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For each subject area, the total number of items and the number of items in each subject area scale are provided for each grade/age level. These statistics are displayed for both univariate scales and subscales, when separate scaling exists for the subject. Item counts are available for each scale as defined in the final Item Response Theory (IRT) scales, as well as prior to the IRT scaling. The number of items may change between before scaling and after scaling because items could be dropped during the scaling process. In some assessments, related items might be combined into
cluster items and treated as a single item during scaling. In such instances, the item counts before and after scaling include the cluster item(s) after the related items have been combined in place of their item components.
Starting in 2009, tables are displayed for the scaling results in science which contain both univariate scaling results and scaling results based on the three science content areas (Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth and Space Sciences).
Starting in 2014, tables are displayed for the scaling results in technology and engineering literacy (TEL) which contain both univariate scaling results and scaling results for the three TEL content areas (Technology and Society, Design and Systems, and Information and Communication Technology) and the three TEL practices (Understanding Technological Principles, Developing Solutions and Achieving Goals, and Communicating and Collaborating).
Year | Subject area |
2022 | Civics |
Mathematics | |
Reading | |
U.S. history | |
2019 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
Science | |
2018 | Civics |
Geography | |
Technology and engineering literacy (TEL) | |
U.S. history | |
2017 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
2016 | Arts |
2015 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
Science | |
Vocabulary | |
2014 | Civics |
Geography | |
Technology and engineering literacy (TEL) | |
U.S. history | |
2013 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
2012 | Economics |
2011 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
Reading vocabulary | |
Science | |
Writing | |
2010 | Civics |
Geography | |
U.S. history | |
2009 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
Science | |
2008 | Arts |
2007 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
Writing | |
2006 | Civics |
Economics | |
U.S. history | |
2005 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
Science | |
2003 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
2002 | Reading |
Writing | |
2001 | Geography |
U.S. history | |
2000 | Mathematics |
Reading | |
Science | |
NOTE: In NAEP, vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and meaning vocabulary refer to the same reporting scale. Because preliminary analyses of students' writing performance in the 2017 NAEP writing assessments at grades 4 and 8 revealed potentially confounding factors in measuring performance, results will not be publicly reported. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years, 2000–2022 Assessments. |
Year | Subject area |
2022/2023 | Mathematics long-term trend |
Reading long-term trend | |
2020 | Mathematics long-term trend |
Reading long-term trend | |
2012 | Mathematics long-term trend |
Reading long-term trend | |
2008 | Mathematics long-term trend |
Reading long-term trend | |
2004 | Mathematics long-term trend |
Reading long-term trend bridge study | |
NOTE: In 2020 and 2022/2023, age 17 was not assessed. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years, 2004–2023 Mathematics and Reading Long-Term Trend Assessments. |