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The 1990–2003 Mathematics Framework

The 1990–2003 NAEP Mathematics Framework was used to develop the 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2003 assessments. Like all NAEP assessment frameworks, it was developed by the National Assessment Governing Board. The 1990–2003 NAEP mathematics framework was influenced by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics.

The 1990–2003 framework described five broad strands of mathematics content, as follows:

  • number sense, properties, and operations;
  • measurement;
  • geometry and spatial sense;
  • data analysis, statistics, and probability; and
  • algebra and functions.

In addition, the framework included three types of mathematical abilities as follows:

  • conceptual understanding,
  • procedural knowledge, and
  • problem solving.

And it included mathematical power as follows:

  • reasoning,
  • connections, and
  • communication.

Beginning in 1990, NAEP mathematics assessments placed increasing emphasis on mathematical power. The 1996, 2000, and 2003 assessments focused on reasoning and communication by requiring students to connect their learning across mathematical strands.

The figure that follows shows the relationship between the mathematical skills and content described in the framework.

Mathematical Framework for the 1996, 2000, and 2003 Assessments

Mathematical Framework for the 1996, 2000, and 2003 Assessment. This figure shows the three mathematical abilities (horizontal bars), and the five content strands (vertical bars) as a matrix to show that the mathematical abilities are relevant to each content strands. The three mathematical abilities are as follows: 1) conceptual understanding, 2) procedural knowledge, and 3) problem solving. The five content strands are as follows: 1) number sense, properities, and operations; 2) measurement; 3) geometry and spatial sense; 4) data analysis, statistics, and probability; and 5) algebra and functions. The horizontal and vertical bars are set on a shaded field representing the framework's concept of three areas of mathematical power: reasoning, connections, and communication.
Figure 2, Mathematics Framework for the 1996, 2000, and 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Read about the 2005 NAEP Mathematics Framework.

Last updated 09 September 2012 (NB)