NAEP provides results on student achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment factors for the nation, states, and participating urban districts. Since NAEP is not designed to report results for individual students or schools, it is not necessary for every student in every school to take the assessment. Instead, an accurate picture of student performance is obtained by administering NAEP to a sample of students who represent the student population of the nation as a whole and of individual states and districts participating in
Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA).
To ensure that a representative sample of students is assessed, NAEP is given in a sample of schools whose students reflect the varying demographics of a specific jurisdiction, be it the nation, a state, or a district. Within each selected school and grade to be assessed, students are chosen at random to participate in NAEP. Every student has the same chance of being chosen—regardless of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, status as an English learner, or any other factors.
It is important that all selected schools and students participate in NAEP. Participation is vital for valid information about the performance of students across the country to be collected and shared. Elected officials, policymakers, and educators all use NAEP results to develop ways to improve education.
The following steps are used to select a sample of public schools in a year when NAEP reports state-level results. Private schools are not included in a state-level sample, which focuses solely on public schools.
1. Identify schools
Schools are identified based on the U.S. Department of Education’s public school system database. Because national-level data on schools can be up to three years old, school data is verified with state departments of education. A national sample of nonpublic (private) schools is also selected for grades 4, 8, and 12.
2. Classify schools
Schools are classified into groups by type of location (city, suburb, town, or rural) and then by racial/ethnic composition. These groups are called strata.
3. Arrange schools
Schools are sorted by a student achievement measure (e.g., school-level results on state achievement tests) to ensure NAEP represents all levels of school performance.
4. List schools
The school groupings are then placed into a comprehensive ordered list. The specific schools that comprise the sample are ordered based on location type, race/ethnicity, and student achievement.
5. Select schools
NCES draws a separate sample of schools from each stratum with probability proportional to school size. Small schools, high minority schools, and private schools are sampled to ensure that they are adequately represented.
If the school participation rate in the sample is below 85 percent, the results cannot be reported.
6. Confirm schools
A list of selected schools is sent to each state department of education to confirm eligibility. School closure or no eligible students would prevent a school from being selected.
Learn more about how NAEP selects schools NAEP assessments in
Focus on NAEP: Sampling for NAEP Assessments.