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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 144. Number of students suspended and expelled from public elementary and secondary schools, by sex, percent of enrollment, and state: 2000

                          |     Students suspended\1\    |Suspended students as a |     Students expelled    |Expelled students as a
                          |                              | percent of enrollment  |                          | percent of enrollment
State                     |______________________________|________________________|__________________________|_______________________
                          |    Total |    Males |Females |  Total |  Male |Female |  Total |  Males |Females | Total |  Male |Female
1                         |        2 |        3 |      4 |      5 |     6 |     7 |       8|       9|      10|     11|     12|     13
   United States .........| 3,053,449| 2,182,273| 871,176|     6.6|    9.2|    3.9|  97,177|  74,852|  22,325|   0.21|   0.31|   0.10
Alabama ..................|    56,436|    39,371|  17,065|     7.8|   10.5|    4.8|     745|     572|     173|   0.10|   0.15|   0.05
Alaska ...................|     7,324|     5,315|   2,009|     5.5|    7.8|    3.1|     261|     212|      49|   0.20|   0.31|   0.08
Arizona ..................|    33,753|    24,990|   8,763|     7.6|   10.9|    4.0|     589|     470|     119|   0.13|   0.20|   0.05
Arkansas .................|    47,022|    34,533|  12,489|     5.4|    7.7|    2.9|   1,473|   1,043|     430|   0.17|   0.23|   0.10
California ...............|   414,736|   311,457| 103,279|     7.0|   10.2|    3.6|  14,970|  12,238|   2,732|   0.25|   0.40|   0.09
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
Colorado .................|    44,419|    32,406|  12,013|     6.3|    8.9|    3.5|   1,904|   1,561|     343|   0.27|   0.43|   0.10
Connecticut ..............|    38,305|    26,744|  11,561|     7.2|    9.8|    4.4|     669|     530|     139|   0.13|   0.19|   0.05
Delaware .................|    13,276|     8,867|   4,409|    11.8|   15.3|    8.1|     158|     119|      39|   0.14|   0.21|   0.07
District of Columbia .....|     3,838|     2,402|   1,436|     6.1|    7.7|    4.5|       0|       0|       0|   0.00|   0.00|   0.00
Florida ..................|   198,801|   139,323|  59,478|     8.4|   11.4|    5.2|     872|     665|     207|   0.04|   0.05|   0.02
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
Georgia ..................|   104,216|    73,429|  30,787|     7.4|   10.2|    4.4|   2,519|   1,999|     520|   0.18|   0.28|   0.08
Hawaii ...................|     7,327|     4,961|   2,366|     4.0|    5.3|    2.7|       4|       4|       0|   0.00|   0.00|   0.00
Idaho ....................|     8,144|     6,124|   2,020|     3.4|    4.9|    1.7|     308|     248|      60|   0.13|   0.20|   0.05
Illinois .................|    89,559|    62,295|  27,264|     4.4|    6.0|    2.8|   1,919|   1,467|     452|   0.10|   0.14|   0.05
Indiana ..................|    87,535|    62,935|  24,600|     8.8|   12.3|    5.1|   7,792|   5,601|   2,191|   0.78|   1.10|   0.45
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
Iowa .....................|    17,687|    13,028|   4,659|     3.7|    5.2|    2.0|     220|     170|      50|   0.05|   0.07|   0.02
Kansas ...................|    25,458|    18,443|   7,015|     5.6|    7.8|    3.2|     878|     704|     174|   0.19|   0.30|   0.08
Kentucky .................|    40,131|    29,208|  10,923|     6.5|    9.1|    3.6|     740|     574|     166|   0.12|   0.18|   0.06
Louisiana ................|    77,945|    52,776|  25,169|    10.8|   14.3|    7.2|   5,549|   3,887|   1,662|   0.77|   1.06|   0.47
Maine ....................|    10,546|     7,802|   2,744|     4.9|    7.0|    2.6|     175|     135|      40|   0.08|   0.12|   0.04
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
Maryland .................|    50,128|    34,555|  15,573|     6.0|    8.0|    3.8|     815|     607|     208|   0.10|   0.14|   0.05
Massachusetts ............|    51,662|    36,615|  15,047|     5.4|    7.5|    3.3|     777|     633|     144|   0.08|   0.13|   0.03
Michigan .................|   124,394|    88,103|  36,291|     7.3|   10.0|    4.4|   2,780|   2,066|     714|   0.16|   0.23|   0.09
