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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 227. Employees in degree-granting institutions, by employment status, sex, primary occupation, and control and type of institution: Fall 2001

                                         |         Full-time and part-time               |               Full-time             |        Part-time
                                         |_______________________________________________|_____________________________________|_________ _______________
     Primary occupation and control      |       Total     |         |        Women      |     Total         |       |         |         |       |
         and type of institution         |_________________|         |___________________|___________________|       |         |         |       |
                                         | Number  |Percent|   Men   | Number  | Percent | Number  | Percent |  Men  |  Women  |  Total  |  Men  | Women
                                         |         |  age  |         |         | of all  |         | of all  |       |         |         |       |
                                         |         |distri-|         |         |employees|         |employees|       |         |         |       |
                                         |         |bution |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
                    1                    |    2    |   3   |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |   9   |   10    |   11    |  12   |  13
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
Total, all employees ....................|3,083,353|  100.0|1,451,773|1,631,580|     52.9|2,043,208|     66.3|944,116|1,099,092|1,040,145|507,657|532,488
  Professional staff ....................|2,132,150|   69.2|1,105,053|1,027,097|     48.2|1,283,684|     60.2|666,288|  617,396|  848,466|438,765|409,701
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|  152,038|    4.9|   79,348|   72,690|     47.8|  146,523|     96.4| 77,043|   69,480|    5,515|  2,305|  3,210
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|1,113,183|   36.1|  644,514|  468,669|     42.1|  617,868|     55.5|380,485|  237,383|  495,315|264,029|231,286
    Instruction and research assistants .|  261,136|    8.5|  142,120|  119,016|     45.6|        †|        †|      †|        †|  261,136|142,120|119,016
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  605,793|   19.6|  239,071|  366,722|     60.5|  519,293|     85.7|208,760|  310,533|   86,500| 30,311| 56,189
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  951,203|   30.8|  346,720|  604,483|     63.5|  759,524|     79.8|277,828|  481,696|  191,679| 68,892|122,787
    Technical and paraprofessionals .....|  202,283|    6.6|   83,008|  119,275|     59.0|  157,925|     78.1| 65,705|   92,220|   44,358| 17,303| 27,055
    Clerical and secretarial ............|  452,948|   14.7|   61,610|  391,338|     86.4|  353,740|     78.1| 36,636|  317,104|   99,208| 24,974| 74,234
    Skilled crafts ......................|   64,801|    2.1|   60,201|    4,600|      7.1|   61,041|     94.2| 57,801|    3,240|    3,760|  2,400|  1,360
    Service and maintenance .............|  231,171|    7.5|  141,901|   89,270|     38.6|  186,818|     80.8|117,686|   69,132|   44,353| 24,215| 20,138
Public 4-year, total ....................|1,558,576|  100.0|  744,554|  814,022|     52.2|1,089,547|     69.9|516,305|  573,242|  469,029|228,249|240,780
  Professional staff ....................|1,069,161|   68.6|  559,497|  509,664|     47.7|  680,305|     63.6|360,671|  319,634|  388,856|198,826|190,030
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   60,245|    3.9|   33,599|   26,646|     44.2|   57,750|     95.9| 32,477|   25,273|    2,495|  1,122|  1,373
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  438,459|   28.1|  267,658|  170,801|     39.0|  315,829|     72.0|203,233|  112,596|  122,630| 64,425| 58,205
    Instruction and research assistants .|  218,260|   14.0|  118,147|  100,113|     45.9|        †|        †|      †|        †|  218,260|118,147|100,113
