All reports are in PDF format:
States: Alabama 555K | Arizona 559K | Arkansas 566K | California 571K | Colorado 571K | Connecticut 572K | Delaware 556K | Florida 571K | Georgia 568K | Hawaii 573K | Illinois 283K | Iowa 485K | Kansas 551K | Kentucky 556K | Louisiana 569K | Maine 565K | Maryland 571K | Massachusetts 573K | Michigan 481K | Minnesota 572K | Mississippi 557K | Missouri 567K | Montana 564K | Nebraska 283K | Nevada 561K | New Hampshire 473K | New Mexico 571K | New York 570K | North Carolina 570K | Oklahoma 555K | Oregon 550K | Rhode Island 572K | South Carolina 566K | Tennessee 554K | Texas 558K | Utah 569K | Virginia 560K | Washington 568K | West Virginia 567K | Wisconsin 554K | Wyoming 567K
Other Jurisdictions: District of Columbia 568K | DDESS Domestic 539K | DoDDS International 544K | The Virgin Islands 548K
The 1998 NAEP program included state-level assessments in reading at grades 4 and 8 and in writing at grade 8, and national-level assessments in civics, reading, and writing at grades 4, 8, and 12. The NAEP reading assessment has been administered at the state level three times: in public schools at grade 4 in 1992, in public and nonpublic schools at grade 4 in 1994, and in public and nonpublic schools at grades 4 and 8 in 1998.
The state reports and their companion, the NAEP 1998 Reading Report Card for the Nation and the States, provide a look at the main results of the NAEP 1998 reading assessment. Each participating jurisdiction receives its own customized state report, as seen here. The Reading Report Card offers data for all states and additional national data. Summary data tables providing information for all jurisdictions for which results are reported in 1998 are available at this Web site.
The state reports have two sections. The Overview provides basic information on NAEP and the overall results for public schools in graphic form. It describes the assessment, the sample of students assessed, the metrics for reporting student performance, and how the differences in performance are reported. The second section, Overall Reading Performance and Performance by Demographic Characteristics, reports findings for the entire public school population at grades 4 and 8 as well as for the population broken out by major demographic categories and school type. This information is presented in data tables. For jurisdictions not reporting results from students in public schools, only overall results for students in nonpublic schools are reported.
In addition, this report has two appendices. Appendix A, Where to Find More Information, describes the data available on the Web and provides information on sources for related data. Appendix B, Figures from Section 1, displays full-page replicas of Section 1 figures for those jurisdictions reporting results from their public school students.
List of NCES Publication Numbers for the NAEP 1998 Reading State Reports
Last updated 20 June 2003 (HM)