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NAEP Technical DocumentationStudent Booklets for the 2006 U.S. History Assessment

The U.S. history student booklets used in the 2006 NAEP assessment comprised 25 blocks. Test developers chose 18 blocks from the previous U.S. history assessment—four blocks at grade 4, seven blocks at grade 8, and seven blocks at grade 12. In addition, they created two new blocks at grades 4 and 12, and three new blocks at grade 8. Two blocks at grade 4, three blocks at grade 8, and two blocks at grade 12 were released from the NAEP 2006 U.S. history assessment and are available to the public via the NAEP Questions Tool. Released blocks of questions are not used in later assessments.

The tables below display the NAEP 2006 U.S. history assessment student booklet configurations for grade 4, grade 8, and grade 12 .

Student booklet configuration, grade 4 U.S. history assessment, by cognitive block, background  designation, and booklet number: 2006
Booklet Number Cognitive Block 1 Cognitive Block 2 Core Background Questions History Background Questions
H501 H3 H4 D1 HB1
H502 H3 H5 D1 HB1
H503 H4 H5 D1 HB1
H504 H4 H6 D1 HB1
H505 H5 H6 D1 HB1
H506 H5 H7 D1 HB1
H507 H6 H7 D1 HB1
H508 H6 H8 D1 HB1
H509 H7 H8 D1 HB1
H510 H7 H3 D1 HB1
H511 H8 H3 D1 HB1
H512 H8 H4 D1 HB1
H513 H3 H6 D1 HB1
H514 H4 H7 D1 HB1
H515 H5 H8 D1 HB1
H516 H6 H3 D1 HB1
H517 H7 H4 D1 HB1
H518 H8 H5 D1 HB1
NOTE: Although similar block numbers exist at different grades (e.g., Block H7 appears at grades 4, 8, and 12), the items that compose each block are different.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2006 U.S. History Assessment.


Student booklet configuration, grade 8 U.S. history assessment, by cognitive block, background designation, and booklet number: 2006
Booklet Number Cognitive Block 1 Cognitive Block 2 Core Background Questions History Background Questions
H501 H3 H4 D1 HB1
H502 H3 H5 D1 HB1
H503 H4 H5 D1 HB1
H504 H4 H6 D1 HB1
H505 H5 H6 D1 HB1
H506 H5 H7 D1 HB1
H507 H6 H7 D1 HB1
H508 H6 H8 D1 HB1
H509 H7 H8 D1 HB1
H510 H7 H9 D1 HB1
H511 H8 H9 D1 HB1
H512 H8 H10 D1 HB1
H513 H9 H10 D1 HB1
H514 H9 H11 D1 HB1
H515 H10 H11 D1 HB1
H516 H10 H12 D1 HB1
H517 H11 H12 D1 HB1
H518 H11 H3 D1 HB1
H519 H12 H3 D1 HB1
H520 H12 H4 D1 HB1
H521 H3 H6 D1 HB1
H522 H3 H7 D1 HB1
H523 H4 H7 D1 HB1
H524 H4 H8 D1 HB1
H525 H5 H8 D1 HB1
H526 H5 H9 D1 HB1
H527 H6 H9 D1 HB1
H528 H6 H10 D1 HB1
H529 H7 H10 D1 HB1
H530 H7 H11 D1 HB1
H531 H8 H11 D1 HB1
H532 H8 H12 D1 HB1
H533 H9 H12 D1 HB1
H534 H9 H3 D1 HB1
H535 H10 H3 D1 HB1
H536 H10 H4 D1 HB1
H537 H11 H4 D1 HB1
H538 H11 H5 D1 HB1
H539 H12 H5 D1 HB1
H540 H12 H6 D1 HB1
H541 H3 H8 D1 HB1
H542 H4 H9 D1 HB1
H543 H5 H10 D1 HB1
H544 H6 H11 D1 HB1
H545 H7 H12 D1 HB1
H546 H8 H3 D1 HB1
H547 H9 H4 D1 HB1
H548 H10 H5 D1 HB1
H549 H11 H6 D1 HB1
H550 H12 H7 D1 HB1
NOTE: Although similar block numbers exist at different grades (e.g., Block H7 appears at grades 4, 8, and 12), the items that compose each block are different.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2006 U.S. History Assessment.


Student booklet configuration, grade 12 U.S. history assessment, by cognitive block, background designation, and booklet number: 2006
Booklet Number Cognitive Block 1 Cognitive Block 2 Core Background Questions History Background Questions
H501 H3   H4 D1 HB1
H503 H4   H5 D1 HB1
H505 H5   H6 D1 HB1
H507 H6   H7 D1 HB1
H509 H7   H8 D1 HB1
H511 H8   H9 D1 HB1
H513 H9   H10 D1 HB1
H515 H10   H3 D1 HB1
H502 H3   H5 D1 HB1
H504 H4   H6 D1 HB1
H506 H5   H7 D1 HB1
H508 H6   H8 D1 HB1
H510 H7   H9 D1 HB1
H512 H8   H10 D1 HB1
H514 H9   H3 D1 HB1
H516 H10   H4 D1 HB1
H517 H3   H6 D1 HB1
H519 H4   H7 D1 HB1
H521 H5   H8 D1 HB1
H523 H6   H9 D1 HB1
H525 H7   H10 D1 HB1
H527 H8   H3 D1 HB1
H529 H9   H4 D1 HB1
H531 H10   H5 D1 HB1
H518 H3   H7 D1 HB1
H520 H4   H8 D1 HB1
H522 H5   H9 D1 HB1
H524 H6   H10 D1 HB1
H526 H7   H3 D1 HB1
H528 H8   H4 D1 HB1
H530 H9   H5 D1 HB1


H6 D1 HB1
H533 H111 D1 HB1
— Not applicable.
1 One 50 minute block.
NOTE: Although similar block numbers exist at different grades (e.g., Block H7 appears at grades 4, 8, and 12), the items that compose each block are different.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2006 U.S. History Assessment.



Last updated 14 April 2009 (JL)

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