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Latest Releases by Data Collection Cycle

Twelve-month full-time-equivalent enrollment at Title IV institutions by student level, level and control of institution

Survey: 12-month Enrollment (E12);
Data Year: 2022-23
Collection Year: 2023-24
Source: Tables Library;

Full-time-equivalent undergraduate enrollment at Title IV institutions by level of institution, control of institution, state or jurisdiction

Survey: 12-month Enrollment (E12);
Data Year: 2021-22
Collection Year: 2022-23
Source: Tables Library;

12-month unduplicated headcount enrollment at Title IV institutions by race/ethnicity, gender, state or jurisdiction

Survey: 12-month Enrollment (E12);
Data Year: 2021-22
Collection Year: 2022-23
Source: Tables Library;

12-month unduplicated headcount enrollment at Title IV institutions by race/ethnicity and state or jurisdiction

Survey: 12-month Enrollment (E12);
Data Year: 2021-22
Collection Year: 2022-23
Source: Tables Library;

Number of awards conferred by Title IV institutions by race/ethnicity, level of award, gender

Survey: Completions (C);
Data Year: 2022-23
Collection Year: 2023-24
Source: Tables Library;

Number of degrees conferred at Title IV institutions by race/ethnicity, level of degree, gender

Survey: Completions (C);
Data Year: 2021-22
Collection Year: 2022-23
Source: Tables Library;

Transfer-out rates at Title IV 4-year and 2-year institutions reporting transfers by level of institution, control of institution, gender, transfer-out rate component

Survey: Graduation Rates (GR);
Data Year: 2020-21
Collection Year: 2021-22
Cohort Year: 2015, 2018
Source: Tables Library;

Number and percentage of students enrolled at Title IV institutions by control, student level, other selected characteristics

Survey: Fall Enrollment (EF);
Data Year: 2023-24
Collection Year: 2023-24
Source: Tables Library;

Number of students enrolled at Title IV institutions by race/ethnicity, gender, other selected characteristics

Survey: Fall Enrollment (EF);
Data Year: 2021-22
Collection Year: 2021-22
Source: Tables Library;

Number and percentage of students enrolled at Title IV institutions by student level, enrollment status, gender, race/ethnicity

Survey: Fall Enrollment (EF);
Data Year: 2021-22
Collection Year: 2021-22
Source: Tables Library;

Number of full-time, first-time undergraduate students enrolled at all Title IV institutions by race/ethnicity, state or jurisdiction

Survey: Fall Enrollment (EF);
Data Year: 2021-22
Collection Year: 2021-22
Source: Tables Library;