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NAEP Technical DocumentationSchool and Student Participation Results for the 2012 Economics Assessment


School response rates for the Economics assessment

Student response and exclusion rates for the Economics assessment

Participation in NAEP is not mandatory. Although a portion of the participating school sample consisted of substitute schools, it is preferable to calculate school response rates on the basis of school participation before substitution.

In every NAEP survey, some of the sampled students are not assessed. Examples of such students are as follows:

Withdrawn students are those who have left the school before the original assessment. Excluded students were determined by their school to be unable to meaningfully take the NAEP assessment in their assigned subject, even with an accommodation. Excluded students must also be classified as SD and/or ELL. Other students who were absent for the initial session are assessed in the makeup session. The last category includes students who were not excluded (i.e., “were to be assessed”) but were not assessed either due to absence from both sessions or because of a refusal to participate. Assessed students are also classified as assessed without an accommodation or assessed with an accommodation. The latter group can be divided into SD students assessed with an accommodation, ELL students assessed with an accommodation, or students who are both SD and ELL and accommodated. Note that some SD and ELL students are assessed without accommodations, and students neither SD nor ELL can only be assessed without an accommodation.


Last updated 21 August 2012 (JW)