Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 155. Revenues for public elementary and secondary schools, by source and state or jurisdiction: 2000-01

                      |            |             Federal        |        State        |Local and intermediat|     Private\1\
State                 |  Total (in |____________________________|_____________________|_____________________|____________________
or jurisdiction       | thousands) |Amount (in |   Per |Percent | Amount (in |Percent | Amount (in |Percent |Amount (in |Percent
                      |            |thousands) |student|of total| thousands) |of total| thousands) |of total|thousands) |of total
1                     |          2 |         3 |     4 |      5 |          6 |      7 |          8 |      9 |        10 |     11
   United States .....|$401,355,325|$29,100,183|   $616|     7.3|$199,583,097|    49.7|$163,465,197|    40.7| $9,206,847|     2.3
Alabama ..............|   4,812,302|    453,817|    613|     9.4|   2,881,224|    59.9|   1,227,512|    25.5|    249,749|     5.2
Alaska ...............|   1,370,271|    215,921|  1,619|    15.8|     782,348|    57.1|     333,592|    24.3|     38,410|     2.8
Arizona ..............|   6,209,904|    630,745|    719|    10.2|   2,961,902|    47.7|   2,469,328|    39.8|    147,929|     2.4
Arkansas .............|   2,812,169|    260,705|    579|     9.3|   1,676,138|    59.6|     820,201|    29.2|     55,125|     2.0
California ...........|  51,007,510|  4,159,513|    677|     8.2|  31,392,549|    61.5|  14,929,920|    29.3|    525,528|     1.0
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
Colorado .............|   5,349,899|    299,576|    413|     5.6|   2,222,083|    41.5|   2,576,924|    48.2|    251,315|     4.7
Connecticut ..........|   6,460,491|    276,427|    492|     4.3|   2,553,180|    39.5|   3,527,302|    54.6|    103,583|     1.6
Delaware .............|   1,112,519|     87,904|    767|     7.9|     732,599|    65.9|     277,769|    25.0|     14,247|     1.3
District of Columbia .|   1,042,711|    115,527|  1,676|    11.1|          † |      † |     918,793|    88.1|      8,391|     0.8
Florida ..............|  17,866,868|  1,599,259|    657|     9.0|   8,695,213|    48.7|   6,917,556|    38.7|    654,841|     3.7
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
Georgia ..............|  12,191,113|    783,487|    542|     6.4|   5,963,337|    48.9|   5,249,268|    43.1|    195,020|     1.6
Hawaii ...............|   1,682,330|    140,951|    765|     8.4|   1,511,317|    89.8|       9,105|     0.5|     20,957|     1.2
Idaho ................|   1,593,966|    128,646|    525|     8.1|     977,438|    61.3|     461,605|    29.0|     26,278|     1.6
Illinois .............|  18,217,079|  1,421,519|    694|     7.8|   6,124,183|    33.6|  10,301,826|    56.6|    369,551|     2.0
Indiana ..............|   9,033,180|    464,489|    470|     5.1|   4,833,954|    53.5|   3,477,771|    38.5|    256,967|     2.8
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
Iowa .................|   3,954,178|    248,689|    502|     6.3|   1,943,708|    49.2|   1,556,878|    39.4|    204,902|     5.2
Kansas ...............|   3,621,274|    231,473|    492|     6.4|   2,198,216|    60.7|   1,097,764|    30.3|     93,820|     2.6
Kentucky .............|   4,509,893|    448,073|    673|     9.9|   2,702,932|    59.9|   1,258,841|    27.9|    100,047|     2.2
Louisiana ............|   5,060,133|    580,356|    781|    11.5|   2,497,875|    49.4|   1,921,174|    38.0|     60,729|     1.2
Maine ................|   1,934,178|    153,100|    739|     7.9|     863,295|    44.6|     880,399|    45.5|     37,384|     1.9
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
Maryland .............|   7,846,891|    477,463|    560|     6.1|   2,928,715|    37.3|   4,178,103|    53.2|    262,611|     3.3
Massachusetts ........|  10,148,498|    511,198|    524|     5.0|   4,420,622|    43.6|   5,052,863|    49.8|    163,816|     1.6
Michigan .............|  16,358,532|  1,116,374|    649|     6.8|  10,603,606|    64.8|   4,276,902|    26.1|    361,649|     2.2
Minnesota ............|   7,873,549|    370,648|    434|     4.7|   4,765,802|    60.5|   2,497,149|    31.7|    239,951|     3.0
Mississippi ..........|   2,903,534|    400,804|    805|    13.8|   1,607,126|    55.4|     804,183|    27.7|     91,421|     3.1
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
Missouri .............|   7,102,501|    491,233|    538|     6.9|   2,661,904|    37.5|   3,680,122|    51.8|    269,242|     3.8
