Digest of Education Statistics: 2004
Digest of Education Statistics: 2004

NCES 2006-005
October 2005

Table 7. Percent of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by age group: Selected years, 1940 to 2003

       |           |             |          |          |          |         18 and 19 years old    |         20 to 24 years old     |          |
       |           |             |          |          |          |__________ __________ __________|__________ __________ __________|          |
       |     Total,|      3 and 4|   5 and 6|   7 to 13|  14 to 17|          |In elemen-|          |          |          |          |  25 to 29|  30 to 34
Year   |    3 to 34|        years|     years|     years|     years|     Total|  tary and| In higher|     Total|    20 and|  22 to 24|     years|     years
       |      years|             |          |          |          |          | secondary| education|          |  21 years|     years|          |
1      |         2 |           3 |        4 |        5 |        6 |        7 |        8 |        9 |       10 |       11 |       12 |       13 |       14
1940 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) | ---  (†) |95.0(---) |79.3(---) |28.9(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 6.6(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
1945 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) | ---  (†) |98.1(---) |78.4(---) |20.7(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 3.9(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
1947 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |73.8(---) |98.5(---) |79.3(---) |24.3(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |10.2(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 3.0(---) | ---  (†)
1948 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |74.7(---) |98.1(---) |81.8(---) |26.9(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 9.7(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 2.6(---) | ---  (†)
1949 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |76.2(---) |98.6(---) |81.6(---) |25.3(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 9.2(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 3.8(---) | ---  (†)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1950 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |74.4(---) |98.7(---) |83.7(---) |29.4(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 9.0(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 3.0(---) | 0.9(---)
1951 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |73.6(---) |99.1(---) |85.2(---) |26.2(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 8.6(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 2.5(---) | ---  (†)
1952 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |75.2(---) |98.8(---) |85.2(---) |28.8(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 9.7(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 2.6(---) | 1.2(---)
1953 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |78.6(---) |99.4(---) |85.9(---) |31.2(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |11.1(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 2.9(---) | 1.7(---)
