Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 53. Percentage distribution of disabled persons 6 to 21 years old receiving education services for the disabled, by educational environment and type of disability: United States and outlying areas, 2001-02 and 2002-03

                                   |        |      Regular school,   |Separate|Separate| Public |Private |Homebound/
Type of disability                 |    All |   outside regular class| public |private |residen-|residen-| hospital
                                   |environ-|________________________| school | school |   tial |   tial |placement
                                   |  ments |  Less  | 21-60 |  More |facility|facility|facility|facility|
                                   |        |than 21 |percent|than 60|        |        |        |        |
                                   |        |percent |       |percent|        |        |        |        |
1                                  |      2 |      3 |     4 |     5 |      6 |      7 |      8 |      9 |       10
                                   |                                       2001-02
   All persons, 6 to 21 years old .|   100.0|    48.4|   28.3|   19.2|     1.7|     1.2|     0.4|     0.4|       0.4
Specific learning disabilities ....|   100.0|    47.2|   38.0|   13.8|     0.3|     0.4|     0.1|     0.1|       0.2
Speech or language impairments ....|   100.0|    87.1|    7.4|    4.7|     0.2|     0.6|      # |      # |       0.1
Mental retardation ................|   100.0|    12.6|   29.5|   52.2|     3.9|     0.9|     0.3|     0.2|       0.4
Emotional disturbance .............|   100.0|    28.8|   22.5|   30.9|     7.1|     5.4|     1.5|     2.5|       1.3
Hearing impairments ...............|   100.0|    43.2|   18.8|   24.4|     4.4|     1.8|     6.8|     0.4|       0.2
Orthopedic impairments ............|   100.0|    46.5|   21.7|   27.2|     2.0|     0.6|     0.1|     0.1|       1.7
Other health impairments ..........|   100.0|    49.6|   30.8|   15.8|     0.9|     0.8|     0.1|     0.2|       1.9
Visual impairments ................|   100.0|    52.9|   16.8|   16.7|     4.2|     1.2|     6.8|     0.9|       0.6
Multiple disabilities .............|   100.0|    12.3|   16.6|   45.8|    13.2|     7.4|     1.2|     1.4|       2.1
Deaf-blindness ....................|   100.0|    17.1|   18.7|   29.3|    11.3|     8.8|     9.1|     3.3|       2.4
Autism ............................|   100.0|    24.3|   16.8|   46.2|     6.3|     4.9|     0.2|     1.0|       0.4
Traumatic brain injury ............|   100.0|    29.6|   33.0|   28.2|     2.8|     4.1|     0.2|     0.7|       1.5
Developmental delay ...............|   100.0|    45.4|   32.6|   20.6|     0.6|     0.5|      # |      # |       0.2
                                   |                                        2002-03
   All persons, 6 to 21 years old..|   100.0|    46.9|   38.6|   13.5|     0.3|     0.4|     0.1|     0.1|       0.2
Specific learning disabilities ....|   100.0|    48.2|   28.7|   19.0|     1.7|     1.2|     0.3|     0.4|       0.5
Speech or language impairments ....|   100.0|    87.0|    7.5|    4.7|     0.1|     0.6|      # |      # |       0.1
Mental retardation ................|   100.0|    11.0|   30.5|   52.6|     4.0|     0.9|     0.2|     0.3|       0.5
Emotional disturbance .............|   100.0|    28.8|   23.0|   30.7|     7.1|     5.2|     1.3|     2.5|       1.4
Hearing impairments ...............|   100.0|    43.0|   19.3|   23.7|     4.1|     2.5|     6.8|     0.4|       0.2
Orthopedic impairments ............|   100.0|    45.8|   22.2|   27.5|     2.1|     0.6|     0.1|     0.1|       1.6
Other health impairments ..........|   100.0|    49.5|   31.4|   15.3|     0.9|     0.8|     0.1|     0.3|       1.8
Visual impairments ................|   100.0|    52.5|   17.3|   16.6|     4.0|     1.8|     6.3|     0.9|       0.6
Multiple disabilities .............|   100.0|    11.6|   17.3|   46.9|    12.4|     7.4|     1.0|     1.4|       2.1
Deaf-blindness ....................|   100.0|    17.6|   20.1|   32.2|    10.4|     6.0|     8.5|     4.0|       1.2
Autism ............................|   100.0|    24.7|   17.8|   45.5|     5.8|     4.6|     0.1|     1.0|       0.4
Traumatic brain injury ............|   100.0|    28.5|   34.8|   27.8|     2.9|     3.5|     0.2|     0.7|       1.7
Developmental delay ...............|   100.0|    46.3|   32.4|   19.7|     0.5|     0.9|     0.1|      # |       0.2

#Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Data by disability condition are only reported for 6- to 21-year-old students. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) database. Retrieved April 18, 2005 from http://www.ideadata.org/tables26th/ar_abb2.htm and http://www.ideadata.org/tables27th/ar_ab2.htm. (This table was prepared April 2005.)