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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 164. Public school pupils transported at public expense and current expenditures for transportation: Selected years, 1929-30 to 2001-02

           |  Average |  Pupils transported |      Expenditures for  |      Expenditures for
School     |    daily |  at public expense  |       transportation   |     transportation (in
year       |   atten- |                     |    (in current dollars)|constant 2001-02 dollars)
           |   dance, |_____________________|________________________|_________________________
           |      all |             |Percent|     Total\1\|     Avera|    Total\1\ |    Average
           | students |      Number |    of |         (in |   per pup|         (in |  per pupil
           |          |             | total |    thousands|   transpo|   thousands)| transported
1          |        2 |           3 |     4 |           5 |        6 |           7 |         8
1929-30 ...|21,265,000|    1,902,826|    8.9|      $54,823|       $29|     $570,720|       $300
1931-32 ...|22,245,000|    2,419,173|   10.9|       58,078|        24|      717,836|        297
1933-34 ...|22,458,000|    2,794,724|   12.4|       53,908|        19|      725,417|        260
1935-36 ...|22,299,000|    3,250,658|   14.6|       62,653|        19|      812,419|        250
1937-38 ...|22,298,000|    3,769,242|   16.9|       75,637|        20|      940,866|        250
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1939-40 ...|22,042,000|    4,144,161|   18.8|       83,283|        20|    1,061,922|        256
1941-42 ...|21,031,000|    4,503,081|   21.4|       92,922|        21|    1,061,952|        236
1943-44 ...|19,603,000|    4,512,412|   23.0|      107,754|        24|    1,101,917|        244
1945-46 ...|19,849,000|    5,056,966|   25.5|      129,756|        26|    1,267,486|        251
1947-48 ...|20,910,000|    5,854,041|   28.0|      176,265|        30|    1,348,026|        230
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1949-50 ...|22,284,000|    6,947,384|   31.2|      214,504|        31|    1,613,938|        232
1951-52 ...|23,257,000|    7,697,130|   33.1|      268,827|        35|    1,822,578|        237
1953-54 ...|25,643,871|    8,411,719|   32.8|      307,437|        37|    2,037,142|        242
1955-56 ...|27,740,149|    9,695,819|   35.0|      353,972|        37|    2,346,278|        242
1957-58 ...|29,722,275|   10,861,689|   36.5|      416,491|        38|    2,598,759|        239
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1959-60 ...|32,477,440|   12,225,142|   37.6|      486,338|        40|    2,949,377|        241
1961-62 ...|34,682,340|   13,222,667|   38.1|      576,361|        44|    3,416,825|        258
1963-64 ...|37,405,058|   14,475,778|   38.7|      673,845|        47|    3,893,191|        269
1965-66 ...|39,154,497|   15,536,567|   39.7|      787,358|        51|    4,397,045|        283
1967-68 ...|40,827,965|   17,130,873|   42.0|      981,006|        57|    5,140,185|        300
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1969-70 ...|41,934,376|   18,198,577|   43.4|    1,218,557|        67|    5,748,170|        316
1971-72 ...|42,254,272|   19,474,355|   46.1|    1,507,830|        77|    6,529,362|        335
1973-74 ...|41,438,054|   21,347,039|   51.5|    1,858,141|        87|    7,101,466|        333
1975-76 ...|41,269,720|   21,772,483|   52.8|    2,377,313|       109|    7,638,540|        351
1977-78 ...|40,079,590|\2\21,800,000|   54.4|    2,731,041|\2\    125|    7,769,860|\2\     356
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1979-80 ...|38,288,911|   21,713,515|   56.7|    3,833,145|       177|    8,798,266|        405
1980-81 ...|37,703,744|\2\22,272,000|   59.1|\2\ 4,408,000|\2\    198|\2  9,067,000|\2\     407
1981-82 ...|37,094,652|\2\22,246,000|   60.0|\2\ 4,793,000|\2\    215|\2  9,075,000|\2\     408
1982-83 ...|36,635,868|\2\22,199,000|   60.6|\2\ 5,000,000|\2\    225|\2  9,078,000|\2\     409
1983-84 ...|36,362,978|\2\22,031,000|   60.6|\2\ 5,284,000|\2\    240|\2  9,251,000|\2\     420
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1984-85 ...|36,404,261|\2\22,320,000|   61.3|\2\ 5,722,000|\2\    256|\2  9,640,000|\2\     432
1985-86 ...|36,523,103|\2\22,041,000|   60.3|\2\ 6,123,000|\2\    278|\2 10,027,000|\2\     455
1986-87 ...|36,863,867|\2\22,397,000|   60.8|\2\ 6,551,000|\2\    292|\2 10,495,000|\2\     469
1987-88 ...|37,050,707|\2\22,158,000|   59.8|\2\ 6,888,000|\2\    311|\2 10,595,000|\2\     478
1988-89 ...|37,268,072|\2\22,635,000|   60.7|\2\ 7,550,000|\2\    334|\2 11,101,000|\2\     490
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1989-90 ...|37,799,296|\2\22,459,000|   59.4|    8,030,990|\2\    358|   11,270,393|\2\     502
1990-91 ...|38,426,543|\2\22,000,000|   57.3|    8,678,954|\2\    394|   11,548,349|\2\     525
1991-92 ...|38,960,783|\2\23,165,000|   59.5|    8,769,754|\2\    379|   11,306,871|\2\     488
1992-93 ...|39,570,462|\2\23,439,000|   59.2|    9,252,300|\2\    395|   11,567,696|\2\     494
1993-94 ...|40,146,393|\2\23,858,000|   59.4|    9,627,155|\2\    404|   11,732,439|\2\     492
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1994-95 ...|40,720,763|\2\23,693,000|   58.2|    9,889,034|\2\    417|   11,715,778|\2\     494
1995-96 ...|41,501,596|\2\24,155,000|   58.2|   10,396,426|\2\    430|   11,990,679|\2\     496
1996-97 ...|42,262,004|\2\24,090,000|   57.0|   10,989,809|\2\    456|   12,323,458|\2\     512
1997-98 ...|42,765,774|\2\24,342,000|   56.9|   11,465,658|\2\    471|   12,631,775|\2\     519
1998-99 ...|43,186,715|\2\24,898,000|   57.7|   12,224,454|\2\    491|   13,238,565|\2\     532
           |          |             |       |             |          |             |
1999-2000 .|43,806,726|\2\24,951,000|   57.0|   13,007,625|\2\    521|   13,691,461|\2\     549
2000-01 ...|44,075,930|\2\24,471,000|   55.5|   14,052,654|\2\    574|   14,301,456|\2\     584
2001-02 ...|44,604,592|\3\24,436,000|   54.8|   14,799,365|\3\    606|   14,799,365|\3\     606

\1\Excludes capital outlay for years through 1979-80, and 1989-90 to the latest year. From 1980-81 to 1988-89 total transportation figures include capital outlay.
\2\Estimate based on data appearing in January issues of School Bus Fleet.
\3\Estimate based on data reported by School Transportation News.

NOTE: Constant dollars are adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index computed on a school year basis. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems, 1929-30 through 1975-76; Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education, 1977-78 and 1979-80; The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "National Public Education Financial Survey," 1987-88 through 2001-02; Bobit Publishing Co., School Bus Fleet, "School Transportation: 2000-2001 School Year;" School Transportation News, "K-12 Enrollment/Transportation Data, 2001-02 School Year;" and unpublished data. (This table was prepared May 2005.)