Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 149. State requirements for high school graduation, in Carnegie units: 2002

                   |     All|                                                                                   |   Minimum|
                   | courses|___________________________________________________________________________________|competency|
State              |        |English/|   Social| Mathe-|Science|Health|Physical|    Arts/| Foreign|Other courses|   test is|                                  Notes
                   |        |    lan-|  studies| matics|       |      |    edu-| vocation|language|             |  required|
                   |        |   guage|         |       |       |      |  cation|         |        |             |        to|
                   |        |    arts|         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |  graduate|
1                  |      2 |      3 |       4 |     5 |     6 |    7 |       8|        9|      10|          11 |        12|                                                                     13
Alabama ...........|      24|       4|        4|      4|      4|   0.5|       1|      0.5|       0|0.5 (computer|      Yes |Math requirement includes algebra I and geometry.  Science
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        | application)|          |includes biology and physical science.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Alaska ............|      21|       4|        3|      2|      2|  --- |    --- |        0|    --- |         --- |       No |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Arizona ...........|      20|       4|      2.5|      2|      2|  --- |    --- |        1|    --- |         --- |       No |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Arkansas ..........|      21|       4|        3|      3|      3|   0.5|     0.5|      0.5|       0|         --- |       No |Social studies requirement consists of world history;
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |U.S. history; civics/government.  Science requirement includes 2
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |2 credits including biology 1 and physical science.  Math requirement
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |includes algebra and geometry.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
California ........|      13|       3|        3|      2|      2|  --- |       2|        1|       1|          0.5|      Yes |Physical education requirement consists of 2 years.  Foreign
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        | (economics) |          |language requirement consists of 1 year.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Colorado\1\ .......|      † |      † |       † |     † |     † |  --- |    --- |       † |    --- |         --- |       No |Math, science, English, social studies, arts, and total
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |credits are determined locally.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Connecticut .......|      20|       4|        3|      3|      2|  --- |       1|        1|    --- |         --- |      Yes |Health credits are required for graduation.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Delaware ..........|      22|       4|        3|      3|      3|   0.5|       1|        0|       0| 1 (computer |       No |Science requirement consists of 3 credits that meet
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |   literacy) |          |state content standards.  Math requirements consists
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |   3 (career |          |of course offerings that meet state content standards.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |    pathway) |          |
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
District of        |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
  Columbia ........|    23.5|       4|      3.5|      3|      3|  0.75|    0.75|        1|       2|         --- |       No |Social studies requirement includes D.C. history and government;
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |U.S. history; and U.S. government.  Math requirement includes
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |elementary algebra. 100 hours of community service are
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |required for graduation.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Florida ...........|      24|       4|        3|      3|      3|   0.5|       1|        1|       0|         --- |      Yes |Two of 3 science credits must have a laboratory requirement.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Math requirement consists of algebra I or course equivalent.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Health requirement consists of 0.5 credits of life management skills.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Georgia\2,3\ ......|      19|       4|        3|      3|      3|   0.5|     0.5|        0|       2|         --- |      Yes |Social studies requirement includes 1 unit of U.S. history, 0.5 unit
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |of government, and 0.5 unit of economics.  Language arts requirement
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |include 0.5 units of American literature.  Science requirement includes
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |1 life science and 1 physical science unit.  Math requirement includes
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |algebra I. Physical education requirement includes 0.5 credits of
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |personal fitness.  Language requirement includes 2 college prep. units.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Preparatory diploma requirement includes 4 units of technology/career
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |preparatory courses.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Hawaii ............|      22|       4|        4|      3|      3|   0.5|       1|        0|    --- |         --- |       No |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Idaho\4\ ..........|      42|       8|        5|      4|      4|   0.5|       4|        2|       0| 1 (communi- |       No |Communications requirement includes 1 credit in speech or debate.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |    cations) |          |Science requirement includes 2 semester credits in lab science;
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |content to include applied, earth/space, physical, and life sciences.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Illinois ..........|   10.25|       3|        2|      2|      1|   0.5|       4|        1|       0|         --- |       No |Of the 2 math courses required, one may be in computer technology.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Indiana\4\ ........|      24|       8|        4|      4|      4|     1|       1|        0|       0|            2|      Yes |Technology competency requirement includes 2 credits in computer
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |(technology  |          |applications:  keyboarding, programming, computerized accounting, computer
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        | competency) |          |operations, graphics, processes, business technology labs, or others.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Science requirement includes 4 credits minimum in 2 fields: life,
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |physical, earth/space science.  Health requirement includes 1 course.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Physical education requirement includes 1 course.  Attendance of 7
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |semesters (9-12) is required for graduation.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Iowa\1\ ...........|     1.5|      † |      1.5|     † |     † |    † |      † |        0|       4|         --- |       No |Math, science, English, and physical education requirements
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |are determined locally. Health requirements are taught in grades 1-12.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Kansas ............|      21|       4|        3|      2|      2|   0.5|     0.5|        0|      † |         --- |       No |Science requirement includes one laboratory course.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Kentucky ..........|      22|       4|        3|      3|      3|   0.5|     0.5|        1|       0|         --- |       No |English requirements include English I, II, III, and IV. Science
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirement includes 1 credit each of life, physical, and earth/space
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |science.  Math requirement includes algebra I and geometry.  An individual
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |graduation plan is required.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Louisiana .........|      24|       4|        3|      3|      3|   0.5|     1.5|        0|    --- |         --- |      Yes |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Maine .............|      16|       4|        2|      2|      2|   0.5|       1|        1|       2|         --- |       No |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Maryland ..........|      21|       4|        3|      3|      3|   0.5|     0.5|        1|       2|         --- |     Yes  |Science requirement includes earth, life, or physical science