1954 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |77.3(---) |99.4(---) |87.1(---) |32.4(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |11.2(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 4.1(---) | 1.5(---)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1955 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |78.1(---) |99.2(---) |86.9(---) |31.5(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |11.1(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 4.2(---) | 1.6(---)
1956 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |77.6(---) |99.3(---) |88.2(---) |35.4(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |12.8(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 5.1(---) | 1.9(---)
1957 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |78.6(---) |99.5(---) |89.5(---) |34.9(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |14.0(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
1958 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |80.4(---) |99.5(---) |89.2(---) |37.6(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |13.4(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
1959 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |80.0(---) |99.4(---) |90.2(---) |36.8(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |12.7(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1960 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |80.7(---) |99.5(---) |90.3(---) |38.4(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |13.1(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 4.9(---) | 2.4(---)
1961 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |81.7(---) |99.3(---) |91.4(---) |38.0(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |13.7(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
1962 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |82.2(---) |99.3(---) |92.0(---) |41.8(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |15.6(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
1963 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |82.7(---) |99.3(---) |92.9(---) |40.9(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |17.3(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | ---  (†)
1964 ..|  ---  (†) |    ---  (†) |83.3(---) |99.0(---) |93.1(---) |41.6(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |16.8(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) | 5.2(---) | 2.6(---)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1965 ..| 55.5(---) |   10.6(---) |84.9(---) |99.4(---) |93.2(---) |46.3(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |19.0(---) |27.6(---) |13.2(---) | 6.1(---) | 3.2(---)
1966 ..| 56.1(---) |   12.5(---) |85.8(---) |99.3(---) |93.7(---) |47.2(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |19.9(---) |29.9(---) |13.2(---) | 6.5(---) | 2.7(---)
1967 ..| 56.6(---) |   14.2(---) |87.4(---) |99.3(---) |93.7(---) |47.6(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |22.0(---) |33.3(---) |13.6(---) | 6.6(---) | 4.0(---)
1968 ..| 56.7(---) |   15.7(---) |87.6(---) |99.1(---) |94.2(---) |50.4(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |21.4(---) |31.2(---) |13.8(---) | 7.0(---) | 3.9(---)
