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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 84. Principals in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by selected characteristics: 1993-94 and 1999-2000

                          |              |             |      Percent distribution of principals, by  |    Average years of experience  | Average annual salary of pricipal
Selected                  |              |             |        highest degree earned, 1999-2000\2\   |_________________________________|  in constant 1999-2000 dollars\3\
characteristics           |    1993-94\1\| 1999-2000\1\|______________________________________________|      As a|       As a|  teaching|__________________________________
                          |              |             |Bachelor's|  Master's|  Education|    Doctor's|principal,| principal,|experience|         1993-94|        1999-2000
                          |              |             |          |          | specialist|  and first-|   1993-94|  1999-2000| 1999-2000|                |
                          |              |             |          |          |           |professional|          |           |          |                |
1                         |             2|            3|         4|         5|          6|          7 |         8|          9|        10|              11|              12
Public schools            |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
   Total .................|79,618 (235.2)|83,790(326.9)| 1.8(0.22)|54.2(0.63)|33.8 (0.60)| 10.2 (0.46)| 8.7(0.10)| 9.0 (0.11)|14.0(0.10)|$63,515  (146.6)| $66,504  (158.1)
Sex                       |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Males ..................|52,114 (612.9)|47,130(603.9)| 1.9(0.29)|57.1(0.90)|31.7 (0.92)|  9.4 (0.53)|10.3(0.16)|10.6 (0.14)|13.1(0.14)| 63,589  (185.3)|  66,463  (241.9)
  Females ................|27,505 (542.4)|36,660(598.2)| 1.7(0.32)|50.6(1.09)|36.4 (1.03)| 11.2 (0.66)| 5.6(0.12)| 6.9 (0.12)|15.2(0.14)| 63,374  (319.4)|  66,557  (248.5)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Race/ethnicity            |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  White, non-Hispanic ....|67,081 (539.5)|68,933(578.6)| 1.6(0.21)|53.8(0.75)|34.8 (0.66)|  9.7 (0.52)| 9.0(0.12)| 9.2 (0.12)|13.8(0.11)| 63,061  (159.7)|  66,198  (156.5)
  Black, non-Hispanic ....| 8,018 (350.9)| 9,239(320.8)| 0.8(0.24)|51.4(2.13)|34.9 (2.00)| 12.8 (1.57)| 7.1(0.21)| 7.9 (0.29)|15.2(0.29)| 66,770  (526.2)|  68,044  (530.9)
  Hispanic ...............| 3,269 (258.2)| 4,326(300.4)| 6.1(2.42)|64.0(3.53)|18.0 (2.06)| 11.9 (2.65)| 6.3(0.37)| 7.9 (0.51)|13.9(0.59)| 64,678  (924.3)|  68,835(1,080.1)
  Asian/Pacific           |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
     Islander ............|   620 (108.6)|   633(124.1)| 4.5(1.61)|69.8(7.52)| 9.1 (2.67)| 16.5 (7.64)| 5.6(0.61)| 5.1 (0.75)|15.8(1.36)| 68,828(1,650.2)|  71,396(1,534.9)
  American Indian/        |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
     Alaska Native .......|   631  (67.3)|   659 (59.7)| 4.7(2.43)|58.0(5.32)|31.6 (5.10)|  5.7 (2.77)| 8.2(0.67)| 9.1 (0.84)|13.6(0.84)| 59,184(2,007.5)|  56,986(1,395.8)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Age                       |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Under 40 ...............| 5,936 (273.3)| 8,436(302.0)| 5.6(0.98)|64.0(1.94)|25.2 (1.83)|  5.2 (0.76)| 2.8(0.13)| 2.9 (0.13)| 8.4(0.12)| 53,886  (547.8)|  57,328  (464.0)
