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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 67. Number of and percentage distribution of public and private elementary and secondary school teachers' educational attainment and experience, by selected characteristics: 1999-2000

                       |                    |             Percent of teachers, by highest degree earned         |         Percent of teachers, by years of
Selected               |                    |                                                                   |          full-time teaching experience
characteristic         |                    |___________________________________________________________________|___________________________________________
                       |            Total\1\|        No|Associate'|Bachelor's| Master's |    Education|Doctor's |Less than |   3 to 9 |  10 to 20|   Over 20
                       |                    |    degree|          |          |          |specialist\2\|         |          |          |          |
1                      |                   2|         3|         4|         5|         6|            7|        8|         9|        19|        11|        12
Public schools         |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
     Total ............|3,002,258 (19,415.7)| 0.5(0.04)| 0.2(0.02)|52.0(0.40)|41.9(0.38)|   4.7 (0.17)|0.7(0.06)|12.9(0.27)|28.8(0.36)|28.5(0.33)|29.8(0.34)
Sex                    |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  Males ...............|  753,939 (10,661.6)| 1.2(0.09)| 0.4(0.05)|49.7(0.62)|42.7(0.57)|   4.7 (0.25)|1.4(0.13)|13.0(0.45)|28.1(0.54)|23.4(0.50)|35.6(0.62)
  Females .............|2,248,320 (16,043.0)| 0.3(0.04)| 0.1(0.02)|52.8(0.46)|41.6(0.43)|   4.8 (0.20)|0.5(0.06)|12.9(0.33)|29.1(0.42)|30.2(0.39)|27.9(0.38)
                       |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
Race/ethnicity         |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  White, non-Hispanic .|2,531,578 (17,223.2)| 0.5(0.04)| 0.1(0.02)|51.2(0.41)|43.0(0.41)|   4.6 (0.19)|0.6(0.05)|12.2(0.26)|28.1(0.39)|29.1(0.37)|30.6(0.35)
  Black, non-Hispanic..|  227,505  (6,027.7)| 0.7(0.12)| 0.2(0.06)|51.1(1.13)|40.3(1.14)|   6.2 (0.63)|1.6(0.39)|15.2(1.03)|27.6(1.08)|24.5(1.07)|32.7(1.33)
  Hispanic.............|  169,025  (6,363.0)| 0.6(0.14)| 0.2(0.07)|65.5(1.64)|28.5(1.43)|   4.1 (0.68)|1.2(0.23)|18.7(1.14)|39.1(1.71)|24.6(1.72)|17.7(1.66)
  Asian/Pacific        |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
     Islander .........|   48,281  (2,657.6)| 0.3(0.12)|   ‡   (†)|50.1(2.55)|38.3(2.34)|  10.5 (1.42)|0.7(0.17)|18.2(1.86)|34.9(2.44)|25.7(2.44)|21.2(1.93)
  American Indian/     |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
     Alaska Native ....|   25,869  (1,894.6)| 1.0(0.19)| 0.8(0.37)|52.4(2.77)|40.5(2.89)|   4.1 (0.84)|1.2(0.52)|13.6(1.73)|25.3(2.38)|33.6(2.56)|27.4(3.02)