1969 ..| 57.0(---) |   16.1(---) |88.4(---) |99.2(---) |94.0(---) |50.2(---) | ---  (†) | ---  (†) |23.0(---) |34.1(---) |15.4(---) | 7.9(---) | 4.8(---)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1970 ..| 56.4(0.22)|   20.5(0.73)|89.5(0.53)|99.2(0.08)|94.1(0.27)|47.7(0.85)|10.5(0.52)|37.3(0.83)|21.5(0.47)|31.9(0.85)|14.9(0.52)| 7.5(0.33)| 4.2(0.27)
1971 ..| 56.2(0.21)|   21.2(0.75)|91.6(0.49)|99.1(0.08)|94.5(0.26)|49.2(0.84)|11.5(0.54)|37.7(0.81)|21.9(0.46)|32.2(0.83)|15.4(0.51)| 8.0(0.33)| 4.9(0.29)
1972 ..| 54.9(0.21)|   24.4(0.80)|91.9(0.50)|99.2(0.08)|93.3(0.28)|46.3(0.82)|10.4(0.50)|35.9(0.79)|21.6(0.45)|31.4(0.79)|14.8(0.50)| 8.6(0.33)| 4.6(0.27)
1973 ..| 53.5(0.21)|   24.2(0.78)|92.5(0.49)|99.2(0.08)|92.9(0.28)|42.9(0.81)|10.0(0.49)|32.9(0.77)|20.8(0.44)|30.1(0.78)|14.5(0.49)| 8.5(0.32)| 4.5(0.26)
1974 ..| 53.6(0.21)|   28.8(0.83)|94.2(0.43)|99.3(0.08)|92.9(0.28)|43.1(0.80)| 9.9(0.48)|33.2(0.76)|21.4(0.44)|30.2(0.76)|15.1(0.50)| 9.6(0.33)| 5.7(0.29)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1975 ..| 53.7(0.21)|   31.5(0.87)|94.7(0.41)|99.3(0.08)|93.6(0.27)|46.9(0.80)|10.2(0.48)|36.7(0.77)|22.4(0.44)|31.2(0.76)|16.2(0.51)|10.1(0.33)| 6.6(0.30)
1976 ..| 53.1(0.21)|   31.3(0.90)|95.5(0.38)|99.2(0.09)|93.7(0.27)|46.2(0.79)|10.2(0.48)|36.0(0.76)|23.3(0.44)|32.0(0.75)|17.1(0.51)|10.0(0.33)| 6.0(0.28)
1977 ..| 52.5(0.21)|   32.0(0.93)|95.8(0.38)|99.4(0.07)|93.7(0.27)|46.2(0.80)|10.4(0.49)|35.7(0.77)|22.9(0.44)|31.8(0.75)|16.5(0.51)|10.8(0.34)| 6.9(0.30)
1978 ..| 51.2(0.21)|   34.2(0.94)|95.3(0.41)|99.1(0.09)|93.7(0.27)|45.4(0.80)| 9.8(0.48)|35.6(0.77)|21.8(0.43)|29.5(0.73)|16.3(0.50)| 9.4(0.31)| 6.4(0.28)
1979 ..| 50.3(0.21)|   35.1(0.95)|95.8(0.40)|99.2(0.09)|93.6(0.28)|45.0(0.79)|10.3(0.48)|34.6(0.76)|21.7(0.42)|30.2(0.74)|15.8(0.49)| 9.6(0.31)| 6.4(0.28)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1980 ..| 49.7(0.21)|   36.7(0.95)|95.7(0.40)|99.3(0.09)|93.4(0.29)|46.4(0.80)|10.5(0.49)|35.9(0.77)|22.3(0.43)|31.0(0.74)|16.3(0.49)| 9.3(0.30)| 6.4(0.27)
1981 ..| 48.9(0.21)|   36.0(0.92)|94.0(0.46)|99.2(0.09)|94.1(0.27)|49.0(0.80)|11.5(0.51)|37.5(0.78)|22.5(0.42)|31.6(0.73)|16.5(0.48)| 9.0(0.29)| 6.9(0.27)
1982 ..| 48.6(0.22)|   36.4(0.96)|95.0(0.44)|99.2(0.10)|94.4(0.29)|47.8(0.85)|11.3(0.54)|36.5(0.81)|23.5(0.45)|34.0(0.79)|16.8(0.50)| 9.6(0.31)| 6.3(0.27)
1983 ..| 48.4(0.22)|   37.5(0.94)|95.4(0.42)|99.2(0.09)|95.0(0.27)|50.4(0.86)|12.8(0.57)|37.6(0.83)|22.7(0.44)|32.5(0.79)|16.6(0.50)| 9.6(0.31)| 6.4(0.27)
1984 ..| 47.9(0.22)|   36.3(0.92)|94.5(0.45)|99.2(0.09)|94.7(0.28)|50.1(0.88)|11.5(0.56)|38.6(0.86)|23.7(0.45)|33.9(0.80)|17.3(0.51)| 9.1(0.30)| 6.3(0.27)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1985 ..| 48.3(0.22)|   38.9(0.94)|96.1(0.38)|99.2(0.09)|94.9(0.27)|51.6(0.89)|11.2(0.56)|40.4(0.88)|24.0(0.46)|35.3(0.83)|16.9(0.51)| 9.2(0.30)| 6.1(0.26)
1986 ..| 48.2(0.22)|   38.9(0.93)|95.3(0.40)|99.2(0.10)|94.9(0.28)|54.6(0.90)|13.1(0.61)|41.5(0.89)|23.6(0.46)|33.0(0.83)|17.9(0.53)| 8.8(0.29)| 6.0(0.25)
1987 ..| 48.6(0.22)|   38.3(0.93)|95.1(0.41)|99.5(0.07)|95.0(0.28)|55.6(0.89)|13.1(0.60)|42.5(0.89)|25.5(0.48)|38.7(0.88)|17.5(0.53)| 9.0(0.30)| 5.8(0.25)
1988 ..| 48.7(0.24)|   38.2(1.01)|96.0(0.41)|99.7(0.07)|95.1(0.30)|55.6(0.96)|13.9(0.67)|41.8(0.95)|26.1(0.53)|39.1(0.96)|18.2(0.60)| 8.3(0.31)| 5.9(0.27)