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |with laboratory requirement.  Math requirement includes 1
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |algebraic concepts and 1 geometric concepts course.  Two
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |advanced technology credits may fulfill the foreign language
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirement.  Community service is required for graduation.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Massachusetts\1\ ..|      † |      † |        1|     † |     † |  --- |      † |        1|    --- |         --- |       No |Math, science, English, and total credit requirements are
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |determined locally.  Physical education credits are required
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |for graduation.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Michigan\1\ .......|      † |      † |      0.5|     † |     † |  --- |    --- |       † |    --- |         --- |       No |Math, science, English, arts, and total credit requirements
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |are determined locally.  Social studies requirement consists
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |of 0.5 civics credits.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Minnesota .........|      24|       3|        4|      3|      2|     1|       1|        2|    --- |         --- |      Yes |Total credit requirements include standards that are determined
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |locally.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Mississippi .......|      20|       4|        3|      3|      3|     1|    --- |        1|    --- |        ---  |      Yes |Social studies requirement includes world history, U.S. history,
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |   business  |          |U.S. government, and Mississippi studies.  Health requirements
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        | technology) |          |include comprehensive health.  Science requirements include biology 1.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Math requirements include algebra I and geometry.  Business technology
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirements include keyboarding and computer applications.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Missouri ..........|      22|       3|        2|      2|      2|  --- |       1|        1|       0|         --- |       No |Social studies requirement includes American government: 0.5
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |credits in local, state and federal government.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Montana ...........|      20|       4|        2|      2|      2|     1|       1|        1|       2|         --- |       No |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Nebraska\1\ .......|      † |      † |       † |     † |     † |  --- |    --- |       † |    --- |         --- |       No |Math, science, English, social studies, arts, and total credit
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirements are determined locally.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Nevada\5\ .........|    22.5|       4|        2|      3|      2|   0.5|       2|        1|    --- |         --- |      Yes |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
New Hampshire .....|   19.75|       4|      2.5|      2|      2|  0.25|       1|      0.5|    --- |  0.5 (basic |       No |Basic business and economics requirements include 0.5 credits
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |business and |          |in basic business and economics education and 0.5 credits in
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |  economics) |          |computer education.  Science requirement includes 1 physical
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |science and 1 biological science course.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
New Jersey ........|      22|       4|        3|      3|      3|  1.88|    1.88|        1|       2|         --- |      Yes |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
New Mexico ........|      23|       4|        3|      3|      2|  --- |    --- |        0|    --- |         --- |      Yes |Science requirement includes one course with laboratory component.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
New York ..........|      12|       4|        4|      2|      2|  --- |    --- |        0|    --- |         --- |      Yes |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
North Carolina\2\ .|      20|       4|        3|      3|      3|\6   1|\6\    1|     --- |    --- |         --- |      Yes |Science requirement includes a biology and physical science course.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Math requirement includes algebra I.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
North Dakota\1\ ...|       0|       0|        0|      0|      0|  --- |    --- |        0|    --- |         --- |       No |Math, science, English, social studies, arts, and total credit
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirements are determined locally.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Ohio ..............|    --- |       4|        3|      3|      2|   0.5|     0.5|        1|       1|         --- |      Yes |American history and American government requirement includes
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |0.5 units of American history and 0.5 units of American
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |government.  Foreign language requirement includes 1 elective.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Science requirement includes one unit of biological science; and
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |one unit physical science.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Oklahoma ..........|      23|       4|        3|      3|      3|  --- |    --- |        2|    --- |         --- |       No |Social studies requirement includes U.S. history; U.S. government; and
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Oklahoma history.  Science requirement includes biology and two higher
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |level courses.  Math requirement includes algebra I and two higher
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |level courses.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Oregon ............|      22|       3|        3|      2|      2|  --- |    --- |        1|    --- |         --- |       No |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Pennsylvania\7\ ...|    --- |    --- |     --- |   --- |    ---|    † |      † |     --- |      † |         --- |       No |Health, physical education, and foreign language requirements are
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |determined locally.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Rhode Island\2\ ...|      16|       4|        2|      2|      2|    † |      † |        0|       0|         --- |       No |Science requirement includes two units of lab science for
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |college-bound students.  Health requirement includes a total
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |of 100 minutes per week of health and physical education.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Physical education requirement includes a total of 100
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |minutes per week of health and physical fitness.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
South Carolina\2\ .|      24|       4|        3|      4|      3|     1|       1|        0|       1|         --- |      Yes |Physical education requirement includes 1 credit (college prep.).  Foreign
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |language requirement includes 1 credit (college prep.).  Students must
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |demonstrate computer literacy to graduate.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
South Dakota ......|      20|       4|        3|      2|      2|  --- |    --- |      0.5|    --- |         --- |       No |English/language arts requirement includes writing, American literature,
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |and speech.  Social studies requirement includes U.S. history, U.S.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |government, and geography.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Tennessee .........|      20|       4|        3|      3|      3|     1|      † |        0|       2|         --- |      Yes |Science requirement includes biology.  Math requirement includes
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |algebra I.  Health and physical education requirements are combined
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |(lifetime wellness).