Minnesota ................|    44,642|    33,437|  11,205|     5.3|    7.7|    2.7|     644|     421|     223|   0.08|   0.10|   0.05
Mississippi ..............|    51,141|    35,766|  15,375|    10.3|   14.2|    6.4|   1,605|   1,248|     357|   0.32|   0.49|   0.15
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
Missouri .................|    55,889|    40,747|  15,142|     6.3|    9.0|    3.5|     795|     591|     204|   0.09|   0.13|   0.05
Montana ..................|     6,189|     4,493|   1,696|     4.0|    5.6|    2.3|     208|     143|      65|   0.13|   0.18|   0.09
Nebraska .................|    11,188|     7,949|   3,239|     4.0|    5.5|    2.4|     553|     425|     128|   0.20|   0.30|   0.09
Nevada ...................|    16,378|    11,713|   4,665|     4.9|    6.8|    2.9|     777|     598|     179|   0.23|   0.35|   0.11
New Hampshire ............|    12,407|     8,940|   3,467|     5.7|    8.0|    3.2|     180|     156|      24|   0.08|   0.14|   0.02
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
New Jersey ...............|    74,123|    52,090|  22,033|     5.8|    8.0|    3.6|     508|     402|     106|   0.04|   0.06|   0.02
New Mexico ...............|    21,935|    15,615|   6,320|     7.0|    9.7|    4.1|     470|     379|      91|   0.15|   0.24|   0.06
New York .................|   119,163|    86,822|  32,341|     4.2|    5.9|    2.3|   1,533|   1,121|     412|   0.05|   0.08|   0.03
North Carolina ...........|   120,520|    85,350|  35,170|     9.6|   13.3|    5.7|   2,319|   1,763|     556|   0.19|   0.28|   0.09
North Dakota .............|     2,590|     1,855|     735|     2.4|    3.3|    1.4|      75|      38|      37|   0.07|   0.07|   0.07
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
Ohio .....................|   146,062|   101,488|  44,574|     7.9|   10.7|    5.0|   7,614|   5,604|   2,010|   0.41|   0.59|   0.23
Oklahoma .................|    37,988|    27,357|  10,631|     6.2|    8.7|    3.6|   1,356|   1,040|     316|   0.22|   0.33|   0.11
Oregon ...................|    32,702|    24,595|   8,107|     6.0|    8.8|    3.1|   1,897|   1,525|     372|   0.35|   0.55|   0.14
Pennsylvania .............|   117,654|    81,017|  36,637|     6.5|    8.7|    4.2|   2,034|   1,539|     495|   0.11|   0.17|   0.06
Rhode Island .............|    14,641|    10,190|   4,451|     9.3|   12.6|    5.8|     259|     191|      68|   0.16|   0.24|   0.09
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
South Carolina ...........|    98,479|    67,342|  31,137|    14.6|   19.6|    9.5|   4,328|   3,391|     937|   0.64|   0.99|   0.28
South Dakota .............|     3,746|     2,716|   1,030|     2.9|    4.1|    1.6|     155|     122|      33|   0.12|   0.18|   0.05
Tennessee ................|    81,753|    55,814|  25,939|     9.0|   12.0|    5.9|   3,241|   2,472|     769|   0.36|   0.53|   0.17
Texas ....................|   187,196|   134,376|  52,820|     4.8|    6.7|    2.8|  11,527|   9,068|   2,459|   0.29|   0.45|   0.13
Utah .....................|    13,119|     9,883|   3,236|     2.8|    4.1|    1.4|   1,614|   1,263|     351|   0.34|   0.52|   0.15
                          |          |          |        |        |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
Vermont ..................|     5,254|     3,835|   1,419|     4.9|    7.0|    2.7|     128|     108|      20|   0.12|   0.20|   0.04
Virginia .................|    88,494|    62,115|  26,379|     7.8|   10.6|    4.8|   1,734|   1,381|     353|   0.15|   0.24|   0.06
Washington ...............|    62,012|    47,257|  14,755|     6.2|    9.2|    3.1|   3,671|   2,932|     739|   0.37|   0.57|   0.15
West Virginia ............|    44,531|    30,712|  13,819|     5.2|    7.0|    3.4|   1,288|     993|     295|   0.15|   0.23|   0.07
Wisconsin ................|    26,615|    19,928|   6,687|     9.5|   13.7|    4.9|     402|     313|      89|   0.14|   0.22|   0.07
Wyoming ..................|     4,398|     3,190|   1,208|     4.9|    6.9|    2.8|     145|     119|      26|   0.16|   0.26|   0.06

\1\Student can be suspended more than once during the same year.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, "OCR Elementary and Secondary School Survey: 2000." (This table was prepared October 2003.)