CIP 2020

Detail for CIP Code 45.0701

Title: Geography.

Definition: A program that focuses on the systematic study of the spatial distribution and interrelationships of people, natural resources, plant and animal life. Includes instruction in historical and political geography, cultural geography, economic and physical geography, regional science, cartographic methods, remote sensing, spatial analysis, and applications to areas such as land-use planning, development studies, and analyses of specific countries, regions, and resources. See also: 30.4401) Geography and Environmental Studies.

Action: No Substantive Changes

CIP Title or Definition Changed
CIP 2010 CIP 2020
Code Title Action Code Title
45.0701 Geography. No substantive changes 45.0701 Geography.
Illustrative Examples
  • [Environmental Geography]
  • [Physical Geography]
  • [Social Geography]