Previous SCED Versions
Version 11.0 Downloadable File (326 KB)
Version 10.0 Downloadable File (326 KB)
Version 9.0 Downloadable File (326 KB)
Version 8.0 Downloadable File (327 KB)
Version 7.0 Downloadable File (322 KB)
Version 6.0 Downloadable File (324 KB)
Version 5.0 Downloadable File (346 KB)
Version 4.0 Downloadable File (317 KB)
Version 3.0 Downloadable File (313 KB)
SCED Version 2.0 Downloadable File
This archived file includes both prior-to-secondary and secondary SCED course codes. Beginning with SCED Version 2.0, prior-to-secondary and secondary courses were coded using the same two-digit Course Subject Area Codes (the first two digits of the SCED code). Previously, prior-to-secondary courses were coded using a separate set of Course Subject Area Codes. The SCED Version 2.0 file includes a list of course codes from the 2011 prior-to-secondary SCED and their corresponding SCED Version 2.0 course codes in order to facilitate the change in Subject Areas.
Prior to Secondary School Course Classification System: SCED (2011)
This archived document includes prior-to-secondary SCED course codes and descriptions developed in 2011. It introduced a framework for prior-to-secondary course codes that was designed to mirror the framework developed in 2007 for secondary course codes.
Secondary School Course Classification System: SCED (2007)
This archived document includes the SCED course codes and descriptions developed in 2007, as well as instructions on implementing and using the taxonomy.
Current SCED File: Version 12.0
This file includes a comprehensive list of all five-digit SCED Course Codes included in SCED Version 12.0. This list includes the Course Title, SCED Course Code, Course Description, and Change Status.
SCED Finder is a tool designed to help users identify and select SCED codes and then assign elements and attributes to courses. It allows users to create, edit, and export lists of courses.