The NAAL prison component assesses the literacy skills and proficiencies of the U.S. adult prison population. In the 2003 assessment, approximately 1,200 adults participated, from 107 prisons (including 12 federal prisons) from 31 states.
The principal aim of the 2003 NAAL prison component is that, by providing comprehensive information on the literacy and background of the U.S. adult prison population to policymakers and practitioners, the assessment's findings will enhance adult education in our nation's prisons and improve incarcerated adults' ability to function and achieve their goals in the general society, in the workplace, at home, and in the community–upon their release from prison.
View the Prison Component Fact Sheet.
PIAAC Prison Literacy: In 2014, the second round of U.S. PIAAC data collection included a study assessing the literacy, numeracy, and digital problem-solving skills of 1,300 inmates (ages 16-74) in federal and state prisons. Results will be available in 2016. For more information on the PIAAC Prison Study, please visit