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Technology Based Assessment Project

The Technology-Based Assessment (TBA) was a project undertaken by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) for the National Assessment in Educational Progress (NAEP) in 2000–2003. The project was designed to explore the use of technology and large-scale assessment, especially the use of the computer, as a tool to enhance the quality and efficiency of K-12 education assessments.

Among other things, these studies examined how students perform on computer- versus paper-based mathematics and writing assessments, how population groups are affected, and how the operational and logistical mechanics of computer-delivered assessments are affected.

The TBA was the first step in large-scale assessment design and was the precursor to the digitally based assessment that is now administered to students and schools across the nation.

Technology Based Assessment Project 2000-2003

The Technology Based Assessment Project was the precursor to the digitally based assessment.

Student at work station with ear buds. Student studying on a computer and a book.

Assessment Content

The TBA was a computer-based assessment designed with five components—three empirical studies (Mathematics Online, Writing Online, and Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments), a conceptual paper (Computerized Adaptive Testing), and an online school and teacher questionnaire segment. The three empirical studies were the primary focus of the TBA project. The mathematics and writing NAEP frameworks guided the development of the TBA and how to measure academic achievement.

Icons representing each NAEP assessment subject in arts, civics, economics, geography, reading, mathematics, technology and engineering literacy, science, U.S. history, and writing.

Tutorials and Simulations

Experience the tutorials developed to show students how to use the computer to take the assessments, and explore the simulation scenarios that were featured in the Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments (TRE) study. These simulations focused on the assessment of problem solving in the field of physical science.

Last updated 09 November 2023 (AA)