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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 174. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by level, sex, age, and attendance status of student: 2001

Age of student  |           All levels         |          Undergraduate       |    First-professional  |           Graduate
and attendance  |______________________________|______________________________|________________________|___________________________
status          |    Total |   Males | Females |    Total |   Males | Females |  Total | Males |Females|   Total | Males | Females
1               |        2 |       3 |       4 |        5 |       6 |       7 |      8 |     9 |    10 |      11 |    12 |      13
   All students |15,927,987|6,960,815|8,967,172|13,715,610|6,004,431|7,711,179| 308,647|160,666|147,981|1,903,730|795,718|1,108,012
Under 18 .......|   485,990|  208,179|  277,811|   485,530|  208,002|  277,528|     169|     55|    114|      291|    122|      169
18 and 19 ......| 3,355,088|1,495,530|1,859,558| 3,353,652|1,494,992|1,858,660|     981|    346|    635|      455|    192|      263
20 and 21 ......| 3,141,134|1,422,669|1,718,465| 3,118,763|1,413,893|1,704,870|   8,264|  2,816|  5,448|   14,107|  5,960|    8,147
22 to 24 .......| 2,494,946|1,176,358|1,318,588| 2,107,903|1,017,479|1,090,424| 103,762| 49,068| 54,694|  283,281|109,811|  173,470
25 to 29 .......| 2,030,686|  918,413|1,112,273| 1,402,187|  629,720|  772,467| 106,097| 58,657| 47,440|  522,402|230,036|  292,366
30 to 34 .......| 1,243,687|  539,894|  703,793|   890,776|  366,839|  523,937|  31,684| 18,597| 13,087|  321,227|154,458|  166,769
35 to 39 .......|   872,697|  343,214|  529,483|   673,977|  252,230|  421,747|  12,800|  7,193|  5,607|  185,920| 83,791|  102,129
40 to 49 .......| 1,226,580|  430,487|  796,093|   944,442|  330,127|  614,315|  12,992|  6,452|  6,540|  269,146| 93,908|  175,238
50 to 64 .......|   504,531|  178,663|  325,868|   380,201|  137,210|  242,991|   4,776|  2,278|  2,498|  119,554| 39,175|   80,379
65 and over ....|    84,420|   33,045|   51,375|    78,655|   30,374|   48,281|     210|    121|     89|    5,555|  2,550|    3,005
Age unknown ....|   488,228|  214,363|  273,865|   279,524|  123,565|  155,959|  26,912| 15,083| 11,829|  181,792| 75,715|  106,077
                |          |         |         |          |         |         |        |       |       |         |       |
Full-time ..... | 9,447,502|4,299,890|5,147,612| 8,327,640|3,768,630|4,559,010| 276,792|143,536|133,256|  843,070|387,724|  455,346
  Under 18 .....|   136,452|   56,654|   79,798|   136,173|   56,542|   79,631|     166|     54|    112|      113|     58|       55
  18 and 19 ....| 2,868,674|1,273,224|1,595,450| 2,867,445|1,272,765|1,594,680|     974|    342|    632|      255|    117|      138
  20 and 21 ....| 2,537,991|1,155,150|1,382,841| 2,518,302|1,147,320|1,370,982|   8,173|  2,785|  5,388|   11,516|  5,045|    6,471
  22 to 24 .....| 1,620,769|  795,804|  824,965| 1,323,528|  667,759|  655,769| 100,960| 47,761| 53,199|  196,281| 80,284|  115,997
  25 to 29 .....|   957,933|  462,880|  495,053|   591,967|  278,127|  313,840|  97,780| 54,178| 43,602|  268,186|130,575|  137,611
  30 to 34 .....|   443,457|  200,850|  242,607|   289,489|  117,686|  171,803|  25,742| 15,145| 10,597|  128,226| 68,019|   60,207
  35 to 39 .....|   252,588|   99,707|  152,881|   184,201|   65,679|  118,522|   9,221|  5,127|  4,094|   59,166| 28,901|   30,265
  40 to 49 .....|   293,763|  106,561|  187,202|   217,791|   76,612|  141,179|   8,139|  3,963|  4,176|   67,833| 25,986|   41,847
  50 to 64 .....|    85,905|   32,460|   53,445|    58,181|   22,024|   36,157|   2,685|  1,269|  1,416|   25,039|  9,167|   15,872
