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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 19. Characteristics of families with own children under 18, by family status and race/ethnicity: 2003
[In thousands]

                          |            All races\1\         |      White, non-Hispanic      |           Black only         |           Hispanic
                          |        |        | Other families|       |        |Other families|      |        |Other families|      |        |Other families
                          |        |        |_______________|       |        |______________|      |        |______________|      |        |______________
Family                    |        |        |  Male |Female |       |        |  Male |Female|      |        |  Male |Female|      |        |  Male |Female
characteristic            |        |Married-|house- |house- |       |Married-|house- |house-|      |Married-|house- |house-|      |Married-|house- |house-
                          |  Total | couple |holder,|holder,| Total | couple |holder,|holder|Total | couple |holder,|holder| Total| couple |holder,|holder,
                          |        |families|    no |    no |       |families|    no |   no |      |families|    no |   no |      |families|    no |   no
                          |        |        |spouse |spouse |       |        |spouse |spouse|      |        |spouse |spouse|      |        |spouse |spouse
                          |        |        |present|present|       |        |present|presen|      |        |present|presen|      |        |present|present
1                         |      2 |      3 |     4 |     5 |     6 |      7 |     8 |    9 |   10 |     11 |    12 |   13 |   14 |     15 |    16 |   17
                          |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   Total families ........|  75,596|  57,320|  4,656| 13,620| 53,845|  44,101|  2,674| 7,070| 8,928|   4,165|    762| 4,000| 9,090|   6,189|    872| 2,029
Total families with       |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   own children under 18 .|  35,968|  25,914|  1,915|  8,139| 23,378|  18,242|  1,176| 3,960| 4,957|   2,082|    285| 2,591| 5,704|   4,001|    346| 1,357
Percent of all families ..|    47.6|    45.2|   41.1|   59.8|   43.4|    41.4|   44.0|  56.0|  55.5|    50.0|   37.4|  64.8|  62.8|    64.6|   39.7|  66.9
Percent distribution .....|   100.0|    72.0|    5.3|   22.6|  100.0|    78.0|    5.0|  16.9| 100.0|    42.0|    5.7|  52.3| 100.0|    70.1|    6.1|  23.8
Families with             |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
  1 child under 18 .......|  15,183|   9,875|  1,174|  4,134|  9,993|   7,041|    752| 2,199| 2,219|     851|    176| 1,192| 2,097|   1,307|    181|   609
  2 children under 18 ....|  13,539|  10,520|    534|  2,486|  9,100|   7,576|    321| 1,202| 1,636|     760|     72|   805| 2,032|   1,501|    111|   420
  3 children under 18 ....|   5,290|   4,037|    151|  1,102|  3,234|   2,715|     78|   441|   742|     316|     24|   402| 1,109|     849|     40|   220
  4 or more under 18 .....|   1,955|   1,482|     57|    417|  1,052|     910|     24|   117|   361|     155|     13|   193|   466|     345|     14|   107
                          |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
Total families with       |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   own children under 6 ..|  15,584|  11,743|    729|  3,111|  9,706|   7,974|    380| 1,352| 2,077|     896|    105| 1,076| 2,933|   2,152|    196|   586
Percent of all families ..|    20.6|    20.5|   15.7|   22.8|   18.0|    18.1|   14.2|  19.1|  23.3|    21.5|   13.8|  26.9|  32.3|    34.8|   22.5|  28.9
                          |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
Total families with       |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   own children under 3 ..|   9,081|   7,014|    451|  1,615|  5,723|   4,817|    232|   674| 1,158|     485|     73|   600| 1,689|   1,283|    118|   287
Percent of all families ..|    12.0|    12.2|    9.7|   11.9|   10.6|    10.9|    8.7|   9.5|  13.0|    11.6|    9.6|  15.0|  18.6|    20.7|   13.5|  14.1
                          |                                                           Standard errors
                          |_________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ ________ _______ ______
                          |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   Total families ........| (238.1)| (217.2)| (69.4)|(116.6)|(212.2)| (196.5)| (52.8)|(85.1)|(82.6)|  (60.0)| (26.7)|(58.9)|(78.6)|  (68.9)| (28.4)|(42.5)
Total families with       |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   own children under 18 .| (180.7)| (156.8)| (44.7)| (91.1)|(149.7)| (133.6)| (35.1)|(64.1)|(64.8)|  (43.5)| (16.4)|(47.6)|(68.9)|  (58.9)| (18.1)|(35.4)
Percent of all families ..|  (0.19)|  (0.21)| (0.74)| (0.43)| (0.22)|  (0.24)| (0.98)|(0.61)|(0.51)|  (0.76)| (1.71)|(0.74)|(0.49)|  (0.59)| (1.62)|(1.02)
Percent distribution .....|    (†) |  (0.24)| (0.12)| (0.23)|   (†) |  (0.28)| (0.15)|(0.25)|  (†) |  (0.68)| (0.32)|(0.69)|  (†) |  (0.59)| (0.31)|(0.55)
Families with             |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
  1 child under 18 .......| (122.7)| (100.0)| (35.1)| (65.4)|(100.6)|  (84.9)| (28.1)|(47.9)|(44.8)|  (28.2)| (12.9)|(33.2)|(43.6)|  (34.8)| (13.1)|(23.9)
  2 children under 18 ....| (116.2)| (103.1)| (23.7)| (50.9)| (96.1)|  (88.0)| (18.4)|(35.5)|(38.7)|  (26.7)|  (8.3)|(27.4)|(43.0)|  (37.2)| (10.3)|(19.9)
  3 children under 18 ....|  (73.8)|  (64.7)| (12.6)| (34.0)| (58.0)|  (53.2)|  (9.1)|(21.5)|(26.4)|  (17.3)|  (4.8)|(19.5)|(32.1)|  (28.2)|  (6.2)|(14.4)
  4 or more under 18 .....|  (45.2)|  (39.4)|  (7.7)| (20.9)| (33.2)|  (30.9)|  (5.0)|(11.1)|(18.5)|  (12.1)|  (3.5)|(13.5)|(21.0)|  (18.1)|  (3.7)|(10.1)
                          |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
Total families with       |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   own children under 6 ..| (124.2)| (108.6)| (27.7)| (56.9)| (99.2)|  (90.2)| (20.0)|(37.6)|(43.4)|  (28.9)| (10.0)|(31.6)|(51.1)|  (44.2)| (13.6)|(23.5)
Percent of all families ..|  (0.15)|  (0.17)| (0.55)| (0.37)| (0.17)|  (0.19)| (0.69)|(0.48)|(0.44)|  (0.62)| (1.22)|(0.68)|(0.48)|  (0.59)| (1.38)|(0.98)
                          |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
Total families with       |        |        |       |       |       |        |       |      |      |        |       |      |      |        |       |
   own children under 3 ..|  (96.0)|  (84.7)| (21.8)| (41.1)| (76.7)|  (70.5)| (15.6)|(26.6)|(32.8)|  (21.4)|  (8.3)|(23.7)|(39.3)|  (34.5)| (10.6)|(16.5)
Percent of all families ..|  (0.12)|  (0.14)| (0.44)| (0.28)| (0.14)|  (0.15)| (0.56)|(0.36)|(0.35)|  (0.48)| (1.04)|(0.55)|(0.40)|  (0.50)| (1.13)|(0.75)

†Not applicable.
\1\Race of family is defined as race of head of household. Columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 include other race/ethnicity groups not separately shown.

NOTE: Own children are never-married sons and daughters, including stepchildren and adopted children, of the householder or married couple. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, American Families and Living Arrangements, 2003. Retrieved March 28, 2005, from (This table was prepared March 2005.)