Montana ..............|   1,140,168|    131,299|    848|    11.5|     542,692|    47.6|     418,700|    36.7|     47,477|     4.2
Nebraska .............|   2,307,804|    168,036|    587|     7.3|     805,419|    34.9|   1,210,412|    52.4|    123,937|     5.4
Nevada ...............|   2,393,494|    122,360|    359|     5.1|     683,605|    28.6|   1,497,331|    62.6|     90,198|     3.8
New Hampshire ........|   1,714,147|     77,365|    371|     4.5|     884,875|    51.6|     712,119|    41.5|     39,788|     2.3
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
New Jersey ...........|  15,967,075|    628,834|    479|     3.9|   6,669,858|    41.8|   8,351,731|    52.3|    316,652|     2.0
New Mexico ...........|   2,426,705|    338,213|  1,056|    13.9|   1,725,551|    71.1|     316,268|    13.0|     46,674|     1.9
New York .............|  34,266,171|  1,961,653|    681|     5.7|  15,818,051|    46.2|  16,187,387|    47.2|    299,080|     0.9
North Carolina .......|   9,262,181|    670,380|    518|     7.2|   6,144,449|    66.3|   2,216,699|    23.9|    230,653|     2.5
North Dakota .........|     767,798|    102,697|    940|    13.4|     299,089|    39.0|     324,794|    42.3|     41,216|     5.4
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
Ohio .................|  16,649,361|  1,007,370|    549|     6.1|   7,187,325|    43.2|   7,840,209|    47.1|    614,457|     3.7
Oklahoma .............|   4,034,825|    410,681|    659|    10.2|   2,386,216|    59.1|   1,035,597|    25.7|    202,332|     5.0
Oregon ...............|   4,564,408|    336,992|    617|     7.4|   2,566,099|    56.2|   1,528,766|    33.5|    132,551|     2.9
Pennsylvania .........|  17,053,891|  1,107,854|    611|     6.5|   6,443,673|    37.8|   9,176,463|    53.8|    325,901|     1.9
Rhode Island .........|   1,545,675|     90,634|    576|     5.9|     652,723|    42.2|     781,753|    50.6|     20,566|     1.3
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
South Carolina .......|   5,459,399|    446,838|    660|     8.2|   2,941,097|    53.9|   1,873,403|    34.3|    198,061|     3.6
South Dakota .........|     885,229|    107,532|    836|    12.1|     312,880|    35.3|     438,651|    49.6|     26,167|     3.0
Tennessee ............|   5,711,950|    524,351|    577|     9.2|   2,532,336|    44.3|   2,493,439|    43.7|    161,824|     2.8
Texas ................|  30,469,570|  2,656,951|    654|     8.7|  12,855,241|    42.2|  14,246,504|    46.8|    710,874|     2.3
Utah .................|   2,745,656|    204,939|    426|     7.5|   1,608,249|    58.6|     867,784|    31.6|     64,683|     2.4
                      |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
Vermont ..............|   1,035,679|     60,523|    593|     5.8|     732,563|    70.7|     226,175|    21.8|     16,418|     1.6
Virginia .............|   9,313,330|    520,773|    455|     5.6|   3,939,548|    42.3|   4,649,755|    49.9|    203,253|     2.2
Washington ...........|   8,058,875|    625,231|    622|     7.8|   5,072,388|    62.9|   2,101,004|    26.1|    260,253|     3.2
West Virginia ........|   2,375,788|    243,131|    849|    10.2|   1,450,453|    61.1|     654,155|    27.5|     28,049|     1.2
Wisconsin ............|   8,327,255|    418,472|    476|     5.0|   4,424,429|    53.1|   3,295,254|    39.6|    189,099|     2.3
Wyoming ..............|     803,414|     69,176|    769|     8.6|     403,020|    50.2|     317,995|    39.6|     13,223|     1.6
Other jurisdictions   |            |           |       |        |            |        |            |        |           |
  American Samoa .....|      58,262|     45,822|  2,918|    78.6|      10,551|    18.1|       1,801|     3.1|         89|     0.2
  Guam ...............|        --- |       --- |   --- |    --- |        --- |    --- |        --- |     ---|       --- |    ---
  Northern Marianas ..|      55,164|     17,619|  1,761|    31.9|      37,230|    67.5|         255|     0.5|         60|     0.1
  Puerto Rico ........|   2,331,691|    671,870|  1,097|    28.8|   1,658,907|    71.1|          98|       #|        815|      #
  Virgin Islands .....|     165,801|     28,256|  1,452|    17.0|           0|    --- |     137,400|    82.9|        146|     0.1

---Not available.
#Rounds to zero.
\1\Includes revenues from gifts, and tuition and fees from patrons.

NOTE: Excludes revenues for state education agencies. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "National Public Education Financial Survey," 2000-01. (This table was prepared September 2004.)