Exit Codes Task Force

Purpose: The Exit Codes Task Force has completed its task and produced the publication, Accounting for Every Student: A Taxonomy for Standard Student Exit Codes.

Roster: Roth Aymond, Louisiana Department of Education; Wesley Bruce (Chair), Indiana Department of Education; Christopher Chapman, National Center for Education Statistics; Robert Curtin, Massachusetts Department of Education; Roberta Garrison-Mogren, Westat; Martha Haynes, Florida Department of Education; Ghedam Bairu (Project Officer), National Center for Education Statistics; Judith Holt, U.S. Department of Education; Steven King, Wyoming Department of Education; Bunny Mack, South Carolina Department of Education; Tara McLarnon (Consultant Support), Council of Chief State School Officers; Craig Neuenswander, Unified School District 257 (KS); Deborah Newby, Council of Chief State School Officers; Mary Pat Olsen, Minnesota Department of Education; Madalyn Quinlan, Montana Office of Public Instruction; Gerard Rainville, Education Statistics Services Institute; Celia Sims, U.S. Department of Education

Chair: Wes Bruce, Indiana Department of Education

NCES Staff: Ghedam Bairu

Support: Tolani Adeboye, CCSSO