Digest of Education Statistics: 2004
Digest of Education Statistics: 2004

NCES 2006-005
October 2005

Table 4. Teachers in elementary and secondary schools, and instructional staff in degree- granting institutions, by control of institution: Selected years, fall 1970 to fall 2014
[In thousands]

         |      All levels     |     Elementary and  | Degree-granting institutions
Year     |                     |secondary teachers\1\|    instructional staff\2\
         | Total|Public|Private| Total|Public|Private|     Total|  Public| Private
1        |    2 |    3 |     4 |    5 |    6 |     7 |        8 |      9 |     10
1970 ....| 2,766| 2,373|    393| 2,292| 2,059|    233|       474|     314|     160
1975 ....| 3,081| 2,641|    440| 2,453| 2,198|\3\ 255|       628|     443|     185
1980 ....| 3,171| 2,679|    492| 2,485| 2,184|    301| \3\   686| \3\ 495| \3\ 191
1981 ....| 3,145| 2,636|    509| 2,440| 2,127|\3\ 313|       705|     509|     196
1982 ....| 3,168| 2,639|    529| 2,458| 2,133|\3\ 325| \3\   710| \3\ 506| \3\ 204
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1983 ....| 3,200| 2,651|    549| 2,476| 2,139|    337|       724|     512|     212
1984 ....| 3,225| 2,673|    552| 2,508| 2,168|\3\ 340| \3\   717| \3\ 505| \3\ 212
1985 ....| 3,264| 2,709|    555| 2,549| 2,206|    343| \3\   715| \3\ 503| \3\ 212
1986 ....| 3,314| 2,754|    560| 2,592| 2,244|\3\ 348| \3\   722| \3\ 510| \3\ 212
1987 ....| 3,424| 2,831|    592| 2,631| 2,279|\3\ 352| \4\   793| \4\ 553| \4\ 240
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1988 ....| 3,472| 2,882|    590| 2,668| 2,323|\3\ 345|\3,4\  804|\3,4\559|\3,4\245
1989 ....| 3,558| 2,934|    624| 2,734| 2,357|\3\ 377| \4\   824| \4\ 577| \4\ 247
1990 ....| 3,570| 2,972|    599| 2,753| 2,398|\3\ 355|\3,4\  817|\3,4\574|\3,4\244
1991 ....| 3,613| 3,013|    600| 2,787| 2,432|\3\ 355| \4\   826| \4\ 581| \4\ 245
1992 ....| 3,699| 3,080|    620| 2,822| 2,459|\3\ 363|\3,4\  877|\3,4\621|\3,4\257
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1993 ....| 3,785| 3,154|    631| 2,870| 2,504|\3\ 366| \4\   915| \4\ 650| \4\ 265
1994 ....| 3,849| 3,205|    644| 2,926| 2,552|\3\ 374|\3,4\  923|\3,4\653|\3,4\270
1995 ....| 3,910| 3,255|    655| 2,978| 2,598|\3\ 380| \4\   932| \4\ 657| \4\ 275
1996 ....| 4,009| 3,339|    669| 3,054| 2,667|\3\ 387|\3,4\  954|\3,4\672|\3,4\282
1997 ....| 4,124| 3,441|    683| 3,134| 2,746|    388| \4\   990| \4\ 695| \4\ 295
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
1998 ....| 4,221| 3,527|    694| 3,221| 2,830|\3\ 391|\3,4\  999|\3,4\697|\3,4\303
1999 ....| 4,334| 3,624|    710| 3,306| 2,911|    395| \4\ 1,028| \4\ 713| \4\ 315
2000 ....| 4,398| 3,682|    716| 3,331| 2,941|\3\ 390|\3,4\1,067|\3,4\741|\3,4\326
2001 ....| 4,503| 3,771|    732| 3,390| 3,000|    390| \4\ 1,113| \4\ 771| \4\ 342
2002\3\ .| 4,585| 3,826|    759| 3,428| 3,034|    394|\3,4\1,157|\3,4\792|\3,4\365
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
2003\5\ .| 4,647| 3,866|    781| 3,472| 3,074|    399| \4\ 1,175| \4\ 793| \4\ 382
2004\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,501| 3,100|    401|      --- |     ---|     ---
2005\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,526| 3,122|    404|      --- |     ---|     ---
2006\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,570| 3,161|    409|      --- |     ---|     ---
2007\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,601| 3,188|    413|      --- |     ---|     ---
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
2008\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,625| 3,209|    416|      --- |     ---|     ---
2009\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,650| 3,230|    420|      --- |     ---|     ---
2010\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,680| 3,256|    424|      --- |     ---|     ---
2011\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,718| 3,288|    430|      --- |     ---|     ---
2012\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,769| 3,333|    436|      --- |     ---|     ---
         |      |      |       |      |      |       |          |        |
2013\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,825| 3,382|    443|      --- |     ---|     ---
2014\5\ .|  --- |  --- |   --- | 3,887| 3,437|    451|      --- |     ---|     ---

---Not available.
\1\Includes teachers in local public school systems and in most private schools (religiously affiliated and nonsectarian). Teachers are reported in terms of full-time equivalents.
\2\Beginning in 1996-97, data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions are 2-year and 4-year institutions that were eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Includes full-time and part-time faculty with the rank of instructor or above in colleges, universities, professional schools, and 2-year colleges. Excludes teaching assistants.
\4\Definitional coverage of data for 1987 and later years is not consistent with figures prior to 1987.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Headcounts are used to report data for degree-granting institutions instructional staff.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Day Schools, 1970 and 1975; The NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," 1980 through 2002; Projections of Education Statistics to 2014; Higher Education General Information Survey, (HEGIS), "Fall Staff" survey, 1970 and 1975; 1987 through 2003 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Staff Survey" (IPEDS-S:87-99), and Winter 2001-02 and Winter 2003-04; and U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEO-6), 1981 and 1983; and unpublished data. (This table was prepared March 2005.)