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NAEP Technical DocumentationNew and Common Assembly Units for the 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL) Assessment

New assembly units and assembly units common to the previous assessment, technology and engineering literacy (TEL) national assessment, by assembly unit and grade: 2018
GradeNew assembly units
Assembly units common to 2014
† Not applicable. There were no new assembly units in the 2018 assessment.
NOTE: In 2014 and 2018, grades 4 and 12 were not assessed.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL) Assessment.
8AU01, AU03, AU05, AU06, AU07, AU08, AU09, AU10, AU12, AU13, AU14, AU15, AU16, AU17, AU20, AU21

Last updated 27 January 2023 (ML)