Forum Guide to Building a Culture of Quality Data: A School and District Resource (2005)
There has been a growing awareness that effective teaching, efficient schools, and quality data are linked. A "Culture of Quality Data" is the belief that good data are an integral part of teaching, learning and managing the school enterprise. This guide was developed by the Forum's Data Quality Task Force to help schools and school districts improve the quality of data they collect and to provide processes for developing a "Culture of Quality Data" by focusing on data entry—getting things right at the source. The quality of data will improve when all staff understand how the data will be used and how data become information. This guide will show how quality data can be achieved in a school or district through the collaborative efforts of all staff.
Download Zipped Quality Data PowerPoint Presentation (51 KB)†
Download individual PDFs* of Quality Data Tip Sheets:
Quality Data: The Role of the Principal (103 KB)
Quality Data: The Role of the Teacher (106 KB)
Quality Data: The Role of Office Staff (105 KB)
Quality Data: The Role of the School Board Member (108 KB)
Quality Data: The Role of the Superintendent (103 KB)
Quality Data: The Role of the Data Steward or Coordinator (131 KB)
Quality Data: The Role of Technology Support Personnel (143 KB)
*For more information on viewing PDF files
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