May 2012
All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Department of Defense schools volunteered to participate in the 2011 NAEP science assessment and contributed to results for the nation at grade 8.
The state snapshot reports and their companion, The Nation's Report Card: Science 2011, provide a look at the main results of the NAEP 2011 science assessment. Each participating jurisdiction receives its own customized state report, as seen here. The Nation's Report Card: Science 2011 offers data for all participating states and additional national data. The NAEP Data Explorer provides information for all jurisdictions for which results are reported in 2011 and allows the user not only to develop custom data tables, but also to perform appropriate tests of statistical significance for within- or across-state data comparisons.
Within each state snapshot report, the overall scale score and achievement-level results are provided, as well as student group results. The information is presented on a single page for each grade assessed in the particular state or jurisdiction.