Using the Quick CIP Code Finder
Use this input box to quickly find any one CIP code. The formats are:
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Title: Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy.
Definition: A program that focuses on the scientific study of biologically active compounds found in naturally occurring sources such as plants, animals, and microbes and their use and/or modification as medicinal substances. Includes instruction in medicinal chemistry, organic medicinals, pharmacological therapeutics, pharmacokinetics, molecular biology, structural chemistry, enzymes, nucleic acids, economic botany, ethnobotany, bioprospecting, bioassay, compound identification and isolation, mass spectrometry, and analytical instrumentation and techniques.
Action: No Substantive Changes
The crosswalk shows the CIP code number and title in the previous version and the current version of the CIP.
Illustrative Examples
Illustrative Examples are provided to assit you in selecting the appropriate 6-digit CIP code for a particular program.
The CIP code is listed in context of the 2-digit series to which it belongs. Only codes in this CIP version are listed: neither old location of codes that moved nor deleted codes are shown in this listing.