See one-page Snapshot reports of how your state/jurisdiction or Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) district have performed in NAEP since 2002. Results include overall scale scores, scale scores for selected percentiles, percentages at each NAEP achievement level, and performance by selected student groups.
Snapshot reports are listed in the table below in chronological order and in alphabetical order by state/TUDA district. Use the filters below to select your state(s)/jurisdiction(s) and/or TUDA district(s), assessment year(s), and subject(s), and then download the PDF(s) from your search results.
The NAEP assessment results for states/jurisdictions and TUDA districts are available in mathematics, reading, science, and writing, and years assessed range from 1998–2024. TUDA district data collection began in 2002 with six districts participating and has expanded to twenty-eight districts participating over the years. However, district participation varies by year, and not all 28 participated in each assessment year.