Digest of Education Statistics: 2004
Digest of Education Statistics: 2004

NCES 2006-005
October 2005

Table 34. Gross domestic product, state and local expenditures, personal income, disposable personal income, median family income, and population: Selected years, 1929 to 2004

      |   Gross domestic  |State and local direc|Personal|Disposable|     Disposable   |         |      Population,
      |      product,     |  general expendit-  |income, | personal |  personal income |   Median|     in thousands
Year  |    in billions    |tures, in millions\1\|     in |income, in|     per capita   |   family|______________________
      |___________________|_____________________|billions| billions |__________________|   income|   Midyear | Resident
      |Current |  Chained |All general|Education|        |of chained|Current|  Chained |         |   data\3\ |  popula-
      |dollars |      2000|  expendi- |expendi- |        |      2000|dollars|      2000|         |           |tion as of
      |        |dollars\2\|     tures |   tures |        |dollars\2\|       |dollars\2\|         |           |July 1\4\
1     |      2 |        3 |         4 |       5 |      6 |        7 |     8 |        9 |      10 |        11 |       12
1929 .|  $103.6|    $865.2|       --- |     --- |   $85.1|    $712.7|   $684|    $5,848|     --- |    121,878|   121,767
1939 .|    92.2|     950.7|       --- |     --- |    72.9|     774.9|    545|     5,914|     --- |    131,028|   130,880
1940 .|   101.4|   1,034.1|     $9,229|   $2,638|    78.5|     826.5|    581|     6,255|     --- |    132,122|   132,122
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1941 .|   126.7|   1,211.1|       --- |     --- |    96.1|     950.7|    703|     7,127|     --- |    133,402|   133,402
1942 .|   161.9|   1,435.4|      9,190|    2,586|   123.5|   1,069.9|    879|     7,934|     --- |    134,860|   134,860
1943 .|   198.6|   1,670.9|       --- |     --- |   152.2|   1,119.9|    990|     8,190|     --- |    136,739|   136,739
1944 .|   219.8|   1,806.5|      8,863|    2,793|   166.0|   1,160.7|  1,072|     8,387|     --- |    138,397|   138,397
1945 .|   223.1|   1,786.3|       --- |     --- |   171.7|   1,145.3|  1,088|     8,185|     --- |    139,928|   139,928
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1946 .|   222.3|   1,589.4|     11,028|    3,356|   178.6|   1,132.7|  1,141|     8,011|     --- |    141,389|   141,389
1947 .|   244.2|   1,574.5|       --- |     --- |   191.0|   1,090.3|  1,188|     7,565|   $3,031|    144,126|   144,126
1948 .|   269.2|   1,643.2|     17,684|    5,379|   209.8|   1,148.4|  1,300|     7,832|    3,187|    146,631|   146,631
1949 .|   267.3|   1,634.6|       --- |     --- |   207.1|   1,155.8|  1,276|     7,747|    3,107|    149,188|   149,188
1950 .|   293.8|   1,777.3|     22,787|    7,177|   229.0|   1,260.0|  1,385|     8,306|    3,319|    151,684|   152,271
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1951 .|   339.3|   1,915.0|       --- |     --- |   258.0|   1,297.3|  1,497|     8,408|    3,709|    154,287|   154,878
1952 .|   358.3|   1,988.3|     26,098|    8,318|   275.4|   1,339.4|  1,550|     8,534|    3,890|    156,954|   157,553
1953 .|   379.4|   2,079.5|     27,910|    9,390|   291.9|   1,404.5|  1,621|     8,802|    4,242|    159,565|   160,184
1954 .|   380.4|   2,065.4|     30,701|   10,557|   294.5|   1,422.1|  1,627|     8,757|    4,167|    162,391|   163,026
1955 .|   414.8|   2,212.8|     33,724|   11,907|   316.1|   1,516.7|  1,714|     9,177|    4,418|    165,275|   165,931
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1956 .|   437.5|   2,255.8|     36,711|   13,220|   339.6|   1,589.7|  1,801|     9,450|    4,780|    168,221|   168,903
1957 .|   461.1|   2,301.1|     40,375|   14,134|   358.7|   1,628.5|  1,867|     9,508|    4,966|    171,274|   171,984
