| | Regular school, |Separate|Separate| Public |Private |Homebound/
Type of disability | All | outside regular class| public |private |residen-|residen-| hospital
|environ-|________________________| school | school | tial | tial |placement
| ments | Less | 21-60 | More |facility|facility|facility|facility|
| |than 21 |percent|than 60| | | | |
| |percent | |percent| | | | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
| 2001-02
All persons, 6 to 21 years old .| 100.0| 48.4| 28.3| 19.2| 1.7| 1.2| 0.4| 0.4| 0.4
Specific learning disabilities ....| 100.0| 47.2| 38.0| 13.8| 0.3| 0.4| 0.1| 0.1| 0.2
Speech or language impairments ....| 100.0| 87.1| 7.4| 4.7| 0.2| 0.6| # | # | 0.1
Mental retardation ................| 100.0| 12.6| 29.5| 52.2| 3.9| 0.9| 0.3| 0.2| 0.4
Emotional disturbance .............| 100.0| 28.8| 22.5| 30.9| 7.1| 5.4| 1.5| 2.5| 1.3
Hearing impairments ...............| 100.0| 43.2| 18.8| 24.4| 4.4| 1.8| 6.8| 0.4| 0.2
Orthopedic impairments ............| 100.0| 46.5| 21.7| 27.2| 2.0| 0.6| 0.1| 0.1| 1.7
Other health impairments ..........| 100.0| 49.6| 30.8| 15.8| 0.9| 0.8| 0.1| 0.2| 1.9
Visual impairments ................| 100.0| 52.9| 16.8| 16.7| 4.2| 1.2| 6.8| 0.9| 0.6
Multiple disabilities .............| 100.0| 12.3| 16.6| 45.8| 13.2| 7.4| 1.2| 1.4| 2.1
Deaf-blindness ....................| 100.0| 17.1| 18.7| 29.3| 11.3| 8.8| 9.1| 3.3| 2.4
Autism ............................| 100.0| 24.3| 16.8| 46.2| 6.3| 4.9| 0.2| 1.0| 0.4
Traumatic brain injury ............| 100.0| 29.6| 33.0| 28.2| 2.8| 4.1| 0.2| 0.7| 1.5
Developmental delay ...............| 100.0| 45.4| 32.6| 20.6| 0.6| 0.5| # | # | 0.2
| 2002-03
All persons, 6 to 21 years old..| 100.0| 46.9| 38.6| 13.5| 0.3| 0.4| 0.1| 0.1| 0.2
Specific learning disabilities ....| 100.0| 48.2| 28.7| 19.0| 1.7| 1.2| 0.3| 0.4| 0.5
Speech or language impairments ....| 100.0| 87.0| 7.5| 4.7| 0.1| 0.6| # | # | 0.1
Mental retardation ................| 100.0| 11.0| 30.5| 52.6| 4.0| 0.9| 0.2| 0.3| 0.5
Emotional disturbance .............| 100.0| 28.8| 23.0| 30.7| 7.1| 5.2| 1.3| 2.5| 1.4
Hearing impairments ...............| 100.0| 43.0| 19.3| 23.7| 4.1| 2.5| 6.8| 0.4| 0.2
Orthopedic impairments ............| 100.0| 45.8| 22.2| 27.5| 2.1| 0.6| 0.1| 0.1| 1.6
Other health impairments ..........| 100.0| 49.5| 31.4| 15.3| 0.9| 0.8| 0.1| 0.3| 1.8
Visual impairments ................| 100.0| 52.5| 17.3| 16.6| 4.0| 1.8| 6.3| 0.9| 0.6
Multiple disabilities .............| 100.0| 11.6| 17.3| 46.9| 12.4| 7.4| 1.0| 1.4| 2.1
Deaf-blindness ....................| 100.0| 17.6| 20.1| 32.2| 10.4| 6.0| 8.5| 4.0| 1.2
Autism ............................| 100.0| 24.7| 17.8| 45.5| 5.8| 4.6| 0.1| 1.0| 0.4
Traumatic brain injury ............| 100.0| 28.5| 34.8| 27.8| 2.9| 3.5| 0.2| 0.7| 1.7
Developmental delay ...............| 100.0| 46.3| 32.4| 19.7| 0.5| 0.9| 0.1| # | 0.2
___________________________________|________|________|_______|_______|________|________|________|________|__________ |