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The NAEP 1998 Writing State Reports

September 1999

Authors: Laura J. Jerry and Nada Ballator

U.S. map N.E. U.S. map  WA  MT  WY  UT  CO  NE  CA  AZ  NM  TX  MN  MO  AR  LA  MS  TN  KY  AL  GA  SC  FL  NC  WV  DDESS Domestic  DoDDS Overseas  OR  NV  WI  ME  VA  VI  OK  HI  not a link

PDF All reports are in PDF format:
States: Alabama 561K | Arizona 551K | Arkansas 586K | California 573K | Colorado 550K | Connecticut 585K | Delaware 562K | Florida 574K | Georgia 573K | Hawaii 551K | Kentucky 562K | Louisiana 585K | Maine 560K | Maryland 573K | Massachusetts 574K | Minnesota 550K | Mississippi 562K | Missouri 563K | Montana 584K | Nebraska 364K | Nevada 574K | New Mexico 574K | New York 574K | North Carolina 573K | Oklahoma 550K | Oregon 550K | Rhode Island 573K | South Carolina 562K | Tennessee 560K | Texas 550K | Utah 549K | Virginia 550K | Washington 574K | West Virginia 585K | Wisconsin 560K | Wyoming 560K
Other Jurisdictions:  District of Columbia 562K | DDESS (domestic Dept. of Defense schools) 537K | DoDDS (overseas Dept. of Defense schools) 525K | The Virgin Islands 559K

The 1998 NAEP program included state-level assessments in reading at grades 4 and 8 and in writing at grade 8, and national-level assessments in civics, reading, and writing at grades 4, 8, and 12. The NAEP Writing assessment was administered at the state level for the first time in 1998, at grade 8 in public and nonpublic schools.

The state reports and their companion, the NAEP 1998 Writing Report Card for the Nation and the States, provide a look at the main results of the NAEP 1998 Writing assessment. Each participating jurisdiction receives its own customized state report, as seen here. The Writing Report Card offers data for all states and additional national data. Summary data tables providing information for all jurisdictions for which results are reported in 1998 are available at this Web site.

The state reports have two sections. The Overview provides basic information on NAEP and the overall results for public schools. It describes the assessment, the sample of students assessed, the metrics for reporting student performance, and how the differences in performance are reported. The second section, Writing Performance by Demographic Characteristics, reports findings for the grade 8 population broken out by major demographic categories and school type. This information is presented in data tables. For jurisdictions not reporting results from students in public schools, only overall results for students in nonpublic schools are reported.

In addition, this report has two appendices. Appendix A, Where to Find More Information, describes the data available on the Web and provides information on sources for related data. Appendix B, Figures from Section 1, displays full-page replicas of Section 1 figures for those jurisdictions reporting results from their public school students.

List of NCES Publication Numbers for the NAEP 1998 Writing State Reports

Ordering information

Last updated 1 May 2003 (HM)

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