— Not available.
1 Prior to 2017–18, the examples of controlled access to buildings included only “locked or monitored doors” and did not include loading docks.
2 Prior to 2015–16, the questionnaire asked only if visitors were required “to sign or check in” and did not include the requirement to wear badges.
3 Prior to 2017–18, the questionnaire asked about prohibiting the “use of cell phones and text messaging devices during school hours.” It did not refer to “nonacademic” use or “smartphones.”
4 For example, a system for reporting threats through online submission, telephone hotline, or written submission via drop box.
NOTE: To estimate the margin of error, the standard error is scaled based on the desired level of confidence in the estimate. Throughout the Condition of Education, margins of error are produced based on a 95 percent level of confidence. Margin of error is calculated as 1.96*standard error. Responses were provided by the principal or the person most knowledgeable about crime and safety issues at the school. This figure only includes the safety and security measures that more than 50 percent of public schools reported using in 2021–22. Figures are plotted based on unrounded data.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2009–10 and 2021–22 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), 2010 and 2022. See Digest of Education Statistics 2023, table 233.50.