1989 ..| 49.0(0.22)|   39.1(1.00)|95.2(0.44)|99.3(0.09)|95.7(0.29)|56.0(0.95)|14.4(0.68)|41.6(0.95)|27.0(0.55)|38.5(0.97)|19.9(0.63)| 9.3(0.33)| 5.7(0.26)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1990 ..| 50.2(0.23)|   44.4(0.99)|96.5(0.37)|99.6(0.06)|95.8(0.28)|57.2(0.94)|14.5(0.67)|42.7(0.94)|28.6(0.54)|39.7(0.92)|21.0(0.63)| 9.7(0.33)| 5.8(0.25)
1991 ..| 50.7(0.22)|   40.5(0.96)|95.4(0.41)|99.6(0.06)|96.0(0.27)|59.6(0.96)|15.6(0.71)|44.0(0.97)|30.2(0.55)|42.0(0.92)|22.2(0.64)|10.2(0.34)| 6.2(0.26)
1992 ..| 51.4(0.22)|   39.7(0.95)|95.5(0.41)|99.4(0.08)|96.7(0.25)|61.4(0.96)|17.1(0.74)|44.3(0.98)|31.6(0.56)|44.0(0.95)|23.7(0.65)| 9.8(0.34)| 6.1(0.26)
1993 ..| 51.8(0.22)|   40.4(0.93)|95.4(0.41)|99.5(0.07)|96.5(0.25)|61.6(0.95)|17.2(0.74)|44.4(0.97)|30.8(0.56)|42.7(0.97)|23.6(0.65)|10.2(0.35)| 5.9(0.25)
1994 ..| 53.3(0.21)|\1\47.3(0.87)|96.7(0.32)|99.4(0.08)|96.6(0.22)|60.2(0.87)|16.2(0.65)|43.9(0.88)|32.0(0.51)|44.9(0.88)|24.0(0.59)|10.8(0.33)| 6.7(0.25)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
1995 ..| 53.7(0.21)|\1\48.7(0.87)|96.0(0.34)|98.9(0.10)|96.3(0.23)|59.4(0.85)|16.3(0.64)|43.1(0.86)|31.5(0.52)|44.9(0.89)|23.2(0.60)|11.6(0.34)| 5.9(0.24)
1996 ..| 54.1(0.22)|\1\48.3(0.91)|94.0(0.43)|97.7(0.15)|95.4(0.26)|61.5(0.87)|16.7(0.67)|44.9(0.89)|32.5(0.55)|44.4(0.93)|24.8(0.65)|11.9(0.36)| 6.1(0.25)
1997 ..| 55.6(0.22)|\1\52.6(0.92)|96.5(0.33)|99.1(0.09)|96.6(0.22)|61.5(0.86)|16.7(0.66)|44.7(0.88)|34.3(0.55)|45.9(0.91)|26.4(0.66)|11.8(0.36)| 5.7(0.25)
1998 ..| 55.8(0.22)|\1\52.1(0.92)|95.6(0.37)|98.9(0.10)|96.1(0.24)|62.2(0.84)|15.7(0.63)|46.4(0.86)|33.0(0.55)|44.8(0.91)|24.9(0.65)|11.9(0.37)| 6.6(0.27)
1999 ..| 56.0(0.22)|\1\54.2(0.93)|96.0(0.36)|98.7(0.11)|95.8(0.24)|60.6(0.84)|16.5(0.64)|44.1(0.85)|32.8(0.54)|45.3(0.90)|24.5(0.64)|11.1(0.36)| 6.2(0.27)
       |           |             |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
2000 ..| 55.9(0.22)|\1\52.1(0.93)|95.6(0.38)|98.2(0.13)|95.7(0.25)|61.2(0.84)|16.5(0.64)|44.7(0.85)|32.5(0.53)|44.1(0.88)|24.6(0.63)|11.4(0.37)| 6.7(0.28)
2001 ..| 56.4(0.22)|\1\52.4(0.88)|95.3(0.37)|98.3(0.12)|95.8(0.24)|61.1(0.83)|17.1(0.64)|44.0(0.84)|34.1(0.53)|46.1(0.87)|25.5(0.64)|11.8(0.38)| 6.9(0.28)
2002 ..| 56.2(0.21)|\1\56.3(0.89)|95.5(0.37)|98.3(0.12)|96.4(0.22)|63.3(0.83)|18.0(0.67)|45.3(0.86)|34.4(0.52)|47.8(0.87)|25.6(0.62)|12.1(0.37)| 6.6(0.27)
2003 ..| 56.2(0.20)|\1\55.1(0.85)|94.5(0.40)|98.3(0.12)|96.2(0.21)|64.5(0.80)|17.9(0.64)|46.6(0.84)|35.6(0.50)|48.3(0.83)|27.8(0.59)|11.8(0.34)| 6.8(0.26)

---Not available.
†Not applicable.
\1\Preprimary enrollment collected using new procedures. Data may not be comparable to figures for earlier years.

NOTE: Data for 1940 are for April. Data for all other years are as of October. Includes enrollment in any type of graded public, parochial, or other private schools. Includes nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools. Attendance may be on either a full-time or part-time basis and during the day or night. Enrollments in "special" schools, such as trade schools, business colleges, or correspondence schools, are not included. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970; Current Population Reports, Series P-20, various years; and Current Population Survey, unpublished data. (This table was prepared April 2005.)