  40 to 44 ...............|14,571 (496.2)|10,510(317.2)| 1.3(0.52)|60.0(2.13)|31.0 (1.89)|  7.6 (1.26)| 5.0(0.12)| 5.3 (0.17)|12.0(0.20)| 60,251  (446.7)|  62,513  (455.5)
  45 to 49 ...............|25,427 (429.3)|19,599(534.6)| 1.8(0.43)|54.2(1.23)|35.2 (1.24)|  8.7 (0.86)| 7.1(0.13)| 7.4 (0.19)|14.3(0.15)| 64,169  (301.9)|  66,549  (400.8)
  50 to 54 ...............|18,868 (539.2)|27,120(605.8)| 1.6(0.39)|49.8(1.29)|37.7 (1.24)| 10.9 (0.77)|10.3(0.18)| 9.9 (0.18)|15.4(0.18)| 65,485  (422.0)|  68,625  (363.8)
  55 or over .............|14,817 (440.7)|18,125(500.0)| 0.7(0.19)|53.0(1.41)|31.9 (1.38)| 14.4 (1.27)|15.1(0.35)|14.1 (0.26)|15.5(0.32)| 66,951  (573.1)|  69,867  (458.9)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Type of school            |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Elementary .............|53,684 (293.5)|60,108(253.2)| 1.8(0.28)|53.9(0.85)|34.6 (0.82)|  9.7 (0.57)| 8.9(0.14)| 9.1 (0.14)|14.1(0.13)| 62,709  (195.0)|  66,002  (195.0)
  Secondary ..............|18,262 (161.2)|20,451(196.9)| 1.4(0.22)|55.7(0.90)|31.3 (0.77)| 11.6 (0.69)| 8.0(0.12)| 8.6 (0.12)|13.8(0.15)| 65,533  (193.5)|  68,554  (247.9)
  Combined ...............| 2,747 (142.9)| 3,231(146.4)| 4.3(0.55)|50.9(2.74)|33.6 (2.11)| 10.9 (2.08)| 7.5(0.29)| 8.1 (0.33)|13.4(0.30)| 61,161  (591.1)|  62,880  (553.1)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Location of school        |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Metropolitan area       |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
    Central city .........|19,027 (287.5)|20,097(328.3)| 1.0(0.23)|55.0(1.25)|31.2 (1.23)| 12.7 (1.03)| 8.3(0.24)| 8.3 (0.19)|14.5(0.21)| 67,180  (289.2)|  69,825  (264.9)
    Outside central city .|21,700 (369.3)|37,677(430.7)| 1.8(0.40)|51.5(1.15)|35.0 (0.94)| 11.7 (0.74)| 8.7(0.22)| 9.1 (0.17)|13.9(0.15)| 71,565  (332.9)|  71,982  (279.3)
  Outside metropolitan    |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
    area .................|38,891 (326.9)|26,017(368.7)| 2.4(0.38)|57.6(0.97)|33.9 (0.94)|  6.1 (0.55)| 8.8(0.17)| 9.2 (0.19)|13.8(0.16)| 56,073  (206.3)|  56,006  (177.7)
Private schools           |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
   Total .................|25,015 (197.7)|26,231(259.0)|23.6(0.94)|51.0(1.09)| 9.9 (0.60)|  8.5 (0.64)| 8.8(0.20)|10.2 (0.20)|14.5(0.22)| 37,137  (420.7)|  43,094  (482.7)
Sex                       |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Males ..................|11,606 (301.4)|11,899(308.0)|19.4(1.22)|50.5(1.49)| 8.8 (0.77)| 12.2 (1.00)| 9.0(0.26)|11.4 (0.30)|13.7(0.33)| 41,214  (653.7)|  46,321  (672.1)
  Females ................|13,410 (282.8)|14,332(307.1)|27.0(1.59)|51.4(1.53)|10.8 (0.83)|  5.4 (0.94)| 8.6(0.27)| 9.2 (0.26)|15.2(0.33)| 33,791  (703.5)|  40,460  (675.8)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Race/ethnicity            |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  White, non-Hispanic ....|23,133 (269.6)|23,322(309.2)|22.9(1.00)|52.1(1.13)|10.2 (0.60)|  7.4 (0.51)| 8.7(0.22)|10.4 (0.21)|14.7(0.23)| 37,014  (463.8)|  43,421  (489.4)
  Black, non-Hispanic ....| 1,060 (124.0)| 1,574(164.1)|31.1(6.03)|31.0(5.75)| 8.7 (3.92)| 25.2 (6.89)| 8.3(1.04)| 8.0 (0.84)|13.8(1.08)| 39,809(2,866.9)|  37,644(2,246.4)
