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2000 High School Transcript Study Tabulations Report

Table 45-A.Mean NAEP mathematics scores of high school graduates, by completion status of minimum core course curriculum credits and selected school and student demographic characteristics: 2000 (4 Eng. + 3 S.S. + 3 Math + 3 Sci. + 1/2 Comp. + 2 F.L.)

CharacteristicNAEP mathematics scores of graduates who:
Earned minimum core curriculum credits Did not earn minimum core curriculum credits
Mean s.e. N Mean s.e. N
4 Eng. + 3 S.S. + 3 Math + 3 Sci. + 1/2 Comp. + 2 F.L. 315 1.8 1,138 298 1.2 4,893
Student gender
Male 323 2.2 510 298 1.5 2,299
Female 308 1.6 623 299 1.3 2,578
Student race/ethnicity1
White 321 1.7 698 305 1.3 2,872
Black 286 3.6 179 272 2.3 824
Hispanic 301 2.8 163 281 2.3 832
Asian/Pacific Islander 337 5.8 78 318 4.8 234
American Indian
Student program
Academic 316 1.7 931 304 1.3 3,365
Vocational 0 272 4.6 139
Both 310 4.3 207 290 1.9 1,114
Neither 0 278 2.7 275
Community type
Urban 308 3.2 355 296 1.8 1,381
Suburban 319 2.9 509 301 2.0 2,359
Rural 314 2.6 274 295 2.2 1,153
School type
Public 315 2.0 1,028 297 1.3 4,510
Nonpublic 318 3.1 110 318 3.6 383
Region of the country2
Northeast 315 3.3 130 301 4.1 789
South 311 2.8 705 292 1.8 2,178
Midwest 324 3.5 144 304 1.6 868
West 320 4.6 159 298 3.0 1,058

† Not applicable. Because of the definitions of the student program types, it is not possible for Vocational or Neither students to take the course combinations shown in all but the last set of indicated minimum credits. Students who took 4 years of English, 3 years of Social Studies, 3 years of Science, and 3 years of Mathematics are, by definition, classified as Academic or Both.

‡ Reporting standards not met. Means and standard errors based on less than 30 observations are not reported. If necessary, so as not to disclose the number of observations in these cells, other cells were not reported.

1 American Indian includes Alaska Native, Black includes African American, Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian, and Hispanic includes Latino. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin unless specified.

2 "Region of the country" refers to the Census-defined regions. For more information about Census-defined regions, see the U.S. Census Bureau online publication "Census Regions and Divisions of the United States" ( [1.1M PDF]).

NOTE: Subject field abbreviations used in this table include Eng. = English, S.S. = Social Studies, Math = Mathematics, Sci. = Science, Comp. = Computer Science, and F.L. = Foreign Languages.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, High School Transcript Study (HSTS), 2000.

Last updated 14 March 2007 (HM)