                       |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
Age                    |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  Less than 30 ........|  509,452  (9,224.0)| 0.4(0.11)| 0.1(0.04)|77.9(0.70)|20.4(0.66)|   1.2 (0.21)|0.0(0.02)|46.1(0.96)|53.9(0.96)|   ‡   (†)|   ‡   (†)
  30 to 39 ............|  660,811  (9,769.8)| 0.5(0.08)| 0.1(0.02)|56.7(0.82)|38.5(0.79)|   3.8 (0.32)|0.4(0.06)|11.5(0.53)|51.5(0.83)|37.0(0.77)|   ‡   (†)
  40 to 49 ............|  953,230 (10,259.6)| 0.5(0.07)| 0.2(0.04)|46.8(0.66)|46.9(0.64)|   4.9 (0.28)|0.7(0.07)| 5.9 0.32 |19.3(0.50)|41.4(0.66)|33.4(0.56)
  50 to 59 ............|  785,739 (12,632.3)| 0.5(0.06)| 0.2(0.04)|39.4(0.89)|51.3(0.89)|   7.2 (0.37)|1.4(0.17)| 2.4(0.20)| 7.7(0.36)|24.9(0.60)|65.0(0.67)
  60 or more ..........|   93,026  (3,990.4)| 1.0(0.24)| 0.6(0.19)|35.4(1.82)|52.7(2.06)|   7.8 (1.23)|2.6(0.52)| 1.7(0.46)| 5.4(0.74)|21.1(1.77)|71.8(1.79)
                       |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
Level                  |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  Elementary ..........|1,601,688 (13,465.8)| 0.2(0.04)| 0.1(0.02)|54.4(0.65)|40.3(0.61)|   4.6 (0.26)|0.4(0.08)|12.7(0.40)|29.3(0.52)|30.1(0.54)|28.0(0.49)
    General ...........|1,018,544 (13,591.1)| 0.1(0.05)| 0.0(0.03)|57.7(0.74)|37.8(0.67)|   4.0 (0.27)|0.4(0.09)|12.3(0.48)|29.1(0.67)|29.3(0.66)|29.3(0.71)
    English ...........|   33,066  (2,800.3)|   ‡   (†)|   ‡   (†)|43.2(4.00)|46.4(3.92)|   8.4 (2.72)|  ‡   (†)|12.5(2.82)|20.9(0.30)|33.5(3.46)|33.0(3.71)
    Mathematics .......|   25,582  (2,462.6)|   ‡   (†)|   ‡   (†)|62.8(4.04)|31.9(4.33)|   4.6 (2.06)|0.7(0.46)|12.1(0.29)|24.0(3.86)|27.1(0.41)|36.8(4.25)
    Special education .|  210,436  (5,807.1)| 0.3(0.15)|   ‡   (†)|43.9(1.39)|48.5(1.35)|   6.8 (0.75)|0.5(0.25)|12.4(0.84)|33.3(1.42)|33.4(1.61)|21.0(1.01)
    Other elementary ..|  314,059  (8,361.0)| 0.2(0.07)| 0.1(0.09)|51.4(1.52)|42.9(1.40)|   4.8 (0.57)|0.6(0.20)|14.0(0.88)|28.4(1.18)|30.2(1.28)|27.4(1.28)
  Secondary ...........|1,400,571 (17,697.6)| 0.9(0.06)| 0.3(0.03)|49.2(0.47)|43.7(0.44)|   4.9 (0.19)|1.1(0.08)|13.2(0.31)|28.3(0.47)|26.6(0.36)|31.9(0.42)
    English ...........|  235,220  (5,021.4)| 0.1(0.05)| 0.0(0.02)|49.8(1.19)|44.0(1.19)|   5.0 (0.49)|1.0(0.15)|13.8(0.64)|27.4(0.89)|24.3(0.93)|34.5(1.02)
    Mathematics .......|  191,214  (4,308.1)| 0.1(0.03)|   ‡   (†)|51.6(1.01)|43.7(1.01)|   3.8 (0.37)|0.9(0.18)|12.9(0.87)|32.4(1.10)|23.9(0.91)|30.7(0.96)
    Science ...........|  159,488  (3,729.5)| 0.5(0.26)| 0.0(0.02)|47.4(1.19)|46.4(1.15)|   4.0 (0.45)|1.7(0.24)|14.5(0.88)|30.6(1.10)|25.2(1.04)|29.6(1.13)
    Social studies ....|  146,957  (4,257.7)| 0.0(0.01)|   ‡   (†)|51.1(1.23)|43.0(1.20)|   4.3 (0.48)|1.5(0.27)|14.2(0.88)|28.9(1.14)|22.8(1.11)|34.1(1.23)
    Special education .|   99,004  (2,316.1)| 0.3(0.08)| 0.1(0.05)|43.5(1.36)|46.3(1.26)|   9.0 (0.65)|0.8(0.20)|11.9(0.86)|30.6(1.20)|31.5(1.33)|26.0(1.15)
