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CIP 2020

Detail for CIP Code 03.0207

Title: Environmental/Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism.

Definition: A program that prepares individuals to plan, develop, and manage tourism in a natural resource setting, with an emphasis on applying environmentally sound, culturally sensitive, and economically sustainable principles. Includes instruction in environmental studies; natural resource management and interpretation; tourism planning, management, and policies; public land use management and policies; communications; marketing; and public relations. See also: 31.0301) Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, General.

Action: No Substantive Changes

Text Change: CIP title or definition was updated

CIP Title or Definition Changed
CIP 2010 CIP 2020
Code Title Action Code Title
03.0207 Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism. No substantive changes 03.0207 Environmental/Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism.
Illustrative Examples
  • [Ecotourism]
  • [Resource Recreation and Tourism]
  • [Nature-Based Tourism]
  • [Natural Resources Interpretation]
  • [Hunting and Fishing Guide]