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Table 51. Percentage distribution of kindergarten teachers' time spent on certain instructional approaches, by control and program: Fall 1998

                             |         Public school kindergarten teachers     |       Private school kindergarten teachers
Length of school day and     |_________________________________________________|_________________________________________________
instructional approach       |     No|Half hour|About one|About two|Three hours|     No|Half hour|About one|About two|Three hours
                             |   time|  or less|     hour|    hours|    or more|   time|  or less|     hour|    hours|    or more
1                            |     2 |        3|       4 |       5 |         6 |     7 |       8 |       9 |      10 |       11
                             |       |         |         |         |           |       |         |         |         |
Full-day programs            |       |         |         |         |           |       |         |         |         |
  Teacher-directed           |       |         |         |         |           |       |         |         |         |
    Whole class activities ..| #  (†)|  4 (0.7)| 28 (1.8)| 43 (1.4)|   25 (1.6)| #  (†)| 15 (3.9)| 23 (3.8)| 25 (3.3)|   37(4.0)
    Small group activities ..| 1(0.2)| 18 (1.4)| 46 (2.5)| 28 (2.3)|    8 (1.2)|6 (2.9)| 33 (4.1)| 42 (3.8)| 16 (2.9)|    3(1.2)
    Individual activities ...| 2(0.5)| 53 (1.7)| 35 (1.3)|  9 (1.0)|    1 (0.4)|5 (1.4)| 55 (3.9)| 29 (3.2)|  6 (1.8)|    6(1.5)
  Child selected activities .| 2(0.3)| 31 (1.8)| 52 (2.0)| 13 (1.0)|    2 (0.5)|3 (1.6)| 35 (3.6)| 45 (4.2)| 11 (2.5)|    6(2.0)
                             |       |         |         |         |           |       |         |         |         |
Part-day programs            |       |         |         |         |           |       |         |         |         |
  Teacher-directed           |       |         |         |         |           |       |         |         |         |
    Whole class activities ..| #  (†)| 15 (1.3)| 52 (1.9)| 27 (2.0)|    5 (0.8)| #  (†)| 27 (6.8)| 40 (6.9)| 30 (5.2)|    3(2.1)
    Small group activities ..| 2(0.5)| 36 (2.5)| 46 (2.3)| 15 (1.6)|    1 (0.4)|3 (2.2)| 62 (5.7)| 26 (5.5)|  7 (2.4)|    1(1.2)
    Individual activities ...| 9(1.2)| 73 (2.0)| 15 (1.6)|  2 (0.5)|    1 (0.3)|9 (3.9)| 72 (6.6)| 13 (4.1)|  5 (2.7)|    2(1.6)
  Child selected activities .| 3(0.6)| 63 (1.9)| 29 (1.7)|  4 (1.0)|    #   (†)|3 (2.0)| 41 (5.6)| 41 (4.9)| 12 (5.8)|    3(1.8)

†Not applicable.
#Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Estimates are based on the responses of a nationally representative sample of kindergarten children's teachers. Standard errors appear in parentheses. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K), fall 1998, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared September 2001.)