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Texas .............|      22|       4|      2.5|      3|      2|   0.5|     0.5|        0|       0|        ---  |      Yes |English/language arts requirement includes English I, II, III.  Social
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        | (economics) |          |studies requirement includes U.S. history; world history or world
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |geography; government.  Economics requirement includes economics. Science
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirement includes biology and integrated physics and chemistry and/or
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |chemistry and physics.  Math requirement includes algebra I and geometry.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Utah ..............|      24|       3|        3|      2|      2|   0.5|     1.5|        0|       0|         --- |       No |Language arts requirement includes 1 credit of language arts 9, 1 credit
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |of language arts 10, and one credit of language arts 11.  Social studies
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirement includes 0.5 credits of geography, 0.5 credits of world
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |civilization, 1 credit of U.S. history, and 0.5 credits of U.S.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |government and citizenship.  Science requirement includes any 2 units
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |from 4 science courses: earth science, biology, chemistry, and physics.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |Math requirements includes either algebra I and geometry; or applied
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |math 1 and applied math 2.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Vermont ...........|      12|       4|        3|\8\   5|\8\   5|  --- |    --- |        1|    --- |         --- |       No |---
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Virginia ..........|      22|       4|        3|      3|      3|\9   2|\9\    2|        1|       0|         --- |      Yes |History and social studies requirement includes:  U.S. and Virginia
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |history and U.S. and Virginia government.  Science requirement includes
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |3 credits in minimum of 2 fields:  earth sciences, biology, chemistry or
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |physics.  Math requirement includes three credits at or above algebra I.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Washington ........|      19|       3|      2.5|      2|      2|    † |       2|        1|    --- |         --- |       No |Health requirement includes 100 minutes per week (1-8).
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
West Virginia .....|      24|       4|        3|      3|      3|     1|       1|        1|    --- |         --- |       No |English requirement includes reading and language arts.  Social studies
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |requirement includes U.S. studies to 1900, world studies to 1900, and
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |20th/21st centuries studies.  Science requirement includes coordinated
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |and thematic science, grade 9 and 10.  Math requirement includes
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |algebra I and one course above.  4 career major courses and work based
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |learning are required for graduation.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Wisconsin .........|    21.5|       4|        3|      2|      2|   0.5|     1.5|     --- |       0|         --- |       No |Some requirements are determined locally.
                   |        |        |         |       |       |      |        |         |        |             |          |
Wyoming ...........|      13|       4|        3|      3|      3|  --- |    --- |     --- |    --- |         --- |       No |Total credit requirements are determined locally.

---Not available.
†Not applicable.
\1\Graduation requirements are determined locally.
\2\Data for College Preparatory Diploma.
\3\Career Preparatory Diploma also available.
\4\Value is based on semester credits.
\5\Graduation requirements are currently being phased in by local school districts. However, as of yet, no statewide deadline exists dictating when this should occur.
\6\State requirements are combined between health and physical education to equal 1 credit.
\7\State minimum credit requirements have been phased out in Pennsylvania. Each school district (including charter schools) shall specify requirements for graduation in a strategic plan requiring state approval. To graduate, students must demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics on either state or local assessments aligned with state guidelines.
\8\State requirements are combined between mathematics and science to equal 5 credits.
\9\State requirements are combined between health and physical education to equal 2 credits.

NOTE: Local school districts frequently have other graduation requirements in addition to state requirements. English/language arts-can include English, reading, literature, creative writing, etc. Mathematics-can include basic math, Algebra I and II, geometry, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, etc. Social studies-can include world history, U.S. history, geography, economics, government, etc. Science--can include biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, earth science, etc. Arts/vocation-can include fine arts, practical arts, vocational, or career preparatory credits. Technology-can include computer literacy, computer technology, technology competency, etc.

SOURCE: Council of Chief State School Officers, Key State Education Policies on PK-12 Education: 2002, 2002. (This table was prepared April 2005.)