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CIP 2020

Detail for CIP Code 51.1005

Title: Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist.

Definition: A program that prepares individuals to conduct and supervise complex medical tests, clinical trials, and research experiments; manage clinical laboratories; and consult with physicians and clinical researchers on diagnoses, disease causation and spread, and research outcomes. Includes instruction in the theory and practice of hematology, clinical chemistry, microbiology, immunology, immunohematology, physiological relationships to test results, laboratory procedures and quality assurance controls, test and research design and implementation, analytic techniques, laboratory management, data development and reporting, medical informatics, and professional standards and regulations. See also: 51.0719) Clinical Research Coordinator.

Action: No Substantive Changes

CIP Title or Definition Changed
CIP 2010 CIP 2020
Code Title Action Code Title
51.1005 Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist. No substantive changes 51.1005 Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist.
Illustrative Examples
  • None available