    Vocational/        |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
       technical ......|  125,295  (3,247.4)| 6.2(0.48)| 1.9(0.23)|45.9(1.21)|40.7(1.35)|   4.7 (0.58)|0.5(0.11)|11.0(0.81)|21.5(0.84)|31.0(1.20)|36.5(1.17)
    Other secondary ...|  443,391  (8,532.9)| 0.7(0.09)| 0.3(0.05)|49.9(0.75)|43.2(0.73)|   4.9 (0.34)|1.0(0.16)|12.9(0.50)|27.3(0.82)|28.4(0.72)|31.3(0.67)
                       |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
Private schools        |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
     Total ............|  449,057 (10,633.5)| 5.5(0.43)| 1.8(0.18)|57.5(0.64)|30.3(0.58)|   3.1 (0.19)|1.8(0.16)|23.9(0.52)|31.0(0.55)|27.2(0.52)|17.8(0.45)
Sex                    |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  Males ...............|  107,128  (3,835.5)| 3.8(0.49)| 1.0(0.23)|48.2(1.21)|38.5(1.19)|   3.7 (0.42)|4.9(0.49)|25.3(1.08)|28.2(1.09)|22.7(1.08)|23.8(0.96)
  Females .............|  341,929  (7,694.2)| 6.1(0.52)| 2.0(0.22)|60.4(0.73)|27.8(0.64)|   2.9 (0.23)|0.8(0.12)|23.5(0.60)|31.9(0.64)|28.6(0.57)|15.9(0.48)
                       |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
Race/ethnicity         |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  White, non-Hispanic .|  402,012  (9,625.0)| 4.8(0.38)| 1.6(0.17)|57.8(0.64)|31.0(0.56)|   3.0 (0.20)|1.8(0.17)|23.2(0.52)|31.0(0.55)|27.4(0.53)|18.5(0.49)
  Black, non-Hispanic..|   16,530  (1,413.8)|13.1(2.53)| 6.4(1.76)|58.9(3.14)|18.4(2.74)|   2.5 (1.01)|0.7(0.33)|32.3(3.45)|30.1(3.85)|22.5(2.68)|15.1(2.27)
  Hispanic.............|   21,024  (1,520.3)|11.7(2.34)| 1.9(0.60)|54.6(3.02)|26.4(3.27)|   3.9 (0.86)|1.5(0.49)|29.7(2.91)|33.0(3.07)|28.7(3.68)| 8.7(1.49)
  Asian/Pacific        |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
     Islander .........|    7,012    (615.4)| 7.2(1.94)| 1.8(0.79)|50.0(3.21)|33.8(3.06)|   5.0 (1.17)|2.1(0.72)|30.4(3.33)|32.8(3.43)|21.5(3.21)|15.3(2.76)
  American Indian/     |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
     Alaska Native ....|    2,480    (369.4)|17.4(6.91)|   ‡   (†)|46.4(6.60)|23.0(5.92)|   5.5 (2.28)|  ‡   (†)|21.9(6.03)|26.2(6.05)|39.0(7.14)|12.9(4.08)
                       |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
Age                    |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  Less than 30 ........|   86,535  (3,105.3)| 8.5(1.34)| 1.0(0.23)|75.7(1.58)|13.9(0.77)|   0.6 (0.15)|0.3(0.19)|57.6(1.35)|42.1(1.36)|   ‡   (†)|   ‡   (†)
  30 to 39 ............|  100,650  (3,238.0)| 6.6(0.67)| 2.6(0.51)|58.9(1.36)|28.0(1.32)|   2.2 (0.36)|1.6(0.35)|24.4(1.07)|46.5(1.38)|29.2(1.20)|   ‡   (†)
  40 to 49 ............|  130,906  (4,171.2)| 4.7(0.62)| 2.3(0.32)|56.0(1.29)|32.4(1.10)|   3.4 (0.43)|1.3(0.21)|17.3(0.79)|30.6(1.10)|36.7(0.91)|15.4(0.75)
  50 to 59 ............|  105,512  (3,157.3)| 3.6(0.52)| 1.2(0.31)|47.8(1.22)|40.0(1.11)|   4.6 (0.50)|2.9(0.36)| 8.9(0.78)|14.1(1.01)|37.6(1.27)|39.4(1.17)