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  352,197|   22.6|  140,093|  212,104|     60.2|  306,726|     87.1|124,961|  181,765|   45,471| 15,132| 30,339
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  489,415|   31.4|  185,057|  304,358|     62.2|  409,242|     83.6|155,634|  253,608|   80,173| 29,423| 50,750
    Technical and paraprofessionals .....|  103,888|    6.7|   44,003|   59,885|     57.6|   85,597|     82.4| 36,512|   49,085|   18,291|  7,491| 10,800
    Clerical and secretarial ............|  219,555|   14.1|   29,062|  190,493|     86.8|  179,207|     81.6| 18,512|  160,695|   40,348| 10,550| 29,798
    Skilled crafts ......................|   42,213|    2.7|   39,779|    2,434|      5.8|   40,867|     96.8| 38,862|    2,005|    1,346|    917|    429
    Service and maintenance .............|  123,759|    7.9|   72,213|   51,546|     41.7|  103,571|     83.7| 61,748|   41,823|   20,188| 10,465|  9,723
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
Public 2-year, total ....................|  578,394|  100.0|  259,333|  319,061|     55.2|  283,667|     49.0|119,218|  164,449|  294,727|140,115|154,612
  Professional staff ....................|  408,792|   70.7|  200,957|  207,835|     50.8|  171,702|     42.0| 81,133|   90,569|  237,090|119,824|117,266
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   22,566|    3.9|   11,415|   11,151|     49.4|   21,686|     96.1| 11,000|   10,686|      880|    415|    465
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  332,665|   57.5|  169,654|  163,011|     49.0|  110,760|     33.3| 55,541|   55,219|  221,905|114,113|107,792
    Instruction and research assistants .|    1,215|    0.2|      550|      665|     54.7|        †|        †|      †|        †|    1,215|    550|    665
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|   52,346|    9.1|   19,338|   33,008|     63.1|   39,256|     75.0| 14,592|   24,664|   13,090|  4,746|  8,344
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  169,602|   29.3|   58,376|  111,226|     65.6|  111,965|     66.0| 38,085|   73,880|   57,637| 20,291| 37,346
    Technical and paraprofessionals .....|   44,228|    7.6|   17,068|   27,160|     61.4|   27,955|     63.2| 10,909|   17,046|   16,273|  6,159| 10,114
    Clerical and secretarial ............|   85,512|   14.8|   12,105|   73,407|     85.8|   53,995|     63.1|  3,925|   50,070|   31,517|  8,180| 23,337
    Skilled crafts ......................|    6,762|    1.2|    5,698|    1,064|     15.7|    5,433|     80.3|  4,926|      507|    1,329|    772|    557
    Service and maintenance .............|   33,100|    5.7|   23,505|    9,595|     29.0|   24,582|     74.3| 18,325|    6,257|    8,518|  5,180|  3,338
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
Private 4-year, total\1\ ................|  912,924|  100.0|  432,707|  480,217|     52.6|  646,661|     70.8|298,124|  348,537|  266,263|134,583|131,680
  Professional staff ....................|  627,364|   68.7|  331,578|  295,786|     47.1|  413,229|     65.9|215,612|  197,617|  214,135|115,966| 98,169
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   65,739|    7.2|   32,783|   32,956|     50.1|   63,650|     96.8| 32,030|   31,620|    2,089|    753|  1,336
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  325,713|   35.7|  198,091|  127,622|     39.2|  182,457|     56.0|116,486|   65,971|  143,256| 81,605| 61,651
    Instruction and research assistants .|   41,611|    4.6|   23,391|   18,220|     43.8|        †|        †|      †|        †|   41,611| 23,391| 18,220
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  194,301|   21.3|   77,313|  116,988|     60.2|  167,122|     86.0| 67,096|  100,026|   27,179| 10,217| 16,962
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  285,560|   31.3|  101,129|  184,431|     64.6|  233,432|     81.7| 82,512|  150,920|   52,128| 18,617| 33,511
    Technical and paraprofessionals .....|   52,669|    5.8|   21,276|   31,393|     59.6|   43,331|     82.3| 17,790|   25,541|    9,338|  3,486|  5,852
    Clerical and secretarial ............|  144,401|   15.8|   20,075|  124,326|     86.1|  117,875|     81.6| 13,934|  103,941|   26,526|  6,141| 20,385
