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CIP 2020

Detail for CIP Code 51.3401

Title: Direct Entry Midwifery.

Definition: A program that prepares individuals to provide pre-natal, natural birth, and immediate postpartum care to pregnant women in jurisdictions licensing direct (non-nursing) training for midwives. Includes instruction in basic obstetrics, women's health, fetal development, childbirth education, maternal nutrition and health, labor support, natural childbirth, postpartum support, prebirth counseling and risk screening, management of obstetric emergencies, patient referral, applicable regulations, and professional standards and ethics.

Action: No Substantive Changes

CIP Title or Definition Changed
CIP 2010 CIP 2020
Code Title Action Code Title
51.3401 Direct Entry Midwifery. No substantive changes 51.3401 Direct Entry Midwifery.
Illustrative Examples
  • [Direct Entry Midwifery]
  • [Licensed Midwife (LM)]
  • [Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)]