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NAEP Technical DocumentationStudent Nonresponse Adjustment Factor Calculation

The student nonresponse adjustment factor STNRADJj(d) for all assessed students k in jurisdiction j and final student nonresponse adjustment cell d was computed as follows:

STNRADJ subscript jk open paren d close paren equals summation with underscript open paren S subscript j open paren d close paren close paren open paren STUWGT subscript jk divided by SUBJFAC subscript j close paren divided by summation with underscript open paren R subscript j open paren d close paren close paren open paren STUWGT subscript jk divided by SUBJFAC subscript j close paren


  • Sj(d) is the set of all eligible sampled students in cell d in jurisdiction j;

  • Rj(d) is the set of all assessed students within Sj(d);

  • STUWGTjk is the student base weight for a given student k in jurisdiction j; and

  • SUBJFACj is the subject factor for jurisdiction j.

The adjustment factor and the components of its formula do not include a subscript s to reflect the fact that not every student in a school s falls into the same student nonresponse cell.

Nonresponse adjustment procedures are not applied to excluded students, because they are not required to complete an assessment. In effect, excluded students were placed in a separate nonresponse cell by themselves, considered respondents, and all received an adjustment factor of 1. While excluded students are not included in the analysis of the NAEP scores, weights are provided for excluded students so as to estimate the size of this group and its population characteristics.

Last updated 06 November 2008 (RF)

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