  65 and over ..|     4,990|    2,413|    2,577|     3,912|    1,907|    2,005|     111|     66|     45|      967|    440|      527
  Age unknown ..|   244,980|  114,187|  130,793|   136,651|   62,209|   74,442|  22,841| 12,846|  9,995|   85,488| 39,132|   46,356
                |          |         |         |          |         |         |        |       |       |         |       |
Part-time ..... | 6,480,485|2,660,925|3,819,560| 5,387,970|2,235,801|3,152,169|  31,855| 17,130| 14,725|1,060,660|407,994|  652,666
  Under 18 .....|   349,538|  151,525|  198,013|   349,357|  151,460|  197,897|       3|      1|      2|      178|     64|      114
  18 and 19 ....|   486,414|  222,306|  264,108|   486,207|  222,227|  263,980|       7|      4|      3|      200|     75|      125
  20 and 21 ....|   603,143|  267,519|  335,624|   600,461|  266,573|  333,888|      91|     31|     60|    2,591|    915|    1,676
  22 to 24 .....|   874,177|  380,554|  493,623|   784,375|  349,720|  434,655|   2,802|  1,307|  1,495|   87,000| 29,527|   57,473
  25 to 29 .....| 1,072,753|  455,533|  617,220|   810,220|  351,593|  458,627|   8,317|  4,479|  3,838|  254,216| 99,461|  154,755
  30 to 34 .....|   800,230|  339,044|  461,186|   601,287|  249,153|  352,134|   5,942|  3,452|  2,490|  193,001| 86,439|  106,562
  35 to 39 .....|   620,109|  243,507|  376,602|   489,776|  186,551|  303,225|   3,579|  2,066|  1,513|  126,754| 54,890|   71,864
  40 to 49 .....|   932,817|  323,926|  608,891|   726,651|  253,515|  473,136|   4,853|  2,489|  2,364|  201,313| 67,922|  133,391
  50 to 64 .....|   418,626|  146,203|  272,423|   322,020|  115,186|  206,834|   2,091|  1,009|  1,082|   94,515| 30,008|   64,507
  65 and over ..|    79,430|   30,632|   48,798|    74,743|   28,467|   46,276|      99|     55|     44|    4,588|  2,110|    2,478
  Age unknown ..|   243,248|  100,176|  143,072|   142,873|   61,356|   81,517|   4,071|  2,237|  1,834|   96,304| 36,583|   59,721
                |                                                  Percentage distribution
   All students |     100.0|    100.0|    100.0|     100.0|    100.0|    100.0|   100.1|  100.0|  100.1|    100.0|  100.0|    100.0
Under 18 .......|       3.1|      3.0|      3.1|       3.5|      3.5|      3.6|     0.1|     # |    0.1|       # |     # |       #
18 and 19 ......|      21.1|     21.5|     20.7|      24.5|     24.9|     24.1|     0.3|    0.2|    0.4|       # |     # |       #
20 and 21 ......|      19.7|     20.4|     19.2|      22.7|     23.5|     22.1|     2.7|    1.8|    3.7|      0.7|    0.7|      0.7
22 to 24 .......|      15.7|     16.9|     14.7|      15.4|     16.9|     14.1|    33.6|   30.5|   37.0|     14.9|   13.8|     15.7
25 to 29 .......|      12.7|     13.2|     12.4|      10.2|     10.5|     10.0|    34.4|   36.5|   32.1|     27.4|   28.9|     26.4
30 to 34 .......|       7.8|      7.8|      7.8|       6.5|      6.1|      6.8|    10.3|   11.6|    8.8|     16.9|   19.4|     15.1
35 to 39 .......|       5.5|      4.9|      5.9|       4.9|      4.2|      5.5|     4.1|    4.5|    3.8|      9.8|   10.5|      9.2
40 to 49 .......|       7.7|      6.2|      8.9|       6.9|      5.5|      8.0|     4.2|    4.0|    4.4|     14.1|   11.8|     15.8
50 to 64 .......|       3.2|      2.6|      3.6|       2.8|      2.3|      3.2|     1.5|    1.4|    1.7|      6.3|    4.9|      7.3
65 and over ....|       0.5|      0.5|      0.6|       0.6|      0.5|      0.6|     0.1|    0.1|    0.1|      0.3|    0.3|      0.3
Age unknown ....|       3.1|      3.1|      3.1|       2.0|      2.1|      2.0|     8.7|    9.4|    8.0|      9.5|    9.5|      9.6
