Digest of Education Statistics: 2004
Digest of Education Statistics: 2004

NCES 2006-005
October 2005

Table 15. Estimates of resident population, by age group: 1970 to 2003
[In thousands]

       |  Total,|    Total,|         |        |        |        |         |         |         |         | 
Year   |     all|   3 to 34|  3 and 4| 5 and 6| 7 to 13|14 to 17|18 and 19|20 and 21| 22 to 24| 25 to 29|30 to 34
       |    ages|     years|    years|   years|   years|   years|    years|    years|    years|    years|   years
1      |       2|         3|        4|       5|       6|       7|        8|        9|       10|       11|      12
1970 ..| 203,984|   108,653|    6,962|   7,703|  28,969|  15,921|    7,410|    6,850|    9,728|   13,604|  11,505
1971 ..| 206,827|   110,482|    6,805|   7,344|  28,892|  16,326|    7,644|    7,106|   10,596|   13,927|  11,842
1972 ..| 209,284|   112,287|    6,789|   7,051|  28,628|  16,637|    7,854|    7,447|   10,418|   15,142|  12,321
1973 ..| 211,357|   113,954|    6,938|   6,888|  28,159|  16,864|    8,044|    7,658|   10,615|   15,694|  13,094
1974 ..| 213,342|   115,641|    7,117|   6,864|  27,599|  17,033|    8,196|    7,893|   10,864|   16,428|  13,644
       |        |          |         |        |        |        |         |         |         |         | 
1975 ..| 215,465|   117,006|    6,912|   7,014|  26,904|  17,125|    8,418|    8,089|   11,228|   17,183|  14,131
1976 ..| 217,563|   118,073|    6,437|   7,194|  26,321|  17,117|    8,604|    8,240|   11,554|   18,177|  14,428
1977 ..| 219,760|   118,853|    6,190|   6,978|  25,878|  17,042|    8,613|    8,456|   11,856|   18,180|  15,661
1978 ..| 222,095|   119,414|    6,208|   6,499|  25,593|  16,944|    8,617|    8,628|   12,120|   18,585|  16,218
1979 ..| 224,567|   120,126|    6,252|   6,256|  25,174|  16,610|    8,698|    8,653|   12,443|   19,077|  16,961
       |        |          |         |        |        |        |         |         |         |         | 
1980 ..| 227,225|   121,132|    6,366|   6,291|  24,800|  16,143|    8,718|    8,669|   12,716|   19,686|  17,743
1981 ..| 229,466|   121,999|    6,535|   6,315|  24,396|  15,609|    8,582|    8,759|   12,903|   20,169|  18,731
1982 ..| 231,664|   121,823|    6,658|   6,407|  24,121|  15,057|    8,480|    8,768|   12,914|   20,704|  18,714
1983 ..| 233,792|   122,302|    6,877|   6,572|  23,709|  14,740|    8,290|    8,652|   12,981|   21,414|  19,067
1984 ..| 235,825|   122,254|    7,045|   6,694|  23,367|  14,725|    7,932|    8,567|   12,962|   21,459|  19,503
       |        |          |         |        |        |        |         |         |         |         | 
1985 ..| 237,924|   122,512|    7,134|   6,916|  22,976|  14,888|    7,637|    8,370|   12,895|   21,671|  20,025
1986 ..| 240,133|   122,688|    7,187|   7,086|  22,992|  14,824|    7,483|    8,024|   12,720|   21,893|  20,479
1987 ..| 242,289|   122,672|    7,132|   7,178|  23,325|  14,502|    7,502|    7,742|   12,450|   21,857|  20,984
1988 ..| 244,499|   122,713|    7,176|   7,238|  23,791|  14,023|    7,701|    7,606|   12,048|   21,739|  21,391
1989 ..| 246,819|   122,655|    7,315|   7,184|  24,228|  13,536|    7,898|    7,651|   11,607|   21,560|  21,676
       |        |          |         |        |        |        |         |         |         |         | 
1990 ..| 249,623|   122,787|    7,359|   7,244|  24,785|  13,329|    7,702|    7,886|   11,264|   21,277|  21,939
1991 ..| 252,981|   123,210|    7,444|   7,393|  25,216|  13,491|    7,208|    8,029|   11,205|   20,923|  22,301
1992 ..| 256,514|   123,722|    7,614|   7,447|  25,752|  13,775|    6,949|    7,797|   11,391|   20,503|  22,494
1993 ..| 259,919|   124,371|    7,887|   7,549|  26,212|  14,096|    6,985|    7,333|   11,657|   20,069|  22,584
1994 ..| 263,126|   124,976|    8,089|   7,725|  26,492|  14,637|    7,047|    7,071|   11,585|   19,740|  22,590
       |        |          |         |        |        |        |         |         |         |         | 
1995 ..| 266,278|   125,478|    8,107|   8,000|  26,825|  15,013|    7,182|    7,103|   11,197|   19,680|  22,372
1996 ..| 269,394|   125,924|    8,022|   8,206|  27,168|  15,443|    7,399|    7,161|   10,715|   19,864|  21,945
1997 ..| 272,647|   126,422|    7,915|   8,232|  27,683|  15,769|    7,569|    7,309|   10,601|   19,899|  21,446
1998 ..| 275,854|   126,939|    7,841|   8,152|  28,302|  15,829|    7,892|    7,520|   10,647|   19,804|  20,953
1999 ..| 279,040|   127,446|    7,772|   8,041|  28,763|  16,007|    8,094|    7,683|   10,908|   19,575|  20,603
       |        |          |         |        |        |        |         |         |         |         | 
2000\1\| 282,224|   128,017|    7,727|   7,965|  29,073|  16,096|    8,159|    7,979|   11,161|   19,267|  20,589
2001\2\| 285,094|   128,507|    7,665|   7,902|  29,157|  16,181|    8,142|    8,255|   11,522|   18,969|  20,714
2002\2\| 287,974|   129,124|    7,678|   7,798|  29,154|  16,319|    8,131|    8,300|   12,030|   18,902|  20,813
2003 ..| 290,811|   129,768|    7,721|   7,733|  29,019|  16,522|    8,173|    8,286|   12,442|   19,168|  20,705

\1\April 1, 2000.
\2\Revised from previously published figures.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Estimates as of July 1.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, Series P-25,Nos. 1000, 1022, 1045, 1057, 1059, 1092, 1095; and previously unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared October 2004.)