  60 or more ..........|   25,454  (1,179.4)| 3.8(0.98)| 1.0(0.46)|37.6(2.14)|44.8(2.28)|   7.5 (1.34)|5.4(1.33)| 4.5(0.91)| 4.9(1.06)|19.0(2.17)|71.6(2.28)
                       |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
Level                  |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
  Elementary ..........|  260,824  (5,774.2)| 7.2(0.59)| 2.4(0.28)|62.6(0.84)|24.6(0.65)|   2.6 (0.25)|0.7(0.16)|24.2(0.73)|31.9(0.77)|28.7(0.69)|15.3(0.57)
    General ...........|  167,728  (4,024.9)| 6.9(0.67)| 2.4(0.38)|66.0(1.04)|22.3(0.82)|   1.9 (0.25)|0.5(0.14)|19.7(0.90)|31.3(1.01)|31.6(0.97)|17.4(0.72)
    Special education .|   15,883  (1,634.1)| 3.0(1.25)|   ‡   (†)|49.0(3.77)|39.4(4.60)|   6.5 (1.81)|  ‡   (†)|21.4(2.42)|43.9(3.15)|26.8(4.01)| 7.9(1.99)
    Other elementary ..|   77,213  (2,216.1)| 8.6(0.95)| 2.5(0.33)|57.8(1.42)|26.6(1.18)|   3.3 (0.39)|1.2(0.41)|34.5(1.17)|30.6(1.22)|22.6(1.15)|12.3(0.88)
  Secondary ...........|  188,233  (6,244.3)| 3.3(0.41)| 0.9(0.17)|50.4(0.79)|38.3(0.89)|   3.7 (0.30)|3.3(0.30)|23.6(0.70)|29.9(0.78)|25.2(0.76)|21.3(0.64)
    English ...........|   33,393  (1,676.9)| 2.8(1.30)| 0.5(0.36)|51.0(2.39)|38.7(2.41)|   3.7 (1.00)|3.3(0.62)|19.0(1.57)|32.7(2.34)|25.9(2.35)|22.4(1.55)
    Mathematics .......|   33,094  (1,550.5)| 4.9(1.13)| 0.5(0.31)|54.3(2.15)|36.4(2.34)|   1.9 (0.48)|2.0(0.54)|22.9(2.11)|32.7(2.20)|25.4(1.81)|18.9(1.44)
    Science ...........|   22,915  (1,342.6)| 0.7(0.26)|   ‡   (†)|52.0(2.06)|40.3(1.92)|   2.2 (0.49)|4.7(0.83)|23.8(1.93)|25.7(1.88)|25.8(2.09)|24.7(1.89)
    Social studies ....|   18,583  (1,075.4)|   ‡   (†)|   ‡   (†)|48.7(2.38)|43.9(2.27)|   4.4 (0.92)|2.9(1.26)|21.9(1.84)|25.6(2.03)|25.2(2.21)|27.3(2.32)
    Special education .|    6,660    (962.6)|   ‡   (†)|   ‡   (†)|53.5(6.48)|37.9(5.78)|   6.2 (2.42)|  ‡   (†)|27.0(4.59)|41.8(5.30)|18.4(3.35)|12.8(3.27)
    Vocational/        |                    |          |          |          |          |             |         |          |          |          |
       technical ......|    4,286    (558.1)|14.2(6.14)| 3.6(2.66)|39.1(5.08)|40.1(5.81)|    ‡    (†) |  ‡   (†)|21.8(4.05)|28.0(5.23)|22.3(5.05)|27.9(4.38)
    Other secondary ...|   69,302  (2,618.8)| 3.9(0.62)| 1.7(0.36)|48.6(1.27)|36.8(1.27)|   4.9 (0.62)|4.1(0.56)|26.3(1.22)|28.7(1.38)|25.4(1.14)|19.6(0.98)

†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met.
\1\Data are based upon a sample survey and may not be strictly comparable with data reported elsewhere.
\2\Includes certificate of advanced graduate studies.

NOTE: Excludes prekindergarten teachers. Data are based on a head count of all teachers rather than on the number of full-time-equivalent teachers reported in other tables. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and cell supression. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public Teacher Questionnaire," "Private Teacher Questionnaire," and "Charter Teacher Questionnaire," 1999-2000. (This table was prepared June 2003.)