1958 .|   467.2|   2,279.2|     44,851|   15,919|   369.0|   1,642.6|  1,898|     9,433|    5,087|    174,141|   174,882
1959 .|   506.6|   2,441.3|     48,887|   17,283|   392.8|   1,715.5|  1,979|     9,685|    5,417|    177,130|   177,830
1960 .|   526.4|   2,501.8|     51,876|   18,719|   411.5|   1,759.7|  2,022|     9,735|    5,620|    180,760|   180,671
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1961 .|   544.7|   2,560.0|     56,201|   20,574|   429.0|   1,819.2|  2,078|     9,901|    5,735|    183,742|   183,691
1962 .|   585.6|   2,715.2|     60,206|   22,216|   456.7|   1,908.2|  2,171|    10,227|    5,956|    186,590|   186,538
1963 .|   617.7|   2,834.0|     63,977|   23,729|   479.6|   1,979.1|  2,246|    10,455|    6,249|    189,300|   189,242
1964 .|   663.6|   2,998.6|     69,302|   26,286|   514.6|   2,122.8|  2,410|    11,061|    6,569|    191,927|   191,889
1965 .|   719.1|   3,191.1|     74,678|   28,563|   555.7|   2,253.3|  2,563|    11,594|    6,957|    194,347|   194,303
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1966 .|   787.8|   3,399.1|     82,843|   33,287|   603.9|   2,371.9|  2,734|    12,065|    7,532|    196,599|   196,560
1967 .|   832.6|   3,484.6|     93,350|   37,919|   648.3|   2,475.9|  2,895|    12,457|    7,933|    198,752|   198,712
1968 .|   910.0|   3,652.7|    102,411|   41,158|   712.0|   2,588.0|  3,114|    12,892|    8,632|    200,745|   200,706
1969 .|   984.6|   3,765.4|    116,728|   47,238|   778.5|   2,668.7|  3,324|    13,163|    9,433|    202,736|   202,677
1970 .| 1,038.5|   3,771.9|    131,332|   52,718|   838.8|   2,781.7|  3,587|    13,563|    9,867|    205,089|   205,052
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1971 .| 1,127.1|   3,898.6|    150,674|   59,413|   903.5|   2,907.9|  3,860|    14,001|   10,285|    207,692|   207,661
1972 .| 1,238.3|   4,105.0|    168,550|   65,814|   992.7|   3,046.5|  4,140|    14,512|   11,116|    209,924|   209,896
1973 .| 1,382.7|   4,341.5|    181,357|   69,714| 1,110.7|   3,252.3|  4,616|    15,345|   12,051|    211,939|   211,909
1974 .| 1,500.0|   4,319.6|    198,959|   75,833| 1,222.6|   3,228.5|  5,010|    15,094|   12,902|    213,898|   213,854
1975 .| 1,638.3|   4,311.2|    230,721|   87,858| 1,335.0|   3,302.6|  5,498|    15,291|   13,719|    215,981|   215,973
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1976 .| 1,825.3|   4,540.9|    256,731|   97,216| 1,474.8|   3,432.2|  5,972|    15,738|   14,958|    218,086|   218,035
1977 .| 2,030.9|   4,750.5|    274,215|  102,780| 1,633.2|   3,552.9|  6,517|    16,128|   16,009|    220,289|   220,239
1978 .| 2,294.7|   5,015.0|    296,984|  110,758| 1,837.7|   3,718.8|  7,224|    16,704|   17,640|    222,629|   222,585
1979 .| 2,563.3|   5,173.4|    327,517|  119,448| 2,062.2|   3,811.2|  7,967|    16,931|   19,587|    225,106|   225,055
1980 .| 2,789.5|   5,161.7|    369,086|  133,211| 2,307.9|   3,857.7|  8,822|    16,940|   21,023|    227,726|   227,225
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1981 .| 3,128.4|   5,291.7|    407,449|  145,784| 2,591.3|   3,960.0|  9,765|    17,217|   22,388|    230,008|   229,466
1982 .| 3,255.0|   5,189.3|    436,733|  154,282| 2,775.3|   4,044.9| 10,426|    17,418|   23,433|    232,218|   231,664
1983 .| 3,536.7|   5,423.8|    466,516|  163,876| 2,960.7|   4,177.7| 11,131|    17,828|   24,674|    234,333|   233,792
1984 .| 3,933.2|   5,813.6|    505,008|  176,108| 3,289.5|   4,494.1| 12,319|    19,011|   26,433|    236,394|   235,825
1985 .| 4,220.3|   6,053.7|    553,899|  192,686| 3,526.7|   4,645.2| 13,037|    19,476|   27,735|    238,506|   237,924
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1986 .| 4,462.8|   6,263.6|    605,623|  210,819| 3,722.4|   4,791.0| 13,649|    19,906|   29,458|    240,683|   240,133
1987 .| 4,739.5|   6,475.1|    657,134|  226,619| 3,947.4|   4,874.5| 14,241|    20,072|\5\30,970|    242,843|   242,289
