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Inclusion StudyActual inclusion rate, nation-based benchmark inclusion rate, and difference for students with disabilities who are not English language learners in mathematics at grade 8, by state: 2005, 2007, 2009

State 2005 2007 2009
Actual Benchmark Difference Actual Benchmark Difference Actual Benchmark Difference
Alabama 92.3 79.0 13.3 76.8 76.7 0.1 87.1 81.8 5.3
Alaska 84.2 78.9 5.3 63.1 74.2 -11.1 74.4 78.9 -4.6
Arizona 71.4 77.9 -6.5 75.3 80.0 -4.7 85.4 79.3 6.0
Arkansas 80.2 74.1 6.1 81.7 78.2 3.5 91.8 82.0 9.8
California 84.4 79.3 5.2 83.0 82.9 0.1 85.0 81.4 3.6
Colorado 83.9 77.5 6.4 87.2 78.1 9.1 84.1 79.9 4.2
Connecticut 83.7 80.8 2.9 90.7 80.5 10.2 86.5 81.9 4.6
Delaware 34.1 70.5 -36.4 57.1 71.8 -14.7 85.7 74.5 11.2
District of Columbia 71.2 74.7 -3.5 45.7 74.8 -29.1 68.3 76.0 -7.7
Florida 85.6 79.0 6.6 83.5 80.3 3.2 86.9 81.8 5.1
Georgia 82.0 78.9 3.1 50.2 77.3 -27.1 77.9 83.4 -5.5
Hawaii 86.1 80.4 5.7 90.8 82.8 8.0 89.5 81.2 8.3
Idaho 86.3 77.5 8.8 86.6 79.0 7.6 85.1 79.0 6.1
Illinois 83.7 76.6 7.1 65.6 74.6 -9.0 81.1 79.4 1.7
Indiana 76.5 74.9 1.6 63.8 76.6 -12.8 69.8 82.6 -12.8
Iowa 83.8 78.3 5.5 84.2 82.0 2.2 83.9 82.6 1.3
Kansas 76.6 72.9 3.8 69.5 72.0 -2.5 76.9 78.2 -1.4
Kentucky 72.7 72.3 0.5 51.5 68.5 -17.0 64.5 71.6 -7.1
Louisiana 70.7 75.1 -4.4 74.1 76.6 -2.5 88.9 78.7 10.2
Maine 75.2 74.2 1.0 71.9 78.1 -6.1 88.2 79.3 8.9
Maryland 67.2 73.5 -6.3 38.3 72.0 -33.7 45.2 77.8 -32.6
Massachusetts 68.6 73.5 -4.9 49.4 71.5 -22.0 72.7 76.5 -3.8
Michigan 69.4 77.2 -7.8 69.1 76.8 -7.7 76.6 80.5 -4.0
Minnesota 85.5 77.8 7.7 83.4 78.5 4.9 83.3 80.5 2.8
Mississippi 68.6 81.2 -12.6 78.5 82.6 -4.1 83.1 82.6 0.5
Missouri 72.5 71.9 0.6 65.4 73.4 -8.0 74.6 79.1 -4.5
Montana 84.2 78.6 5.6 77.3 77.3 0.0 77.3 78.8 -1.6
Nebraska 91.1 80.1 11.0 83.0 82.4 0.6 77.4 81.7 -4.4
Nevada 82.4 82.2 0.2 73.8 78.0 -4.2 78.3 80.9 -2.5
New Hampshire 87.9 77.0 10.9 83.3 79.3 4.0 86.4 81.3 5.1
New Jersey 83.1 79.9 3.2 82.7 80.4 2.3 89.0 85.0 4.0
New Mexico 87.1 77.8 9.3 83.5 77.2 6.3 78.0 76.6 1.5
New York 81.2 78.5 2.8 79.3 80.5 -1.2 86.0 82.4 3.6
North Carolina 85.8 78.3 7.5 86.7 81.1 5.6 88.6 82.3 6.4
North Dakota 74.0 72.4 1.6 58.1 73.6 -15.4 67.9 80.7 -12.8
Ohio 59.9 70.1 -10.2 53.6 68.0 -14.4 67.8 76.7 -9.0
Oklahoma 76.5 75.4 1.1 44.9 75.6 -30.7 58.8 80.3 -21.6
Oregon 82.1 72.8 9.3 78.0 75.7 2.4 80.8 78.2 2.6
Pennsylvania 80.8 77.1 3.7 77.9 78.7 -0.8 82.5 81.4 1.1
Rhode Island 85.1 81.2 3.8 88.0 84.1 3.9 90.4 84.2 6.2
South Carolina 59.2 79.4 -20.2 60.2 79.0 -18.9 68.4 80.1 -11.7
South Dakota 82.9 75.7 7.2 78.3 75.5 2.8 83.5 80.5 2.9
Tennessee 68.7 72.9 -4.2 47.0 72.1 -25.1 66.8 75.4 -8.6
Texas 61.0 78.9 -17.9 58.5 78.7 -20.2 61.9 77.2 -15.3
Utah 82.4 76.0 6.4 77.1 76.6 0.5 72.0 77.9 -5.9
Vermont 79.2 76.3 2.9 78.0 75.6 2.3 88.8 80.1 8.7
Virginia 70.9 77.4 -6.5 58.9 75.7 -16.8 76.0 77.5 -1.5
Washington 83.0 76.6 6.4 73.1 79.3 -6.2 81.6 78.5 3.2
West Virginia 83.0 80.0 3.0 88.9 81.4 7.5 89.7 81.9 7.8
Wisconsin 78.7 73.6 5.1 73.6 75.9 -2.2 85.2 79.6 5.6
Wyoming 89.4 78.4 10.9 84.7 79.8 4.9 87.1 80.7 6.3
NOTE: The difference in this table (the actual inclusion rate minus the nation-based benchmark inclusion rate) is also used in the report as the status measure.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2005, 2007, and 2009 Mathematics Assessments.

Last updated 26 August 2011 (EP)