003. (This table was prepared July 2004.)