1988 .| 5,103.8|   6,742.7|    704,921|  242,683| 4,253.7|   5,082.6| 15,297|    20,740|\5\32,191|    245,061|   244,499
1989 .| 5,484.4|   6,981.4|    762,360|  263,898| 4,587.8|   5,224.8| 16,257|    21,120|\5\34,213|    247,387|   246,819
1990 .| 5,803.1|   7,112.5|    834,818|  288,148| 4,878.6|   5,324.2| 17,131|    21,281|\5\35,353|    250,181|   249,623
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1991 .| 5,995.9|   7,100.5|    908,108|  309,302| 5,051.0|   5,351.7| 17,609|    21,109|\5\35,939|    253,530|   252,981
1992 .| 6,337.7|   7,336.6|    981,253|  324,652| 5,362.0|   5,536.3| 18,494|    21,548|\5\36,573|    256,922|   256,514
1993 .| 6,657.4|   7,532.7|  1,033,167|  342,287| 5,558.5|   5,594.2| 18,872|    21,493|\5\36,959|    260,282|   259,919
1994 .| 7,072.2|   7,835.5|  1,077,665|  353,287| 5,842.5|   5,746.4| 19,555|    21,812|\5\38,782|    263,455|   263,126
1995 .| 7,397.7|   8,031.7|  1,146,188|  378,273| 6,152.3|   5,905.7| 20,287|    22,153|\5\40,611|    266,588|   266,278
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
1996 .| 7,816.9|   8,328.9|  1,189,356|  398,859| 6,520.6|   6,080.9| 21,091|    22,546|\5\42,300|    269,714|   269,394
1997 .| 8,304.3|   8,703.5|  1,247,436|  419,053| 6,915.1|   6,295.8| 21,940|    23,065|\5\44,568|    272,958|   272,647
1998 .| 8,747.0|   9,066.9|  1,314,496|  450,365| 7,423.0|   6,663.9| 23,161|    24,131|\5\46,737|    276,154|   275,854
1999 .| 9,268.4|   9,470.3|  1,398,533|  483,259| 7,802.4|   6,861.3| 23,968|    24,564|\5\48,950|    279,328|   279,040
2000 .| 9,817.0|   9,817.0|  1,502,768|  521,612| 8,429.7|   7,194.0| 25,472|    25,472|\6\50,732|    282,429|   282,178
      |        |          |           |         |        |          |       |          |         |           |
2001 .|10,128.0|   9,890.7|  1,621,757|  563,572| 8,724.1|   7,333.3| 26,236|    25,698|\6\51,407|    285,366|   285,094
2002 .|10,487.0|  10,074.8|  1,730,809|  594,591| 8,878.9|   7,559.5| 27,159|    26,229|\6\51,680|    288,217|   287,974
2003 .|11,004.0|  10,381.3|       --- |     --- | 9,161.8|   7,733.8| 28,034|    26,570|\6\52,680|    291,073|   290,810
2004 .|11,735.0|  10,841.9|       --- |     --- | 9,673.0|   8,007.3| 29,372|    27,240|      ---|    293,951|   293,623

---Not available.
\1\Data for years prior to 1963 include expenditures for government fiscal years ending during that particular calendar year. Data for 1963 and later years are the aggregations of expenditures for government fiscal years which ended on June 30 of the stated year. General expenditures exclude expenditures of publicly owned utilities and liquor stores, and of insurance-trust activities. Intergovernmental payments between state and local governments are excluded. Payments to the federal government are included.
\2\Constant dollars based on a chain-price index, which uses the geometric mean of output weights of adjacent time periods compiled over a time series. Chain-price indexes reflect changes in prices, while implicit price deflators reflect both changes in prices and in the composition of output.
\3\Population of the United States including Armed Forces overseas. Includes Alaska and Hawaii beginning 1960.
\4\Resident population of the United States. Includes Alaska and Hawaii beginning 1958. Data for 1990 and later years include revisions based on the 2000 Census.
\5\Revised methodology.
\6\Based on 2000 Census controls.

NOTE: Gross domestic product data are adjusted by the GDP chained weight price deflator. Personal income data are adjusted by the personal consumption deflator. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Money Income in the United States, Series P-60, No. 229, and unpublished data; and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts Tables. (This table was prepared May 2005.)