The Institute of Education Sciences has previously funded several exploration grants using data from restricted use datasets from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to answer important research questions about specific populations of students, including students with disabilities. In fiscal year 2021, the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) ran a special grant competition Research Grants Focused on NAEP Process Data for Learners with Disabilities (84.324P) to encourage researchers to use process data from the 2017 eighth grade NAEP mathematics assessment to generate evidence that improves our understanding of the link between test-taking behavior and mathematics performance for learners with disabilities. The findings will contribute to the larger body of evidence on improving mathematics outcomes for these learners. These NAEP process data were released under a restricted-use data license. Detailed information about NAEP process data is available at
NCES expects to release the 2017 fourth grade NAEP mathematics assessment process data under a restricted-use data license, for selected a block and form. NCSER encourages researchers to propose exploration studies using these data under the FY2023 Special Education Research Grants Program (84.324A). The work should focus on research questions related to test taking behaviors and understanding mathematics competencies for learners with disabilities alone and in comparison, to learners without disabilities.
For any researchers not able to receive access to 2017 Grade 4 NAEP Mathematics Response Process Data prior to writing the research proposal we provide some summary information in Table 1 on the number of students with response process data. Specific information about the type of disability is not available until the applicant receives access to the restricted use files.
Full Form 218 | Partial Form MI | Partial Form MA | |
Approximate Number of Total Students | 2,930 | 30,300 | 29,100 |
Total Students with Disabilities (SD) | 12% | 15% | 12% |
SD Assessed with Accommodations | 8% | 11% | 8% |
SD Assessed without Accommodations | 4% | 4% | 4% |
Note: For Students with Disabilities, the percentage of total students is provided. Additional Information about the assessment forms and the response process data is available at |
We provide the following links to resources from NCES that can be reviewed as researchers draft their grant application:
IES provides technical assistance to applicants that addresses the appropriateness of project ideas for this competition and methodological and other substantive issues concerning this competition. IES program officers work with applicants though a variety of formats up until the time of submission. To discuss applying to NCSER’s grant competition to analyze the NAEP data, please contact:
Dr. Sarah Brasiel
Program Officer
Telephone: (202) 245-6734
Additional information about the 2017 fourth grade NAEP mathematics assessment and process data is coming soon. Check back here for updates.