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CIP 2020

Detail for CIP Code 52.1901

Title: Auctioneering.

Definition: A program that prepares individuals for professional careers as auctioneers and auction managers, and for meeting applicable state licensing requirements. Includes instruction in bid calling, public speaking, ringworking, auction techniques, salesmanship skills, auction clerking and cashiering, auction advertising, working independently or with auction houses, contracts and agency, applicable sales law, and managing both general auctions and auctions specializing in commodities such as antiques, consignments, farm equipment, industrial equipment, real estate, livestock, and automobiles.

Action: No Substantive Changes

CIP Title or Definition Changed
CIP 2010 CIP 2020
Code Title Action Code Title
52.1901 Auctioneering. No substantive changes 52.1901 Auctioneering.
Illustrative Examples
  • None available