                |          |         |         |          |         |         |        |       |       |         |       |
Full-time ......|     100.0|    100.0|    100.0|     100.0|    100.0|    100.0|   100.0|  100.0|  100.0|    100.0|  100.0|    100.0
  Under 18 .....|       1.4|      1.3|      1.6|       1.6|      1.5|      1.7|     0.1|     # |    0.1|       # |     # |       #
  18 and 19 ....|      30.4|     29.6|     31.0|      34.4|     33.8|     35.0|     0.4|    0.2|    0.5|       # |     # |       #
  20 and 21 ....|      26.9|     26.9|     26.9|      30.2|     30.4|     30.1|     3.0|    1.9|    4.0|      1.4|    1.3|      1.4
  22 to 24 .....|      17.2|     18.5|     16.0|      15.9|     17.7|     14.4|    36.5|   33.3|   39.9|     23.3|   20.7|     25.5
  25 to 29 .....|      10.1|     10.8|      9.6|       7.1|      7.4|      6.9|    35.3|   37.7|   32.7|     31.8|   33.7|     30.2
  30 to 34 .....|       4.7|      4.7|      4.7|       3.5|      3.1|      3.8|     9.3|   10.6|    8.0|     15.2|   17.5|     13.2
  35 to 39 .....|       2.7|      2.3|      3.0|       2.2|      1.7|      2.6|     3.3|    3.6|    3.1|      7.0|    7.5|      6.6
  40 to 49 .....|       3.1|      2.5|      3.6|       2.6|      2.0|      3.1|     2.9|    2.8|    3.1|      8.0|    6.7|      9.2
  50 to 64 .....|       0.9|      0.8|      1.0|       0.7|      0.6|      0.8|     1.0|    0.9|    1.1|      3.0|    2.4|      3.5
  65 and over ..|       0.1|      0.1|      0.1|        # |      0.1|       # |      # |     # |     # |      0.1|    0.1|      0.1
  Age unknown ..|       2.6|      2.7|      2.5|       1.6|      1.7|      1.6|     8.3|    8.9|    7.5|     10.1|   10.1|     10.2
                |          |         |         |          |         |         |        |       |       |         |       |
Part-time ......|     100.0|    100.0|    100.0|     100.0|    100.0|    100.0|   100.0|  100.0|  100.0|    100.0|  100.0|    100.0
  Under 18 .....|       5.4|      5.7|      5.2|       6.5|      6.8|      6.3|      # |     # |     # |       # |     # |       #
  18 and 19 ....|       7.5|      8.4|      6.9|       9.0|      9.9|      8.4|      # |     # |     # |       # |     # |       #
  20 and 21 ....|       9.3|     10.1|      8.8|      11.1|     11.9|     10.6|     0.3|    0.2|    0.4|      0.2|    0.2|      0.3
  22 to 24 .....|      13.5|     14.3|     12.9|      14.6|     15.6|     13.8|     8.8|    7.6|   10.2|      8.2|    7.2|      8.8
  25 to 29 .....|      16.6|     17.1|     16.2|      15.0|     15.7|     14.5|    26.1|   26.1|   26.1|     24.0|   24.4|     23.7
  30 to 34 .....|      12.3|     12.7|     12.1|      11.2|     11.1|     11.2|    18.7|   20.2|   16.9|     18.2|   21.2|     16.3
  35 to 39 .....|       9.6|      9.2|      9.9|       9.1|      8.3|      9.6|    11.2|   12.1|   10.3|     12.0|   13.5|     11.0
  40 to 49 .....|      14.4|     12.2|     15.9|      13.5|     11.3|     15.0|    15.2|   14.5|   16.1|     19.0|   16.6|     20.4
  50 to 64 .....|       6.5|      5.5|      7.1|       6.0|      5.2|      6.6|     6.6|    5.9|    7.3|      8.9|    7.4|      9.9
  65 and over ..|       1.2|      1.2|      1.3|       1.4|      1.3|      1.5|     0.3|    0.3|    0.3|      0.4|    0.5|      0.4
  Age unknown ..|       3.8|      3.8|      3.7|       2.7|      2.7|      2.6|    12.8|   13.1|   12.5|      9.1|    9.0|      9.2

#Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Totals may differ from figures reported in other tables because of varying survey methodologies. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2001 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2002. (This table was prepared August 2003.)