  Hispanic ...............|   524  (91.0)|   831(134.6)|30.1(8.02)|50.6(7.60)| 5.7 (2.86)|  5.6 (2.60)|10.1(1.43)| 7.6 (1.32)|13.1(1.47)| 36,297(2,266.7)|  42,134(1,948.4)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Age                       |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Under 40 ...............| 4,794 (301.6)| 3,747(223.0)|38.1(3.12)|40.0(3.19)| 5.0 (1.24)|  1.6 (0.52)| 3.5(0.22)| 2.9 (0.20)| 6.7(0.32)| 30,459(1,006.0)|  35,503(1,079.7)
  40 to 44 ...............| 4,403 (217.0)| 3,453(212.0)|29.8(3.05)|43.8(3.32)| 9.9 (1.66)|  9.1 (3.12)| 5.3(0.24)| 6.0 (0.36)|11.3(0.41)| 35,297(1,074.6)|  41,270(1,007.3)
  45 to 49 ...............| 5,144 (216.1)| 5,213(261.5)|24.1(1.97)|51.0(2.30)| 9.9 (1.31)|  9.3 (1.23)| 8.3(0.27)| 9.1 (0.32)|14.1(0.39)| 40,108  (852.2)|  44,432(1,215.1)
  50 to 54 ...............| 4,120 (227.8)| 5,841(291.0)|22.7(2.52)|54.3(2.86)| 9.5 (1.16)|  8.4 (1.07)| 9.6(0.34)|11.0 (0.41)|15.5(0.54)| 43,681(1,156.1)|  47,528(1,206.5)
  55 or over .............| 6,553 (244.2)| 7,977(275.9)|14.3(1.69)|56.8(1.98)|12.4 (1.05)| 10.9 (1.37)|14.8(0.40)|15.5 (0.43)|19.1(0.47)| 36,797  (876.5)|  43,285  (873.1)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Type of school            |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Elementary .............|13,354 (158.5)|15,807(244.9)|24.4(1.34)|54.7(1.39)| 9.9 (0.76)|  6.1 (0.86)| 9.4(0.27)|10.3 (0.27)|15.1(0.30)| 33,321  (514.4)|  39,914  (598.9)
  Secondary ..............| 2,304 (243.7)| 2,628(133.3)|13.3(2.68)|58.6(3.33)|16.0 (1.93)| 10.9 (1.57)| 7.8(0.36)|10.1 (0.41)|16.4(0.62)| 50,577  (907.9)|  57,474(1,371.7)
  Combined ...............| 6,772 (114.9)| 7,796(265.4)|25.5(1.70)|40.7(2.07)| 7.9 (0.89)| 12.5 (1.13)| 8.0(0.34)|10.1 (0.31)|12.7(0.42)| 38,942(1,285.5)|  44,876  (918.5)
                          |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
Location of school        |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
  Metropolitan area       |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
    Central city .........| 9,693 (228.4)|11,249(225.5)|18.5(1.42)|55.1(1.72)|11.2 (0.87)| 11.1 (1.29)| 9.6(0.27)|10.2 (0.27)|14.8(0.35)| 39,779  (643.0)|  45,492  (767.8)
    Outside central city .| 8,469 (306.0)|10,316(288.8)|25.7(1.52)|50.8(1.60)| 9.8 (0.90)|  7.3 (0.71)| 9.2(0.38)|10.6 (0.34)|14.2(0.30)| 40,739  (636.1)|  44,454  (764.8)
  Outside metropolitan    |              |             |          |          |           |            |          |           |          |                |
    area .................| 6,854 (216.1)| 4,666(253.1)|31.1(3.09)|41.2(2.89)| 7.2 (1.41)|  4.9 (1.02)| 7.0(0.32)| 9.2 (0.47)|14.7(0.73)| 28,965  (966.7)|  33,914(1,135.3)

\1\Total differs from data appearing in other tables because of varying survey processing procedures and time period coverages.
\2\Percentages for those with less than a bachelor's degree are not shown.
\3\Data for 1993-94 shown in 1999-2000 constant dollars, using the Consumer Price Index, adjusted to a school year basis. Excludes principals reporting a salary of $0.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and survey item nonresponse. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Principal Questionnaire," 1993-94 and 1999-2000, "Private School Principal Questionnaire," 1993-94 and 1999-2000, and "Charter School Principal Questionnaire," 1999-2000. (This table was prepared November 2003.)