Education Finance Task Force

Purpose: The group’s task is to identify and describe a set of formulas and calculations, data elements, and definitions that can be used as financial indicators for school districts and school systems. Products will include: a “Data Elements” document, describing financial, student and teacher related data that is collected from and by school districts; and a “Formulas and Calculations” document, describing equity measures, cost adjustment calculations, student and teacher count measures and revenue and expenditure calculations. These documents can be used by schools, school districts and other education entities for decision and policy issues as well as to clarify definitions of current measures. Efforts are under way to ensure coordination of this information with information from other Core Data task forces.

Current Tasks: The Education Finance Task Force of the Forum has completed its revision of Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems: 2003 Edition.

Meeting Schedule: No meetings are currently scheduled.

Roster: Linda Champion (Chair), Florida Department of Education; James Christman, Pittsburg State University (KS); Matthew Cohen, Ohio Department of Education; Garnet Lavan Dukes, Florida Department of Education; Steven Honegger (Consultant Support), American Institutes for Research; Frank Johnson (Project Officer), National Center for Education Statistics; Dori Nielson, Missoula, Montana; Catherine Sielke, University of Georgia

E-mail: [Note that only registered members of a listserv (i.e., members of the task force) can send messages.]

Contact Chair: Linda Champion, Florida Department of Education

NCES Staff: Frank Johnson

Support: Steve Honegger, AIR