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Archived Changes

Changes to IPEDS Data Collections, 2003-04

Changes for 2003-04

Institutional Characteristics:
  • NEW ITEM : The E-mail address of the institution’s Chief Administrator will be collected, to facilitate communication with the institution (optional in 2003-04, required in 2004-05).
  • NEW ITEM: A brief statement of the institutional mission, or the link to the mission statement on the institution’s website will be collected (optional in 2003-04, required in 2004-05).
  • MOVED ITEM: A second Graduation Rates survey screening question will be moved to IC, Pt E for 2-yr and 4-yr institutions. This should have been done in 2002-03 when the cohort question was moved, but wasn’t, due to an oversight.
    • Did your institution offer athletically-related aid to students in academic year 2002-03?
      If you answer Yes to this question, you will be provided with screens to report these data in Section V of the Graduation Rates survey.
  • REWORDED ITEM: The Salaries survey screening question will be restructured into a 4-part question:
    • Do all of the instructional faculty at your institution fall into any of the following categories?
      • All are part time
      • All are military personnel
      • All contribute their services (e.g., member of a religious order)
      • All teach pre-clinical or clinical medicine
      Please read these questions carefully. If you answer Yes to any of these questions, the Salaries component is not applicable to your institution and you will NOT be provided the screens to report Salaries data during the Winter collection. If you answer No to all of these questions, you will be provided the screens to report Salaries data during the Winter collection.
  • NEW VERSION: Private, less-than-2-year institutions will complete a shortened version of the IC form, tailored to their sector.
  • NEW CIPs: Institutions will have the option of reporting completions using the CIP2000 or the 1990CIP. Use of the CIP2000 is optional for completions in 2003-04 and 2004-05, and required in 2005-06.
Employees by Assigned Position:
  • REMOVE CELLS : Faculty status cells for the following four job categories will no longer be applicable:
    • Technical and paraprofessionals
    • Clerical and secretarial
    • Skilled crafts
    • Service/Maintenance
Fall Staff
  • REWORDED ITEM: Contract length/teaching period screening question will be restructured into a 2-part question:
    • Do you have FT faculty?
    • If yes, specify contract lengths/ teaching periods
  • REWORDED ITEM: Contract length/teaching period screening question will be restructured into a 2-part question:
    • Do you have FT instructional faculty?
    • If yes, specify contract lengths/ teaching periods
  • REWORDED ITEM: Housing, tuition benefit questions will be restructured into a 3-option format:
    • Do you offer housing/tuition benefits?
    • No
    • Yes (restricted)
    • Yes (not restricted)
  • NEW ITEMS: Fall-to-fall retention for first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates will be collected for
    full-time and part-time cohorts (optional in 2003-04, required in 2004-05)
  • REVISED ITEMS: Detail data on full-time and part-time undergraduate fall enrollment pages will be collected,
    and subtotal and total data will be generated (rather than the reverse). Under this proposal, no new data
    items will be added to the data collection; the difference will be in the mix of items to be submitted by the
    institutions, and the items to be calculated by the data collection system.
Item Description Current data source (2002-03) Proposed data source (starting 2003-04)
First-time, first-year, degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students
Other degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
Calculated by data collection system (Item 3 – Item 1)
Total degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
Calculated by data collection system (Item 1 + Item 2)
undergraduate students
Calculated by data
collection system
(Item 5 - Item 3)
Total full-time (or part-time)
undergraduate students
Calculated by data collection system (Item 3 + Item 4)
  • CLARIFICATION: NCES has added the following (bold italics) to the instructions on who to include in the Enrollment report.
  • Students included in report:
    Report all students enrolled in courses creditable toward a diploma, certificate, degree, or other formal award. Include students enrolled in courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program, including those enrolled in off-campus centers and those taking credit courses through distance education opportunities (regardless of student location). Include high school students taking regular college courses for credit. Report these students in the classification in which they are recorded by the institution. Be sure to include full-time students taking remedial courses if the student is considered degree-or certificate-seeking for the purpose of student financial aid determination.
Graduation Rates:
  • REMOVE ITEM: Remove the transfer-out mission question, and replace it with an explanation of what is expected if institution has such a mission.
  • REMOVE SCREEN: Delete the screen that collects 4-, 5-, and 6-yr bachelor’s completers in the other-than bachelor’s subcohort (Section III).
  • NEW VERSION: 2003-04 is the second phase -in year for the new GASB 34/35 reporting format for public institutions. By 2005-06, all public institutions will be required to report in this format.
  • NEW ITEMS: Book value and market value for endowment assets at the beginning and end of the fiscal year will be collected from public and private, not-for-profit institutions (optional in 2003-04, required in 2004-05).