    Skilled crafts ......................|   15,701|    1.7|   14,620|    1,081|      6.9|   14,641|     93.2| 13,929|      712|    1,060|    691|    369
    Service and maintenance .............|   72,789|    8.0|   45,158|   27,631|     38.0|   57,585|     79.1| 36,859|   20,726|   15,204|  8,299|  6,905
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
Private 2-year, total\1\ ................|   33,459|  100.0|   15,179|   18,280|     54.6|   23,333|     69.7| 10,469|   12,864|   10,126|  4,710|  5,416
  Professional staff ....................|   26,833|   80.2|   13,021|   13,812|     51.5|   18,448|     68.8|  8,872|    9,576|    8,385|  4,149|  4,236
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|    3,488|   10.4|    1,551|    1,937|     55.5|    3,437|     98.5|  1,536|    1,901|       51|     15|     36
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|   16,346|   48.9|    9,111|    7,235|     44.3|    8,822|     54.0|  5,225|    3,597|    7,524|  3,886|  3,638
    Instruction and research assistants .|       50|    0.1|       32|       18|     36.0|        †|        †|     † |        †|       50|     32|     18
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|    6,949|   20.8|    2,327|    4,622|     66.5|    6,189|     89.1|  2,111|    4,078|      760|    216|    544
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
  Nonprofessional staff .................|    6,626|   19.8|    2,158|    4,468|     67.4|    4,885|     73.7|  1,597|    3,288|    1,741|    561|  1,180
    Technical and paraprofessionals .....|    1,498|    4.5|      661|      837|     55.9|    1,042|     69.6|    494|      548|      456|    167|    289
    Clerical and secretarial ............|    3,480|   10.4|      368|    3,112|     89.4|    2,663|     76.5|    265|    2,398|      817|    103|    714
    Skilled crafts ......................|      125|    0.4|      104|       21|     16.8|      100|     80.0|     84|       16|       25|     20|      5
    Service and maintenance .............|    1,523|    4.6|    1,025|      498|     32.7|    1,080|     70.9|    754|      326|      443|    271|    172
Private not-for-profit 4-year, total ....|  872,574|  100.0|  410,518|  462,056|     53.0|  627,658|     71.9|289,440|  338,218|  244,916|121,078|123,838
  Professional staff ....................|  592,902|   67.9|  311,445|  281,457|     47.5|  398,897|     67.3|208,464|  190,433|  194,005|102,981| 91,024
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   62,910|    7.2|   31,415|   31,495|     50.1|   60,861|     96.7| 30,677|   30,184|    2,049|    738|  1,311
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  302,663|   34.7|  182,985|  119,678|     39.5|  177,388|     58.6|113,088|   64,300|  125,275| 69,897| 55,378
    Instruction and research assistants .|   39,942|    4.6|   22,303|   17,639|     44.2|        †|        †|      †|        †|   39,942| 22,303| 17,639
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  187,387|   21.5|   74,742|  112,645|     60.1|  160,648|     85.7| 64,699|   95,949|   26,739| 10,043| 16,696
                                         |         |       |         |         |         |         |         |       |         |         |       |
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  279,672|   32.1|   99,073|  180,599|     64.6|  228,761|     81.8| 80,976|  147,785|   50,911| 18,097| 32,814
    Technical and paraprofessionals .....|   51,809|    5.9|   20,776|   31,033|     59.9|   42,649|     82.3| 17,377|   25,272|    9,160|  3,399|  5,761
    Clerical and secretarial ............|  140,221|   16.1|   19,173|  121,048|     86.3|  114,447|     81.6| 13,274|  101,173|   25,774|  5,899| 19,875
    Skilled crafts ......................|   15,654|    1.8|   14,578|    1,076|      6.9|   14,612|     93.3| 13,900|      712|    1,042|    678|    364
    Service and maintenance .............|   71,988|    8.3|   44,546|   27,442|     38.1|   57,053|     79.3| 36,425|   20,628|   14,935|  8,121|  6,814

† Not applicable.
\1\Includes not-for-profit and for-profit private institutions.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Winter 2001-02. (This table was prepared July 2003.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest